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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. which lead to the question of why they did not inttoduce the new characters in a solo film rather then cram them all into a single film. The answer was obvious: They got way too greedy for Avengers level grosses and tried to jump start the DCU. It didn't work. Goldstein is doing spin at a Trump White House level.....
  2. I am not happy about what happened with the DCEU,but IMHO Snyder's approach was just wrong for it (though it might be good for specific charecters such as Batman) and am glad the Snyder era is over. And if Batman can survive Batman And Robin, it can survive this. The character is too popular for Warners to write him off. And you forget about how everybody loved Wonder Woman. The DCU is going to have a massive shakeup ( along with the shakeup in the WB executive management) but hopefully it will emerge stronger. There is just too much box office potential there, properly handled, fro Warners to give up on it. ANd BVS did not hurt Wonder Woman.... Now if it were not for Wondy, I agree the DCU would be in deep,deep, crap. But WW huge success give them a foundtation to build on.
  3. In MOS, you also get some of the Superman we all know and love.although he mopes around and feels sorry for himself too much of the time. But in the post Zod scenes...particualry the bit with the drone...we get the nice guy Supes who gets joy out of helping people. There is NONE of that in the Supes we got in BVS.
  4. And Jennifer Garner, IMHO,is still sexier then most of the young models out there. I notice that Affleck is spending Thanksgiivng with his kids and is trying to repair fences with Garner. Not to get back together, but at least have a decent friendship for the kid's sake if nothing else.
  5. Although it has some serous flaws, overall I liked MOS. I thought that the flaws would be corrected in BvS.Instead they got much,much,worse.
  6. I wonder if Nolan being a producer had something to do with MOS being Snyder best DCU film. Not that Nolan is infallible,(you and I disagree about TDKR)but he has much better grasp of character and story construction then Snyder has shown.
  7. Sucker Punch Opened just a couple of weeks after Warners announced Snyder would direct MOS so Snyder had a decent box office record when DC signed him.
  8. I don't think that would have done much good if the movie was the same.And everybody knew Supes was coming back. You can spin all you want, but that JL looked like BvS 2 is what doomed the movie.
  9. Unless really pickes up Sunday, looks as if under 100 Million OW is happening. Monday really gong to be fun at WB headquarterds in LA.....
  10. Opened in Sacramento Thursday,amid much hoopla. Greta Gerwig has become the cities favorite native daughter...
  11. God, WB let Snyder dictate release and production dates to them? Un freaking believable. I can see allowing a Spielberg or a Cameron to do that. but Snyder is not anywhere near in that category when it comes to delivering box office success....
  12. This is just plain silly. There is no freaking way this is a good opening. For all of you yelling about Objectively, you don't understand much about the film business.
  13. One of the reasons "Return to Oz" flopped was that kids were getting seriously upset by it. It's one of my favorite " good films that deserved a better fate at the box office",a really good film, but I can understand why it might be too dark for a lot of small kids..not good for an Oz movie. I loved that rather then just recycle the character designs for the 1939 film,they went back to the original illustrations for the Baum books.
  14. Marvel does seem to have hit that sweet spot in that they keep the fanboys happy but without alienating the general audience. One reason is that the easter eggs for the fans in the MCU are done very subtely, the fanboys will pick up on them but the General Audience is totally unaware anything is going on. The DC films easter eggs are generally a lot clumsier, the GA knows there is something going on they don't get.
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