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Posts posted by RyneOh1040

  1. Right around where I think most of us thought both films would land, just unfortunately going to be quite dull.  I've said it before but Green will be the Nicholas Sparks of the YA generation in terms of film adaptations.  TFIOS was his Notebook.  It put him on the map and carved out a niche for himself.  While his entire catalog is widely liked, nothing is even close to the popularity of that book.  So I think this, and Looking for Alaska, will both do about 1/3-1/2 of the business of TFIOS, best case.

    • Like 1
  2. I thought for the most part the first one did follow the book, sans the telepathy.  I want this to do well but for some reason hype seems almost nonexistent.  I'm 26 now and realize I'm not part of the core audience for this ad wise, but I just feel like no one's talking about it.  Hopefully it gets a lot of walk up business.


    Would love to see this make a play for 150 but have a feeling it's going to do well to reach the first total.  Maybe international will see a big increase.

  3. Hell yah. Think the trailer is a bit confusing if you don't know the source material but overall looks good.  You can definitely see the increase in production cost but it does look as if this may veer from the book quite a bit.


    Dylan O'Brien is becoming a frontrunner for me in terms of young actors.

  4.  Who on the much maligned FF was a "draw" back in 2005? Draws like Nic Cage and Ben Affleck couldn't pull 50+m back then in not widely known SH films, but FF did. FF adjusts to over 70m opening without 3D. It made 155m against 100m budget, 155m. The apparent "ceiling" for this 130m 3D film? The 40's would have been closer to half FF admissions level.

     Ant-Man has been EVERYWHERE of late. I can't get away from it. Marketing cost must be high. 60ish, would merely be just OK no matter how you or Marvel want to spin it. It will make much more than FF worldwide I'm sure, but we're talking simply DOM performance here. I feel 70m was and still is the line here. Hard to believe Marvel/Disney would spend 130m with 60/150 as the projected "ceiling". You and others may have thought this and you may well be right, but they had to be hoping for more.

    If you think the FF isn't more well known than Ant-Man then we will just have to agree to disagree.  I wasn't comparing the star power of Paul Rudd to anyone in FF.  I was comparing it to the likes of Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, and Chris Pratt.  And just because something is marketed well doesn't really mean shit in the end.  The Lone Ranger and John Carter were marketed well (in terms of having it in everyone's face).  Doesn't change the fact whether someone was previously familiar with the subject or not.  I think it's a more than unfair to compare the likes of X-Men, Hulk and even Thor to this.  Just because Marvel has an amazing track record certainly doesn't mean they always will and when people keep expecting those lofty expectations for the lesser known properties they're bound to be disappointed.

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  5. Honestly, I'm not going to get on some kind of "bash the little guy" bandwagon, but considering Marvel STUDIOS' record post Avengers, I would think a Fantastic Four/Hulk/XFC level would be the absolute basement for a movie about a guy who runs around with a paper bag on his head.



    I honestly think this could have ended in the 40's, but that's just my opinion.  This is a much, much lesser known property to the general public and Rudd is in no way a draw.

  6. This is just a great weekend at the box office period.  


    Lololol at anyone saying this is 'ok' for Ant Man, this was near the ceiling for it.  Easily the toughest sell so far in the Marvel Universe and could have definitely underperformed.


    Schumer looks to be the real deal.  I surprisingly know very little of her material (don't get Comedy Central) but I saw an interview with her on Ellen recently and I lost it.  I've also never seen Ellen laugh that much interviewing someone.

  7. MM XXL has really saved A LOT of face with its run.  After that initial 3 day weekend number I wondered just how quickly it would fade away but it clearly has fantastic WOM.  I still think July 4th was a huge mistake for its release date overall, particularly putting it on a Wednesday, thus deflating the 3 day weekend and allowing every news outlet to make it look harsher than it is (though the weekend number was lousy).


    Has a real shot at 75 million which would be over a 6 multiplier.

  8. The TA vs. JW "Hype" debate ends for me with this:


    A lot of people here predicted TA would break the OW record. Nobody predicted anything close to it for JW.


    If you go into various "biggest of 2015" debates, JW isn't even on the radar. Nobody saw it coming, not just for the top spot, but for the top 3, even.


    So I certainly feel that JW was much more shocking and really came out of nowhere. Revisionism can be used to find reasons why it was gonna do well, but the fact remains that no one added those pieces before the preview numbers came out.


  9. It is probably gonna be under Avengers's 3rd weekend. And I am actually being serious. I am expecting 50-52M because this weekend was inflated thanks to Father's Day. 

    I think you're right.  I wish this thing all the success but I think FD will make its drop look more normal next weekend, opposed to the insane holds it has had so far.  If it somehow hits 60 next weekend then...good grief.  What a monster.

  10. I have to agree with Focus on this one that one of the things I will forever be shocked most by was what I perceived as overall anticipation for JW.  I was ecstatic.  As were most of my movie friends.  But I just didn't feel like it was the movie on everyone's lips or something so many people were counting down to.  I d k, awareness just didn't seem TA level to me.  At all.


    Of course I'm glad it surprised and continues to do so but I'll be the first to admit that my feelers for it were wayyyyy off, maybe more off than any other movie I've ever followed.

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  11. And I def. have to agree with Baumer on this one, I think JW is quite ambitious on its own right.  There was a lot in that film that the general public could have REAMED if done wrong, i.e. trained or somewhat contained dinos, the introduction of a hybrid, a functional and operating park, but they somehow grounded a lot of that and made it seem plausible.  I guess I don't know what can be much more ambitious than having a film where something that has proven to be so terrifying and destructive is a fence away from 20,000 people.  


    I for one would like to see the park somehow incorporated into the sequel, whether they find a way to reopen (seems unlikely) or at some point just have to revisit.  I was thinking about that when I got out of my showing today, I'm not sure where the story goes from here.  I don't know how many times this failed experiment can be made to believe it works and is for the greater good.

    • Like 2
  12. I'd say 80% of my entertainment budget is spent on movies.

    Hey Baumer, I know I've mentioned this before on here, but does MoviePass operate in Canada?  If so, definitely grab it.  Totally worth the $30-$35 (depending on what city you live in) per month.  It has single handedly redistributed my discretionary income because I have fixed costs to essentially see as many movies as I want.

  13. The only film I've seen so far this year that might have worse characters is Jupiter Ascending.

    That film was an absolute shit show.  I went it expecting it to be bad, but it was somehow worse than I prepared myself for.  Has anyone on here started Sense8 on Netflix?  I actually liked the trailers, but The Wachowskis are so hit and miss for me.

  14. Just got out of my second showing of JW.  It was probably 75% full, but know that I was back where I grew up in South Carolina and movies NEVER sell out there.  Ever.  So the theater being that full is a great sign.


    I D K.  I know the movie has flaws.  At times it can dance on the very thin line of entertaining and cheesy.  But overall I  just think this is the heart of what a summer blockbuster is.  At it's heart it IS what the Jurassic franchise is.  And don't get me wrong, nothing will ever touch the original, but for a completely new team I think they hit it out of the park and more than made a place on the Jurassic mantle.   It's just so damn fun.

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  15. The run ended after that #, sorry if I find it overrated vs JW, TA1, TDK, ROS plenty of other runs.

    No one is comparing a Potter movie to massive blockbusters that have had great legs.  Potter never did.  


    But I'm guessing you weren't here for that weekend it was one for the ages.  That singular weekend was as fun for me (and a lot of others) as a lot film's entire runs are.

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