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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. And another goes down, another goes down.... It is so appropriate that a biofilm about Queen halts production because of the the Hollywood Sexual Predator scandle,since that Queen song has become something of a meme for the falling dominoes in this scandle....
  2. What it comes down to is 21st Century Fox the Corporation has decided to concentrate on it's news, sports,and TV networks and get out of the content producing business (except. of course, for News and Sports;depnding on outside providers for it "fictional"programing). Fox is selling,and only question is who will give Fox the Best Deal. I think that Fox was not quite happy with Disney's initial offer,deided to shop Fox studios around,and decided that Disney would probably give them the best deal after all. The bit about sports is intriguing in that article, maybe part of the deal would be ESPN going over to Fox, since ESPN has become a major headache for The Mouse.
  3. Love it if they makes some reference to the real life history of Shazam...ie, that basically DC shut him down by successfully suing his publishers for plagiarism for ripping off Superman. Years later DC bought the rights from Fawcett publishing.
  4. Agreed, but I would not be surprised to see SS 2 scrapped in favor of something more Harley Centric. I would love a "Harley and the Ivy" plot, but they need to do Poison Ivy right...not the messed up version we saw in Batman and Robin. (Uma Thurman was not to blame, though, she was like Clooney:It was role she was potentially could be great in, but was screwed over by bad writing and directing).
  5. I am glad they are going for a plot with more then just "Dinos chase people on an Island". It was they just recycled that without much in the way of briging something fresh to the table that imho caused the first two sequels to be so mediocre. With JW they gave people something they had really wanted to see since the first film..a Jurassic Park in full operation. I hope they don't go for the "Militarized Dino" thing, though;that was a WTF bit for me in JW,just could not buy it. Of all the animals in the world to militarize, reptiles are just about the last you would pick.
  6. I am skeptical about attributing rises like this to a single cause, but ,yeah, I think the Infinty War Trailers has caused people who had not seen Thor 3 to get out and see it...
  7. I agree...and you will not find anybody who hated the BvS version of Luthor more then I. I always thought that Eisenberg got more blame for Luthor then he deserved. The writers and directors are much more to blame. Eisenberg was just giving them the Luthor they wanted.
  8. yeah, but it's a risky move; the accusations that QT is just exploiting the tragedy could hurt.
  9. Nah, he is blaming just everybody else for the failure of the Snyderverse. His attempts to spin the box office results for BvS are amusing:he talks about the big opening weekend, but is pretty quiet about how weak the films legs were.
  10. I really think not having the screen rights to most of their "A" level charecters with other companies might have been an advantage in the end to Marvel. They had to be careful, they had to delvier a good product, they could not get lazy and say "Well, Spidey or the X men are so popular all we need to do is show their faces on the screen and the Money will roll in". Now ,of course, if the Disney/Fox deal goes through,Marvel studios will pretty much have it all. Even if Fox Studios remains ain independent company under the Disney umbrella (most likely scenario) Feige will be able to get permission to use the Fox Owend character sin the MCU< a la Spidey .
  11. When they greenit this, they probably had no idea that Current Day Russian Espionage would become such a hot button issue....
  12. I am amused by the Snyder Cultist who proclaim the Snyder not being in total charge of JL is why the movie disspaointed at the Box Office. I also notice they are beginning to blame Geoff Johns for all that was wrong with the DC universe. Anything to avoid adminting reality:a great many DC fans and the GA did not like Snyder's take on the DC Universe. THey gave him two chances..MOS and BvS, and then basically struck him out on the Third swing...
  13. That is it in a nutshell. Marvel did not rush things, took it's time to build up to "The Avengers" DC got too hungry for "Avengers" level profits,tried to take shortcuts and it fairled. Maybe starting with a team with the individual films later might have worked if it was better executed, but that is the wonderful world of what if's.
  14. The Steve Jobs estate is the single largest shareholder in the Disney company, so the takeover might be underway....
  15. It's true IMHO a lot of the "DCU Extermists" are more "Snyder Extremists". I suspect a lot them will lose interest in the DCU now that Snyder has lost control of the DCU.
  16. The Luthor in BvS is indeed unforgettable. You might want very hard to forget him,but you just can't......
  17. You just don't get it. Zack Snyder is a supreme geinus, and everything thing in his films is beyond criticism! Get with the program, son. Seriously, of all the was wrong with BvS, the way they portrayed Luthor was perhaps the worst. Oddly enough I don't give the main blame to Eisenberg;he was just giving the writers and directors what they wanted. I blame the Writer and the Director a lot more then Eisenberg who was just the hired help.
  18. God, that last bit in the trailer they lifted directly from one of the Home Alone movies....
  19. Damn, don't see how I misses that. Will buy and download immediately.
  20. What I don't like with fanboys is there whole "If You like one universe, you have to hate the other" routine. And it is not just Marvel DC. Some Star Wars fanboys have conceived a hatred for "Mary Poppins Retuns" because Disney gave it the Christmas release spot in 2018.
  21. A. The Thanos we saw is probably not the finished version we will see in Infinity Wars. Even the unfinished Thanos we saw in the trailer is much,much better then what we saw with Steppenwolf in JL.
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