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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. I can see this move going either way... a huge hit or a big disspaointment. It depends on how good it is, really. Oh,it will have a big opening weekedn, but I think it actually has to be good to make th ekind of bucks some people are saying. It has to be a GOOD prequel to LK, not jus a mediocre rehash of elements of the original backsated to Mufasa.
  2. Lets face it, Ziegler's Maria is what made Speilburg's "West Side Story" so good.
  3. I would have to look at the budgets for both films before I could sign on for that. I won't go see this because everything I have seen indicates this movie is just plain bad, instead of so bad it is an unintentional laugh riot bad. I will wait until the Rifftrax people get ahold of this.
  4. I admit a certain amount of glee at Ukraine Humiliating Putin by their offensive into Russia.
  5. The current Lionsgate management are probably happy they can blame Borderlands on the previous administration :Hey we did'nt greenlight this POS.
  6. They have forgotten how to function as a studio making low budget films, and can't make many big budget films because thier model of selling off the distriubtion rights fell apart becuase the distributors got tired of having Liongate made films bomb on them. Though the current studio managment have a get out of jail free card on Borderlands: It was greenlit by the previous administration.
  7. That is pretty much what the critics are saying. Happy about It Ends With Us, since I am happy when ever a straigh up drama does well at the box office. Great Summer for both Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds.
  8. I am curious about the Borderline numbers. Not a case of if they will be bad, just how bad.
  9. If there is one group of people I reallly have lot of contempt for, it is those who equate making a lot of money with being a good film. One reason is that if that is true, then the opposite has got to be true, if a film losses money, it is a bad film. Some of what are now are almost universally considered great films failed at the box office when they first came out.
  10. And IMHO Lionsgate "The Crow" looks like another disaster . Not a good month for Lionsgate.
  11. Let's get a betting pool going on if this is going to as badly received as Lionsgate 'Borderlands" was. Not looking to be agood August for Lionsgate.
  12. He won his best actor oscar playing a bad guy, after being robbed in Malcolm X.
  13. I guess that 9 Billion Max just lost made even Zaslev realize he needs to bring in some more income, but fast. I do wonder why a bigger distributior did not pick this up. Maybe they just don't trust Zaslev.
  14. Only thing you need to set up is Doom, and that you can do in the Doomsday film itsefl.
  15. Thing about Warners is that Nine Billiion Dollar loss on Max, which sent Warners stock into freefall, just ate up most of the the profits from not just Twisters, but every film on the 2024 threatrical schedule. The shareholders will get very little if any benefit from it. Such huge amounts of Red Ink is a bad thing.
  16. Real problem Warners has with that nine billion dollar loss is that all the profits from their 2024 theatrical movies just got drowned in red ink, producing nothing for the stockholders earnings.
  17. I don;t get why adding repitles somehow "ruins" the Worldbuilding of the first film. Of course, "worldbuilding" is one of those words that get tossed around pretty loosely nowdays.
  18. Or maybe there are some legal issues that make it hard for Zaslev to pull the show from cable.
  19. SO we will have competion between Ironheart and War Machine as to who will be the Iron Man replacment in the new Avengers roundup?
  20. We all know too many people think exactly that. And have similair thoughts about minorities in leading roles.
  21. BS. Almost nobody remembers Baby's Day Out nowdays. And the 'Lion King swiped from a Japanese Movie" theory has been pretty effectively refuted. I am skeptical about Mufasa at the box office, but not for those reasons
  22. For how long? Maybe there are some contracual obligations with Adult Swin that make it impossible for Zaslev to pull it right now.
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