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Posts posted by RyneOh1040

  1. You can't rent anything here anymore.  It's really too bad that the video store is gone.

    yeah, in Nashville it's the same, but the tiny town I'm from in South Carolina still has one and it's the ONLY thing I truly love about being back.  There's really just something special about being able to go up and down an aisle, read box covers and make a decision.  I know it will never be that way again so I go every time I'm home.

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  2. I'm going to have to watch the Village again.  I liked it up until we find out that they are living in modern times and blah blah blah....the only film I have absolutely hated (hate isn't  strong enough word) of Night's is LITW.  It's one of the dumbest films I've seen.

    I was thinking of renting that this week.  Is it simply unwatchable or just really really stupid.

    • Like 1
  3. Maze Runner 2 doesn't look nearly as appealing as the first. It lost what made the first so special. The maze. It is suffering a MJ1 (lost what made the first two so popular, the games). 

    IDK if you've read the books but The Scorch is as thrilling, if not more so than the Maze.  The Maze had run its course (pun intended).  There was really nothing new that Dasher could have explored in that setting.

  4. Well, to be fair, The Village opened very well and then had a horrible multiplier.  Signs was arguably MNS at his peak so the 50 mill opening of the Village had more to do with him than the interest in the movie.  I do remember the trailers being very good but once the twist was revealed, the film died a quick death.

    this is exactly what i remember.  i also remember being about 13 when it came out and thinking it was the biggest rip off.  i actually have more respect for it now, but signs was all payoff and the village was simply a mirage.

    • Like 1
  5. Forgot what it's like to see a horror film increase on a Saturday!


    Happened to be back in my hometown for the next few weeks so I think my mom are going to do a double feature today, The Perfect Guy (her choice, lol, we saw No Good Deed last year and it was terrible) and The Visit (my choice).


    I never saw The Lady in the Water or After Earth (it looked truly atrocious) but I have said this and always will say that I didn't mind the The Happening.  It wasn't a great film by any means but I can appreciate his angle as a storyteller and trying something new.  I think it seemed like such a laughable concept that people ran with the 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME' angle, but I thought he committed and it was effective.  Whatever, I'll probably get dragged here for that and that's fine.


     On a different note, I've always been curious about the rights to The Last Airbender.  I saw that film and it was really, really terrible but obviously Paramount saw that there was a MASSIVE amount of interest.  I mean even with a SIX percent on RT it still reached a 40 OW AND somehow reached over a 3 multiplier.  The fanbase was there and was ready to support it.  I wonder why they haven't tried a reboot?

  6. 'Because some of us think that we should expect better from our movies. I don't get what's so elitist about this. Especially when no one was making "it's dumb fun!" excuses about Fury Road or MI5 or Furious 7 or Inside Out this year alone.'

    F7 is LITERALLY the definition of dumb fun. It is dudes defying the law several times, blowing shit up and defying all logic. So if no one else has made that 'excuse' for it I will. And what is elitist about that is to some people an entertaining film IS a good film, why is that a hard concept to grasp? Every summer movie won't be Mad Max. And I loved that film! But I don't think the brilliance of Mad Max negates the need for the fun of something like JW. All I'm saying is that the consensus here for JW IS NOT the consensus for the GA and when you put them down for supporting a film simply because it doesn't meet YOUR desired level of artistry I think that's the definition of elitism.

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  7. Sometimes I get super bummed out that users here like to crucify a film simply because it was entertaining.  JW may not be breaking any new boundaries but people, yes every day casual movie goers, enjoyed this film.  So much so that we now have a new 3rd place record holder at the domestic box office.  Why is this a bad thing?  And who are you to say which film is more deserving than another or infer that the people who put it there are dumb for doing so?  


    JW set the box office on fire this summer and that alone makes me happy.  A film that opens to over 200 million doesn't get a 3x multiplier JUST because of nostalgia.  The film connected with people.  If you don't like it that's fine.  If it feel short of your expectations so be it.  But don't short change the majority who enjoyed it, supported the movie going we love and get to discuss and then in the same breath belittle them for doing so.  Get over yourself.

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  8. shit this is just bad.  it really is a testament to how social media can be your lifeline or the death of you.  I think it was a mistake by Trank to post that tweet but I also understand that he's been raked over the coals by the studio and probably felt the need to defend himself.  but when you pull that shit the day before your film comes out this is going to happen.  I cannot believe we're going to have a well known superhero film opening in the 25-30 million range.  i thought that wouldn't happen for at least the next 5 years, regardless of quality.

  9. Really solid for MI5.  I was scrolling through Tom Cruise profile on Box Office Mojo last night and I forgot how consistent he has been over DECADES.  The dude is just a beast in terms of dollars grossed and sometimes I forget that because of the circus his life can be in the media.


    I still feel like FF4 is going to surprise next weekend.  There's really no reason for GA not to see it at this point.

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  10. I don't think you can attribute her success because of her box office personality. She just has a very good agent who put her in a string of very good, high profile, highly commercial projects.

    If Sandra Bullock is not a, maybe even THE box office draw right now, I don't think you can make a case that any one is. First, as someone else said, Gravity was a HUGE risk that paid off in folds. Sandra put a lot of people in those seats who were not the demo. Award season and great reviews certainly helped, but even a majority of the reviews raved about her performance. But I think you need to look no further than The Proposal and The Blind Side to see what she can do. Those two films were sold on her and her alone. Women my moms age (late 40's/early 50s) adore her and will see essentially anything she's in which is the definition of a draw.

    I don't really think ELAIC can specifically be targeted to her, as her role wa supporting at best. And All About Steve was an atrocious film that I very seriously doubt would have gotten anywhere near 30 million dollars without a highly recognizable lead. Those are certainly her biggest misfires of the past five years but even her consistency of the last 10-15 years shows that in most of her vehicles she is a huge draw. Very few female leads can get romantic comedies/dramas consistently in the 50-60 million dollar range and she has done that time and time again.

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  11. Really near catastrophic for Paper Towns.  I know the budget is low so it saves a LITTLE face but man, I was being conservative in expecting a 22 million opening, but even I didn't think it could go that low.  The frontloadedness of it all is just shocking, regardless of the fan base.  I don't know if this is enough to put Looking for Alaska on hold but I think at the very least they keep the budget for it under 10 million and don't make an option on An Abundance of Katherines.  Also shows what a true perfect storm FIOS was.  


    I saw Paper Towns yesterday and I actually liked it more than the book (which left a really sour taste in my mouth).  But Southpaw, DAMN.  I was not expecting to love it the way I did.  Gyllenhall is truly a force to be reckoned with right now.  Glad to see it over performing.

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