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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. In a way, it is the problem I had with RDF Holmes movies. The chatecter just was not the Sherlock Holmes I grew up with and loved. He is not an action hero.
  2. If Ortega is really that big, Wenesday is going to have a problem hanging on to Ortega. AAt the least, she will get a much bigger paycheck.
  3. If this is blockbuster, then Wendesday will have problem since Ortega will almost certainly want out to make a career in the movies.
  4. Not sure that Beetlejuice is any bigger overseas then Ghostbusters. There has got to other reasone why this seems to be much bigger then Ghostbusters. I checked the tracking and I admit, I though a Beetlejuice sequel would do well, but not that well.
  5. God, Lionsgate really has become the studio that cannot do anything right. This weill be yet another fail for Lionsgate.
  6. I agree that visually this film looks much, much better then it;s predessecor, but I agree the comment it is more serious is pretty headshaking. How serious can a freaking Sonic movie be?
  7. People forget the animated film was a animated film of a live action drama. I was not a big fan of the film; Ijust think the subject matter was not great for a animated musical film. Don't know if they can get away with the liberties they took in today's market. And,frankly, anythying t do with Russia is probably looked at askance since the Ukraine war started.
  8. Oh, distributors will still distribute Lionsgate movies, but they will not buy the rightsoutright, . which was how Lionsgate protected itself in the past. It;s complex, but basically when a distributor buys the rights to a movie, it gets a much bigger percentage of the take then in a standard distribution deal. The downside is if the film flops, you eat the loss, not Lionsgate, which covered itself with the money from the sale. A standard distrubtion deal is much different, with Lionsgate taking the risks.
  9. If it continures to get the kind of reviews it is getting early on, I think we got a heayy favorite for the this year's best feature length documentary Oscar.
  10. Even if it got good reviews, I think over 100M is out of reach for this, though I think it will do well.
  11. And the Politicla Dynasty in question has cut RFK jr loose. He is not tethered to the Kennedys anymore.
  12. You can;t really apprecitae some of the jokes in Coraline unless you are really familiar with Ashland in Oregon.
  13. Well, the horrible accent he had in Deadpool 3 did not help much. It was a bad French accent; nothing like a Cajun accent.\ Of course that might have been deleiberate choice for laughs. I don';t think anybody..including Tatum..expected him to get in the MCU as Gambit with that accent.
  14. Question is is Minecraft good material for a movie? I think it is like Sims or Sim City.good sandbox game but don't think it is good movie material.
  15. That use of the Jackson footage just will turn off the Tolkein fans..as opposed to the LOTR fans...even more.
  16. Which is my whole quarrel with the Tolkine spinoffs. They lose what is unique about Tolkien's Middle Earth, and turn into just another run of the mill fantasy. I have to agree with the guy here who said he hates Tolkien being turned into a franchise.
  17. My main quarel lis standard ANime style animation if not a good fit for Tolkien. Now Ghibli would be interesting doing this, but then they really don't do standard anime stuff. I can't see this doing good business, period.
  18. Well, once again in the reactions to this we see the Huge gap that has opened between the Tolkine fans and the LOTR fans when it comes to the spinoffs. I don't hide I am a Tolkien fan and have low opinion of spinoffs.
  19. Evenin the comics, I never got why Kang was so popular. He just never really struckme as having that something extra that makes a good villian. I could think of a number of other Marvel villians that would made a better "COsmic level threat" then Kang..one of whom we are getting in the Fantastic Four film. Speaking of thanos,it wold be fun in one of the Multiverses, to have him taken down by Squirrel Girl.
  20. Since they don't have to spend much on it, it is no brainer low risk venture.
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