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Posts posted by RyneOh1040

  1. Into the Woods will come in below expectations because there is too much kids/family fare competing against it (Museum, Annie, Big Hero 6).  I would go with a 4 day total in the upper 30s.


    What is interesting about ITW is that the trailers/marketing have focused on Streep instead of Kendrick.  Streep isn't a box office draw.  Kendrick would appeal more to girls b/c of the Pitch Perfect fanbase (DVD sales of Pitch Perfect are very high).  The Giver flopped.



    Trolls be trollin.  Was Pitch Perfect a sleeper hit?  Sure.  Do I love Kendrick and wish to marry her?  Yep.  Does she even scratch the surface on the accomplishments of Streep or what her name brings to a film?  Hell no.


    And a 4 day total in the upper 30's would not be below expectations, it would be quite good.

  2. Into The Woods, yes.  That is where the audience for Annie will go when they hear the bad WOM and reviews for it.  Unbroken - ehhh, not so much.  No Golden Globe nods, no name actors.  Only 75 domestic for that.

    Into The Woods has the quality to be big I can tell you that.  I saw it last week and was kind of blown away at how good it is.  I'm not a huge fan of musicals but I loved it.  The 2200 theater count is alarming though, I thought this would be around 3200-3400 OD.

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  3. You don't get to that big of an opening unless you're a very highly anticipated sequel(usually). So The Hunger Games absolutely belongs in the same conversation as Avengers/TDK/TDKR as far as opening weekend and multipliers are concerned.

    I'm not saying it doesn't belong in the same conversations but I'm saying those three films you just listed have MUCH greater factors working in their favor than this franchise EVER will.  When you draw straight line comparisons (i.e. CF had the worst multiplier of the 4) between them it seems ridiculous to me because of course it was going to.  The fact that it's even in the conversation when those films had so much more going for them is the feat.

  4. So, we can only compare it to third movies in a series of 3 books turned into 4?

    No, but you certainly can't put it on the same playing field as the finale of one of the most beloved series of the past two decades (TDKR), a film that was literally the event of year after Ledger's death (TDK), or a film that took Marvel 5 plus years and 5 plus films to lay the groundwork for.  


    Surely you see that's biased?

  5. I think the only really disappointing thing about the Mockingjay number is that it's lower than BD Part 1.  I just think it was impossible for this to have the momentum of the first two, especially when those two were much more friendly to the general audience.  I do think that if it opens in the DH Part 1 range, then Guardians officially wins the year.  There's just no reason for this to have great legs.  I think 310-315 seems like a solid place for it to land.


    Part 2 will still be huge. 

  6. Just got back from Mockingjay...as a fan of the franchise I think it was well done but overall unnecessary.  The first hour is a real drag.  The back half is solid but its easily the weakest film of the three.  There is one scene in the last 10 minutes of the film that I found to be very unsettling.  Much more intense than I had pictured it from the book.  I think Moore is a good add here, and did a great job with President Coin.  I think if this opens in the 125-135 range, that's just fine.


    The real story for me at my viewing was the Pitch Perfect 2 trailer.  My audience LOST it and knew what it was with only the 'Cups' rendition playing before any cast were even shown.  I know the first has found a wide audience but I think next May this is going to surprise some people with just how high it opens.  I think 40-50 million OW is a very realistic possibility.  It's also been trending on Twitter for TWO DAYS now.  Ridiculous.

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  7. Just got back from Interstellar in IMAX and I'm surprised to see estimates have dropped so much...wasn't 21-23 million OD on the table earlier?  Still a fine result.


    I need to see the film again, but I definitely feel like the RT score is pretty spot on.  I will always love Nolan for his vision and ambition, but INTERstellar is a fitting title; it's somewhere between good and great.

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