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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. No doubt. I don't think they would have greenlit a Alien movie at the budget the last two had given their box office perfromance.
  2. You and me both. SOme of the comments are so over the top I can' but help suspect shills at work, and maybe some judicious packing of screenng audiences (ie, give free tickets to people you know are already favorable to the movie). When it comes to geek movies, always distrust early opinions.
  3. Hard to say. No doubt the franchise has suffered brand damage, but the film is obviously trying to go back to the roots of the franchise.
  4. Absolutely. I find the whole the evil Netowrk execs trying to sabotage the show angle to be silly. why the hell would they spend the money Just to make Michales fail rather then just not give him the money in the first place. ANyway, I find the whole "Evil suits versus the creative artist" to have become a tired cliche. It's not that simplistic in real life
  5. Not very subtle, is he? He is going to find out that one of the hardest things in show biz is to convince people to pay for somehting they previusly got for free. He will get few new subscribers to Max and a lot of ill will by the general public. I would not be surprised if the loss of advertising revenue from the CN is far greater then the money he gets from new subscribers to MAX. Zaslev is convinced he can shove anything down the public's throat and they will accept it. He is going to find out otherwise. I was skeptical about the theories he is trying to destroy Warners to sell off the individual parts, i put his mistakes down to being new to running a studio, but I am coming around to his being a wrecker. Be interesting to see how his fanboys here defend his latest crap. I gave him the benefit of the doubt at first, because when a company is in deep debt problems you have to take some pretty brutal actions to stop the bleeding..some thing a lot of people here did not get...but I am though giving him the benefit of hte doubt. He is the kind of guy who, sady, give Capitalism a bad name.
  6. It's called "being stupid and throwing good money down the drain".
  7. Question is how well Zaslev is handling it. And he seems not to be handling it well. I agree previous managment is what got WB into this mess, and a lot of people here forget that. SOme have tried to blame all of WB's problems on Zaslev, which is stupid. But he was brought in to fix the situation, and he seems to not be doing a good job of doing that. I gave the benefit of the doubt when he came on baord, and wrote off some of his early actions as necessary; even if the cancellations of some projects pissed off the fanboys, but I am past that. Zaslev is not doing the job he was hired to do. Even if you write off the fanboy hatred becasue Zaslev cancelled some shows the hardcore geeks liked ( but the GA did not) Zaslev has not performed very well. WB should be doing better then it is.
  8. Problem is Iger probably does not wanr to add more debt to Disney right now. Particulary since adding too much debt is what got Warners into the situation it is in. Also, it might trigger anti trust problems for Disney.
  9. Yeash, the have done poor jobs of managing their streaming, but if you think streaming is going away you have another thing coming. wB probabl spent too much on streming product.
  10. Of course not, Warners does badly it means less funding for DC studios.
  11. Netflix just greenlit a streaming series based on the Bioshock franchise a few years after a failed attempt to make a live action thereatical film out of it. More proof that liva ction video games based series seem to be hot, live action video game movies are not.
  12. The more I thinkk about this, more I am convinced Lois Land inthis will be updated version of the fast talking, really aggresive Women Reporter of the Classic 30's and 40's movies..... Which ,indicently is who the original comic book Lois was modeled after.
  13. I don't care who it is, whoever gets the Alec Baldwin role will come nowhere close to equalling what Baldwin did in the original.One of the greats rants/monogoues in screen history.
  14. Waiting for him to call Trump a Hockey Puck.
  15. That will be who WB will push for in thieir Oscar campaign. No way in hell will Phoenix win again playing the same charecter, no matter how good he is. Warners knows this.
  16. Something tell me the amount of chaos before the first show has really been upped beyond what happened. I alos find the whole "THye want you fail" since the youth demo the show was aiming for was the demo that every network wanted. I still wonder if Howard Shore will be a charecter in this, since was the Musical Director for the SHow in it;s early year.
  17. GHostbusters and SNL have always been linked. The original cast and the original writers were all SNL veterens. Little irony, When Ackyord begun writing GHostbusters, it was as a co starring vehical for him and Belushi. Then Belushi died, and another SNL alumnus in Murray stepped in.
  18. SOP for a lot of directors to like to work with the same people. A lot of the great ones, from John Ford to David Lean to Stephan Spielberg to Chris Nolan have a core of people they hire whenever possible.
  19. That, and the he handled the "Retro" sitcom scenes in "Wandavision" is what got him the job. Though, come to thnk of it, Wandavisio has apretty disfunctional family also. And that is the main thing about the classci Fantastic Four. They are often disfunctional, they fight all the time, both Johnny and Ben have walked out on occasion, but the family is reall threatened they all come together. Reed is the often impatient father, Sue is the mother, Johnny is the young kid who often has a too high opinion of himself, and Ben is the grumpy uncle.
  20. Ithink is a case of a small group of core Avengers members, and all the other heros in the MCU being sort of a "Reserve" for the Avengers. Of course, I keep on hoping for the Great Lake Avengers to show up....
  21. Yeah, that is wierd. Lionsgate was right in not spending a dime more then the minimum or marketing for this turkey. When you are aware you have a stinker on your hands, and clear the Lionsgate did, you cut your losses and don't add to the ren ink by trying to save it when that seems hopeless. Don;t know why they are lying about this, it's is standard SOP in the film business when you think you have a bomb at your hands (the exception is where you have spent so much on a film that you have to try to save it. Borderlands does not fall into that territory). And I got a feeling that Lionsgate witt have another big fail with The Crow. Not a good summer for them at all.
  22. They have never been the same since their whole selling off the regional rights to the film business model stopped working. Thye are no longer shielded from having to pay for their mistakes the way they once were. Selling off the regional rights covered most of their production costs at the expnese of lesser profits, but it stopped owrking when distributors got wise to the tactic and stopped buying the regional rights.
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