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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Nice thing jfor Disney is even it is dissapointing, the costs on this were so low they will probably at least get their money back.
  2. The first head has rolled. Or maybe they just sent him a fish wrapped in newspaper....Old SIcilian message.
  3. Well, Grease was good, Grease 2 was not made a difference. BNut agreed remaking a classick like Grease is always a risky undertaking.
  4. And they can't sell off the distribution rights to the films to shield themselves from losses anymore. They did that once too often for films that bombed, and now the dsitriubtors seem will not touch a distriubtion rights deal with Lionsgate. Now it the usual drisrubition deal in which the distributors don;t pay liongates a cent in advance.
  5. I don;t think there is a film in history , no matter how well received, that did not get some critical reviews whenit opened. With Coppola, I think part of it with Godfather was some critics though he had "Sold out" to the Hollywood establishment by making the Godfather; before that Coppola was considered one of the most promising American Avant Garde directors. It was OK for him to sell his skills a screenwriter for a commerical project like he did with writing Patton (and winning an Oscar for it) but directing a commerical film like the Godfather was beyond the pale for some of the critics. Film snobbery and contempt toward popular cinema was still a big thing among the :intellecutual critics at the time. And John Simon and Rex Reed both had reputations of being "Contrarians" anyway; that shitick was around a long time before Armand WHite came along.
  6. I bet they still have not decided where the hell to take the series; we still don't know if they are going to refilm the original novels or go for original material. After what happened with the Beast films, WB is not sure how to keep the Potter Money Train rolling. Come to think of it, they had mixed sucess with the LOTR revivla also. (Yes, I know that Rings of Power was shown on Amazon Prime, but it was produced by New Line, which for all intents and prposese is just a bench of WB studios.
  7. Oh,I agree the reveiw is worthless.
  8. With Borderlands bombing big time, this fiasco, and "The Crow" not looking very promising, this has not been a good month for Lionsgate. I guess it was a really badly though out attempt to be clever.
  9. God, it is like Apocalypse Now, where the further down river the Boat went, the wierder things got. Let's hope it does not end with "The Horror...The Horror".
  10. Problem is, when you remake a film with a following like the original Crow, you had damn well bring your A game to it.
  11. I suggest to you that the popularity of a game does not seem to carry over automaticaly into live action movies. If that were the case "Doom" would have been a huge hit.
  12. Given that Coppola is one of my favorite filmakers of all time, I am interested is what he has come up with. Even if it is a failure, it will be an interesting one.
  13. No shit, SHerlock. GOd, what is it with Lionsgate: They can't seem to do ANYTHNG right nowdays.
  14. I wonder if they will tell why DOnald was Created....so he could do all the nasty ill tempered stuff that Midkey could no longer do because Mickey had to clean up his act after he became so popular with kids.
  15. Iorny ius Enemy Mine is basically a Sci Fi remake of 'Hell in the Pacific" a film starring Lee Marvin and TOshiro Mufune about an American and an Japanese solider both sole survivors who are trapped on a remote Islan during World War 2.
  16. Well, to be fair despite it;s sucess Mean Girgls was not a great musical. Only really good song was "Alpha Predator". Not that i might have mattered, "West Side Story" is one of the greatest stage muscials every written, and the film version of that bombed, sadly.
  17. ANyway, trying to sell a movie as something other then what it is almost never works. "Bait and Switch" does not work with movies. I am sadden by the discussion of musicals here isjust about the recent ones, while prety sure the ones that Phillips will be homaging are the classic MGM musicals of the 40's and 50's. Lady Gaga doing the Judy Garland classic "Get Happy" in the second trailer sort of hints at that.
  18. Not so sure it is a red flag as they are afraid of alienating the core CBM constituency whom they assume hate musicals.
  19. I agree about Letterbox reviews, but would not be surprised at all if this film is another stinker.
  20. WHich makes it the wierder that Phillips seem not to want to call this a musical.
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