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Posts posted by RyneOh1040

  1. Well Beyoncé certainly has her own brand and has made her way to the top and stayed there for quite some time.


    However, vocally no. They are just better vocalists than Bey. But I do love her style.

    I would agree with this, though I do still think she has damn good vocals.  There's a warm up video of her singing 1+1 that gives me cold chills.  But I also think overall, she is the best female entertainer of our generation.  She is the full package.

    • Like 3
  2. Just got back from AoE.  What an absolute shit show.  I had no intention of seeing this but two friends who I hadn't seen in a REALLY long time wanted to hang and see it.  I have MoviePass so I figured what the hell.  and I figured right.  WHAT.  THE.  HELL.  Look I get it. It's Bay, I know what I'm getting but who the hell approved a 3 hour run time for this.  Ridiculous.  A screenplay was nonexistent and literally nothing about the plot made any kind of sense.  The daughter and her boyfriend 'Lucky Charms' made me want to throw myself in front of a train and even Mark Wahlberg seemed to be half assing everything.  Stanley Tucci was the only character I could stand to watch and that's just a testament to how good he is.  


    Being a big fan of the first film, I just don't understand what went wrong.  These past three movies have just been lifeless and devoid of any kind of creativity.


    Michael Bay is the 9th Horcrux :/

    • Like 4
  3. Ah!


    Here is what I recommend that is currently on Netflix:



    Breaking Bad - Speaks for itself

    Freaks and Geeks - great coming of age series that only lasted 18 episodes(so you don't have to devote too much time).  Look at how young they all are!

    Friday Night Lights - This is why everyone thought Taylor Kitsch was gonna be hot shit and my crush on Connie Britton will never fade.  Also, Michael B. Jordan gets in on it too.  Great show.

    Mad Men - This is one I need to finish catching up with, but it's a crazy good show.



    Love you so much for this one.  It's my favorite show of all time and probably one of the most underrated series of all time as well.  Now that Nashville is filming here in town I'm always on the lookout for Britton.  What an absolute babe.

  4. Even though I was one of the rare few who didn't really care for CA:TWS, these past few weeks really put into perspective how successful its run was.  After so many disappointments (mainly in terms of legs, I don't care about 100 OW ASM2, Godzilla, X-Men all had very good to great openings) CA really bucked a trend that hadn't even started yet.  ASM2 and Godzilla are going to BARELY cross 200, while X-Men will probably fall short of X3.  Really a shame, as I believe all three have something really good to offer.  


    Maybe legs will slowly become a thing of the past (except in terms of sleeper hits that gain WOM).  Rush factor is bigger than ever and even though it's shit that 7PM on a Thursday counts as a Friday number there's no denying the fact that people want to see a movie RIGHT when it comes out (opposed to say 10 years ago).  It's getting hard to tell the fanboys from the general audience.


    All that to say CA is really the only film (in terms of blockbusters) to have any sort of legs and that's something.

  5. YIKES for HTTYD2.  That would truly be a terrible Saturday number.


    Just got back from 22JS.  What a fun ride.  Yes some of it's silly, but Tatum and especially Hill are just so damn good together.  LOVED the fact that it makes so much fun of itself and oh man the end credits were just absolutely brilliant.  Could go for one more but would feel totally satisfied if they just left it at these two.

    • Like 1
  6. No major animated film until Planes. Nothing else which is blanketely good for all kids. 

    No competition doesn't necessarily guarantee people will show.  It's awfully early to make these kinds of calls either way but I think it's safe to say initial interest for this sequel isn't near what a lot of us thought.  


    After the way most things have turned out this summer I'm more inclined to believe things will disappoint than anything.  200 is all but guaranteed for Maleficient, it will be at 165 by the end of the weekend, so I don't see how you're getting that it won't hit it.

    • Like 1
  7. Did someone seriously say that Maleficent could outgross HTTYD2? God you people are hilarious.

    I don't think it will either but you can't say its nonsensical.


    A lot of if's to go on but IF the film did open to 50, then it's certainly not a guarantee to beat Maleficient.  Finishing with 215 on a 50 OW won't be an easy feat, even with no competition.  The first film garnered a rare 5 multiplier there's no reason this should do higher.


    So while I do also think it WILL take Maleficient in the long run I don't think it's any where near certain.

    • Like 1
  8. Really good for 22JS and just average to disappointing for Dragon.  I do think it will have great legs but still with the lack of family competition that number should have been bigger.


    Good holds for spots 3-5, and yes I'm including TFIOS if that 60%ish drop holds.  Considering the fan base that could have been MUCH worse.  I was honestly expecting somewhere around 75.  

    • Like 3
  9. Wouldnt be surprised if this hits 25 OD.

    Same which was originally what I was thinking (and then have a huge drop off saturday/sun).  Now I'm not so sure.  I do think it will be front loaded.  But with the good reviews and seemingly excellent WOM I think it's going to get more GA appeal than I was initially expecting.  


    This is going to open close to some of the tentpoles and that's saying something.  I think there's a very legitimate shot that it doubles EOT.

    • Like 1
  10. It will be but it may be just as well the female equivalent of Pacific Rim. I really don't know what to predict for it, but it is the fact that its audience practically lives on Twitter and tumblr so obviously gigantic number of tweets wont translate to 250m opening weekend.

    Def. agree here.  And I personally think around 40% of it's OW will be its total gross.  But the fanbase is going to show up in droves come Friday.

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