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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Tje real problem was that Sue was cast way too young in the previous movies; she is supposed to be in her early 30's. I thnk the whole relationship between Sue and her kid brother was distorted by this; made that Sue is trying hard to be a surrogate mother for her kid brother much harder to put across. People keep citing the Ulitmate FF as a justifcation for maiing the FF so young in the previous two films; that the Ulitmate version of the FF was a notable flop in the Ulitmate Universe goes right by them.
  2. The original 60's Sue Storm had fairly short hair. And in any case, a wig is a basic tool for any actress.
  3. Coppola is one of my favorite filmmakers, but if the footage of him and the extras is as bad as it seems to me, I have no sympathy for him. He will go down in my book with Polanski..undeniably a great director, but also a really creepy and obnnoxious human being. ANother example of someone who is a great artist but in many ways a rotten person. Nothing new. Richard Wagner was one of the greatest composers who every lived, but a truly disgusitng human being.
  4. People basically forget that Marvel sold the rights to what was then it's biggest characters...X Men, Spidey, and the Fantastic Four...to Sony and Fox in the mid 90's, for reletively little money...at a time when Marvel was in finiancial trouble, and needed cash fast.
  5. MCU will be fine, but I don';t think it will ever return to the glory days 2012 to 2019, which almost every film it turned out was a hit. That was a once in a lifetime phenemenon. It could not last forever, and unlikely it will repeat itsefl. It is going to have mixture of hits, flops, and modest sucesses. Won;t hit a home run every time out the way it used to.
  6. Problem is there are alternatives for the Family Holiday movie thing. All I can say if you are doing a prequeld or sequel to a classic film, you really, really, need to bring your A game to it.
  7. Given the circumstances, I think removing the assissination attempt from the trailer is a no brainer. But it will still be in the movie, I am sure since it almost certainly a major plot point.
  8. In either case, Disney wins. And, to lock in it being a massive hit; Taylor Swift just endorsed it.
  9. No we are saying it is the kind of movie where the reviews do not matter that much..it has elements that people simply want to see In this case people want to see Ryan' Deadpool and Jackman Wolvie together on the screen, screw what the critics say.
  10. Both sides on this are taking turns in going over the top in their predictions. It wil be a huge hit, yes, but wait to see exactly how huge.
  11. Some people don't get this is basically a comedy, not a noraml CBM.
  12. I was expecting a Disney Plus Hulu package, was not expecting one including Max. So in a way, we will finally have a DC/Marvel crossover.......
  13. SO we finally have a Marvel/DC screen crossover in a way.
  14. I have been to Coachelia Valley. TO quote Gerturde Stein, there is no there there.
  15. Question is will the increase in stock prices make more then the additional cost in overhead, since you have to hire more admin people if you break up the operations. Seems to be going in the oppostie direction form the standard "Company in trouble" playbook, where you try to eliminate overhead expenses by combining seperate operations when possible.
  16. I would rather he take it slow and get it right then rush it and get it wrong. Nothing wrong with a director taking his time to get it right. And one of the problems I have with a lot of fanboys where is their total lack of patience. They often want everything yesterday. someties you just have to wait for the good things.
  17. Interesitng thing about China is that it is simply not as big a deal to Hollywood as it used to be. IMHO with China getting more and more restrictive as to which Western films it allows into theater, and that relations between China and the West seem to be going into the dumperm they have resigned themselves that the China market as far as theaters go might just vanish.
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