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Everything posted by Killimano3

  1. What if the plot twist is that there is actually in fact nothing wrong with the children O=
  2. Rogue one is the best new star wars film by far. It actually does world building, has exciting scenes, beautiful shots, and a solid story. Maybe not the best film ever made but definitely solid, way better then the rest of the Disney star wars. Solo I always thought was actually much better then I thought it would be. The story was very good and all the characters were likeable... It just should never have been a movie about han solo. It never feels like it's actually the same han as the original star wars. And also the origin of his name was the worst moment in all of films century long history. Like WHY DID HIS NAME NEED A STUPID ORIGIN. WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE JUST BEEN HIS ACTUAL NAME
  3. Oppenheimer and Barbie won't win best picture. It's a rule of the Oscars that once a film becomes a certain level of popular it must immediately be rejected from consideration. Gonna be some random 30m grosser that nobodys even heard of yet
  4. I liked Kings Speech better then most of the winners in the 2010s honestly
  5. I'm guessing that the civic holiday had little to do with the number but I could be wrong. Even considering Canada contributing only a small amount, it's barely a holiday to begin with. I didn't even know it existed for the first like 25 years of my life XD it's in the middle of summer when schools are already off, and most of Canada doesn't consider it a stat holiday so loads of low wage jobs don't even have it off
  6. The first time I saw EEAAO I thought it was literally 10/10 perfect... Until the moment the "big bad" showed up and started doing all the ridiculous shit, and then the film was still good but pushed all the insanity a bit too far for me to enjoy it as much. Before that I thought it had balanced it perfectly. Afterwards some parts were very funny but it was very hit or miss with me. I understood that pushing things so far was kind of the point the film, trying to showcase how everything was "pointless" on such an infinite scale regardless of how much sense it made to us, but I couldn't see passed all the especially ridiculous bits. After a second rewatch I found the later stuff a lot better tho for some reason. Third rewatch got even better too. Overall was 9.5/10 for me, I still think there was a couple moments the directors took it a little too over the top for me, but definitely one of the best movies of the decade.
  7. If we're talking bombs I always remember how John Carter and Battleship ended Taylor Kitsch's dream of being a big movie star in the span of a month.
  8. August 2023 might crush August 2022 by huge numbers if all things go well. Which is good cause last year this is where everything very suddenly went south. Unfortunately the rest of the year has the strike to contend with
  9. Move over cruise and Cameron. It's gerwig and Nolan's world now!
  10. Captain Marvel wasn't as bad as everyone makes it seem. I'll agree that it wasn't up to par with the very high quality marvel was putting out at the time, and I was somewhat disappointed by it, but it definitely wasn't bad. It was just an average enjoyable blockbuster film. Fun enough but somewhat forgettable
  11. Except American Sniper didn't win 2014 because it actually didn't release until 2015 (it released for 1 week in like 4 theaters in 2014) so really WB hasn't won since DH2 in 2011, 12 years ago
  12. I guess a lot of people just assumed it'd be terrible perhaps. The end product was pretty good though honestly. I never really thought “wow this action sucks, he's so old”
  13. Honestly I'm still surprised by just how low Indy went. The movie wasn't even bad honestly, it was pretty good I thought. So either the marketing was far more terrible then I thought or boomers really did just fully reject being reminded how long it's been since the originals lol. A year ago I thought if it was terrible itd end up around 300M and if it was great it could go as high as 500M+
  14. Finally time for Cretaceous Park/World
  15. Incredible for Barbie. Was hoping Oppenheimer could get at least 7
  16. I'm excited for this but I wish he was more in character honestly. Regular old Joaquin as Napoleon with no accent kinda took me out of the trailer a bit
  17. I mean those movies WERE from a different time. When a film came out it would be in theater for sometimes years and people would see it slowly, and often numerous times. You also didn't know if you would EVER have the chance to see it again once it left theaters.
  18. Yeah the guy I was talking about who wants to see it only heard of it from tiktok and thinks the left tried to outlaw it or something
  19. There's some showings near me here in Canada now. I know at least one guy who plans on seeing it. Not sure how long it's been out here in Canada but I imagine it's probably doing decent here for similar reasons to the US
  20. It's always interesting to me how of all the batman-related films we have, Joker is the one with the highest OS total. And I think it's safe to say Batman is fairly popular overseas. He may not have any film that's gone to insane heights overseas like other franchise (Fast & Furious, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel etc.), but putting out some 4 or 5 straight films between 400-600M shows that he's a constantly solid character
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