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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Not quite accurate, Touchsotne was created in the mid 80's when Disney decided to make PG rated movies that were not aimed specifically at a family audience. Up until then it had only done G rated films. Even then, Touchstone's films were generally a soft PG. Disney later created Hollywood films to handle the hard PG and R rated movies. Circa 2000Disney decided that times had changed, that a PG rating was not a barrier to a film doing big family business any longer, so pretty much killed off Touchstone as being redundent, and Disney Releasing would handle all PG films. with Miramax handling the R rated films.I suspect that Disney will use the Fox brand for R rated material.
  2. That is the probably the main reason Disney is interested in Fox: Fox has a very large film library.
  3. I thought when someone said Peyton Manning was one of the voice actors in this, they were joking, but Manning IS in this. Looks as if Peyton did not make a great choice for his acting debut. As everybody 0utside the US asks "who the hell is Peyton Manning"....
  4. That is my concern with this movie. The basic story simply is not long enough to make a good feature film. This means they sare going to add a lot stuff that was not in the book, and anytime you do this with a classic the chances it will turn out well is not great. I can see going half an hour with Ferdinand, but not a feature film.
  5. According to everything I have read, Warners was not happy with the Keighley footage,and brought in Curtiz to reshoot most of the film;the Directors Guild made the decision to give co director credit. Almost all film historians consider Robin Hood to be a Curtiz film,so I will go along with that. John Ford also managed to make 3 films that have stood the test to time in one year; in 1939 he did, "Stagecoach" "Young Mr.Lincoln" and "Drums Along the Mohawk".
  6. Given how much damn money Deadpool made, Disney will allow Ryan Reynolds to make his R rated deadpool 2 ,and release it under the Fox label to keep the "family friendly" labeling for Disney films. The Mouse did release R rated films on a regular basis, though under different studio labels . I suspect they have been planning to move back in R rated territory, with how well some R rated movies have been performing. In the end it's all about the Benjys, and Disney will make and release R rated films if it's a lucrative things to do. And I smell some Sour Grapes with you hatred of Disney..probsably because they own Marvel.
  7. You are aware of the drastic differnces between Supes in JL and Supes in the two previous Snyder movies? We have a happier Supes back who does spend all his screen time moping aroud and wallowing in self pity.That is why audiences like the JL Supes. Snyder misread the character in the first two films.
  8. He wouds give Michael Curtiz some competition is the "able to bring out two A quality film sin one year". In 1938, Curtiz directed two films that have become classics: the Errol Flynn "Adventures of Robin Hood" and the classic Cagney/Bogart gangster film "Angels With Dirty Faces". Speilberg is another director who can work at Golden age speed.
  9. The deal will almost certainly,to avoid Anti Trust problems, set up Fox as an independent company under the Disney umbrella. Fox will continure to do it's own thing. I think Marvel Studios will get involved with the Fox Owned Marvel stuff, but otherwise FOx will make it'w one decisions. For instance, the Mouse is not stupid,they saw how much money Deadpool made, they will let Ryan Reynolds do his R rated movies so long as they are cash cows. A separate Fox label would allow Disney to get back into adult R rated material without damaging the Disney brand.
  10. Getting the Fox Film and TV show library for streaming is one of the main reasons Disney wants to acquire Fox..probably a bigger reason then getting the X men/FF back.
  11. The difference between the Martian and the other films is that in The Martian the comedy is intentional.... It will be interesting to see how Scott unpredencent move with "All The Money In The Woeld" works out.
  12. Pretty much this. I finally caught it on cable, and it has some laughs,but also a lot of jokes that just do not work. iIt will be remembered for the controversies...(in which both sides made fools of themselves) rather then the film itself. It was just another mediocre comedy. It will be pretty much forgotten, while the 1984 original will still be a beloved comedy classic.
  13. Let's face reality: One thing that "The Post" has in it's favor is that it is widely seen as a slap in the fact to Trump...and yes, there are award voters who will vote for it for that very reason. I hate Trump as much as anybody, but I also think voting for a movie for any reason other then it's qualities as a film is stupid.
  14. Well, they were right about "Electra" being a dog...... (the movie not Jennifer Garner)
  15. That I stand corrected. Batman, Superman,and Wonder Woman are the only comic book superheros who have a uninterrupted history of publication from the Golden Age until today. I n 1949 the Comic Book market collapased ( as did the Pulp Magazine Market ;almost all the major comic book companies were spinoffs owned by pulp magazine publisherswhich made a double whammy);Marvel got rid of all it's superheros and concentrated on Horror, Sci Fi and Western comic books, DC Kept Supes, Batsy,and Wondy who were selling well and cancelled all the other hero comics, also concentrating on non super hero comics. All the other comics book companies also cancelled it's Superhero books. It was not unitl 1958 that DC cautiously decided to try to revive a hero aside from the Trinity;(largely because the once lucrative horror comic genre had been destroyed in the great Comic Book Crackdown of the mid Fifties) it chose to do a modern streamlined version of "The Flash"; it was a hit and the rest was history.
  16. Ever hear of a DC movie called "Wonder Woman"? I think that fits the "fun and colorful" category. I am beginning to think that being delusional and denying reality is a basic requirement for being a Snyder fan. And I think a number of people here who claim to be DC fans are not;they are Snyder fans,and would not give a damn about the DC charecters If Snyder were not involved.
  17. Fixed that for you. Hell, as early as 1940 DC and Timely Comics (which in the late 50's would change it's company name to Marvel) were stealing from each other.
  18. Sad thing is I am sure we will be hearing this "Whedon was a Marvel Mole" theory advanced seriously..........and I would not be surprised if it already has been, I have just not read about it yet.
  19. THIS. I despise Murdoch, but shutting him down is not the answer. It would be absoultrly a case of the cure being much worse then the disease. And Murdoch is doing nothing that William Randolph Hearst did not do.
  20. They remind me of the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail; "Tis but a scratch"
  21. It's worse that that. Quite a few of them do not understand that studios, worldwide when everything is averaged in, get rougly half the box office take.Which means a film needs to take in twice it's production costs to just break even. (And that is not included marketing costs, which can easily add 75 to 100 Million dollars to what it actually costs a studio to release a film.) The pattern is in for JL,and it is not looking pretty, given how much JL cost to make.
  22. Hell, in the DC COmic Universe, Zatana is one of the few JL members Supes is a little scared of. She is a powerful sorceress,and Supes as you point out, Magic is one of his vulnerabalties. Hell, when they meet, Zatana can generally hold her own with Circe. I love that Zatana says she is a stage magician as her "secret identity" because a stage musician is the last person on earth people would suspect of having actual magical powers.
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