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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Thng about Mazin is that , looking at his resume, you never know what you are going to get with him. "Chernobly" is one of the best things I ever seen on TV, but he has done a lot of absolute crap also. So I would like to see that first script for Borderlands before saying it was a great script. But that Mazin had his name taken off the film is not a good sign..givne some of the crap his has allowed his name to be used on. But, yeah , the story of how this happened would be interesting. It had a lot of red flags all over it early in post production, though. It is Never a good sign when a film is on the shelf as long as this one was. No one shold be surprised it is turning out to be a POS. And, like every crappy movie ever made, it has it defenders, though at times I wonder if they really think it is good or they are just trying to be edgy and cool by being contrarian...a gimmick which lost whatever value it has a long time ago. As for Grace..somebody said she was a brilliant humorist that most people did not get. All I can say is her humor is so briliant I forgot to laugh. But if you are cute blond you are going to find some defenders. In fact, I think Grace;s whole career is based on that: 'Look at Me, I am a cute blond who is really into geeky stuff". Ihaven ot seen she has much more to offer then that.
  2. Don't forger, though she wears a mask Lively did do a cameo in Deadpool and Wolverine (She is Ladypool).
  3. SOmeone tell these two that in real life Ryan Reynolds and BLake Lively are marries with a daughter. Also, though she never shows her face, Lively had a cameo in Deadpool and Wolverine (she was Ladypoole).
  4. Just struck me some people don't know that Reynolds and Lively are married and have a daughter.
  5. You think Ryan is not going to plug his Wife's movie?
  6. Payback for Blake Lively;s cameo in "Deadpool and Wolverine", And don;t forget BLake and Ryan are Mr and Mrs Reynolds in real life.
  7. Still plesently surprised he found time to do this score given how busy he must be with his "THEM!" remake.
  8. I am not saying let the artist off the hook...I have blasted a lot of Polanski fans for baiscally wanting to give Polanski a get out of jail free card....I am saying we have to understand someone can be complete creek and still produce great art.
  9. I disagree. Phoenix reprising his Oscar Winning take on The Joker is pretty big box office.
  10. Quetion is how do you do it without making it look like a Logan ripoff?
  11. I think "Winter SOldier" and the Falcon/Winter Soldier DInney Plus series were pretty political. But I can;t help but think Cap 4 is going to be political since it;s pretty clearhow people reacto a Black Captain America will be a major plotline. But as for the comment made here, I smell thinly disguised Go Woke Go Broke .
  12. I guess comparasions with "Walk the Line" will be inevitable. I was right about one thng. I knew "A Hard Rain Is Gonna Fall" was a must have for a Dylan biography. I don't get the love for Rocketman which I felt was just a OK movie. Iliked "Elvis" a lot better.
  13. I think Del Toro's Pinnochio was a mixed bag, but that was brilliant. What makes it even funnier is Italy's less then brilliant military record in World War 2.........
  14. This. Charelton Heston did not want to do a sequel to the 1968 film, because he could not see where they go with the charecter, did not think they could equal the satire of the first and it would be just more adventures with the apes, which he was not interested in doing, But they so desperate to have him in the sequel they agreed to pay him a huge amount of money for a short appreance in the film..as much as he would have made if had been the lead. But ,since he wanted to try to preserve the uniqueness of POTA, he made it a condition that the world be destroyed at the end of the sequel to prevent any other sequels. But, as he stated in his memoreis, he should have guessed the bastards would find a way around that and make more sequels. I get where Heston was coming from. In 1968,the final scene in Apes was a genuine shock to audiences and has become Iconic.
  15. You beat me to it. Setting Pan's Labyrinth during the Spanish CIvil War was pure genius.
  16. Mine are Disney Plus, Paramount, Apple and Neflix. I get Amazon prime for "free" since is have been a member since before they became a streaming channel. I order a lot on Amazon, and the savings I have with the free shipping more then pay for my membership.
  17. Why? Del Toro seems not be a good team player. Look what happened with "The Hobbit" and if you think schedule probleme was the only reason Del Toro and PJ parted way, you are pretty naive. Feige is the real auteur of the MCU and I don't think Del Toro is willing to give up being the auteur of his films.
  18. I think Gachiino as director is going to be tied up with his "THEM" remake at Warners for quite a while. But ,yeah, I was happy..and surprised to hear he was doing the score for FF....I though his career as a composer was on ice while he focused on his career as director. I guess he made time for the FF scoring. I suspect mian reason he is doing it he wants t do a score rooted in Early Sixties music.
  19. Speaking of which I was surprised to hear that Gachhino is doing the score for Fantastic Four,given he is pursuing his new career as director with the 'Them!" remake. I guess doing a score rooted in early Sixties music was too tempting for him, and he made time for it. I still then Feige made a mistake in not singing Cacchino to do a MCU film after Werwolf, and let WB steal him for 'THEM",
  20. Is theer any sinn they have solved the script problems on Blade...which are the reason is has been in Development Hell for so long.
  21. A lot easier to speed up deb time on a modest budget anaimated TV show then on a big budget movie.
  22. You seem to be in a minority abuot that. TO me, and most others on this board, this film does indeed look like a POS.
  23. I have to wonder if they can come up with a new twist for a shark movie. There have been so many i sort of think the well has ran dry.
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