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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Agreed about being more grounded, a tropical climate would bejust about the only one that Dinos in the wild in today;s world cold survive in.
  2. You don;t handle a film like this the way you do most films, but yeah, they need a trailer.
  3. Nah, focus should be on Galactus. And I don;t like the idea of writing him in so late in the game .
  4. Ghostbusters was just if not more iconic but was ruined by bad handling. I admit, I though Beetlejuice 2 would do well, but I was not expecting a 100 Million opening being in the cards.
  5. That it apparently does practical effects and keeps CGI to a minimum is another reason why I am rooting for this movie.
  6. Yes, Fathom has done some original releases. I just wonder why Laika films have trouble getting general releases. It;s not like their movies seem just as commerical as some other animated films.
  7. Yes, Sir Ridley was indulging in a bit of overkill in pushing a movie, but saying that somehow dooms the film is stupid. Scott has said the same thing about a couple of other of his films before theywere released.
  8. And it not like TROS was that great a movie either. I thin making the entire sequel trilogy into basically a rehash of the original trilogy was not a good idea from the beginning.
  9. From what I can read, this was got a limited release in the US, and did not perform well.
  10. Re Dr Doom and RDJ: I don't think he will play a major role in the film, but I would bet a sizable amount of money he will show up in the post credit sequences.
  11. Which was a deliberate choice by Scott. He wanted a suspense film, not an action film. Cameron took the opposite track in Aliens 2.
  12. Hindsight is always 20/20. Frankly, both Borderlands and Crow probably looked like better bets then White Bird. Certainly they were more commerical movies; action sci fi is alot better box office then this kind of drama. But that is water under the bridge. I guess Lionsgate is in no mood to throw away tens of Millions of dollars in a threatical release for a film whose box office prospects do not look great.
  13. Avatar 3 will make tons of money. But you won't hear a lot of 'Biggest Money Maker Of All TIme' Predictions, except from the mor extreme Cameron fanboys. I am not a Cameron fanboy or a Cameron Hater,I think he has a mixed record as far as the artistic worth of his movies go. I actually think Avatar was one of his weaker films;not as much fun as his earlier ones, and IMHO failed to suceed as a more serious movie due to his preaching in the movie.
  14. For a website about box office, you have a number of people who don't grasp the business realities of the flm business. One of them is simply how damn much it costs to get a movie into theaters.
  15. It is not terrible, but not that great either. Lionsgate just suffered two big bombs ina role, it makes sense for them to dump a movie with quetionable box office. 'You just don't get how much it costs to get a movie into theaters.
  16. To be fair, nobody was expecting TDK to take off the way it did. People forget that Batman Begins was only a modest sucess at the box office, and it was in fact in doubt if it would get a sequel. No one thought TDK would do better then good business. No one was expteing it to be one of the biggest moneymakers of 2008 the way it did ANyway, even if it had a different release date, I don't see it doing that much better then the original.
  17. If you know your Comic Book History, you would know the that FF, when they debuted in 1961, did indeed launch the Mavel Universe. Marvel had not done a Super Hero comic since they killed off the golden age heros in 1949 because of weak sales. The sucess of the FF revied it. It also showed the DC did not have monopoly on sucessful superheros, which was sort of the conventiona wisdom in the Comic book business at that time. I wonder if they will go with the "Reed Richards was the first man on the moon" bit. He landed on the Moon in 196e, which Stan Lee cheerfully admitted caused problems after 1969, but he said no one in the COmic industry was looking far ahead in 1963.
  18. Proyas has a point, but then when it comes to cynical cash grabs, I have to point at Poryas's 'I Robot" which butchured the Asimov Robot stories and turned them into a very cliched and medicore action thriller. Was very dissapointed, I was not expecting Proyas to sell out the way he did.
  19. Nostalgia has always been with us. I don't get why you are upset by that.
  20. Which might upset some of the more heavy duty CBM fans. Same old story I am afraid, people say they want a fresh, new approach to somethng, but if you give it to them they get upset.
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