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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. If memory serves, Snyder was chosen for MOS before Nolan was brought onto the movie. What is ironic is that just a couple of weeks after Snyder was announced for MOS, "Sucker Punch" opened.That must have given Warners some second thoughts....
  2. The charecters are just too popular for Warners to just give up. They made a mistake...Snyder was not the right guy to give the keys of the universe to. CHaracters like Wondy,Batman and Supes are just too popular;they can survive a couple weak movies.
  3. They won't. Warners has invested too much in the DCU,and the box office potential is too great. They will figure out what went wrong (IMHO it was a wrong choice to give control of the Universe to) fire a few people make some corrections, and move on.
  4. I agree that DC really needs to take an ax to their schedule...which was always overly ambitious IMHO...but SS 1, despite not being very good,made a lot of money. Naturally they will keep SS2. THey might also have a "Play or Pay" on the Margot Robbie contract and without her you don't have a SS2 movie.
  5. Which means that Fox Corporation is still interested in Selling off Fox Studios.Interesting. If NBC/Comcast is interested in any of Fox's TV holdings, forget it. The Anti Trust Laws would be on them in a New York minute.
  6. Given the rule of thumb that ,when everything is averaged in, a film needs to gross twice it's production budget to just break even,and if the 300 Million budget figure is correct, short of 600 Million for a Justice League film with so many DCU heavy hitters would be a freaking disaster, and heads would roll at Warners. I hope I don't have to explain that a studio only gets roughly half the box office take worldwide when everything is averaged in.
  7. Someone posted that in the Jl threads, but it is still damn funny,and a sad but true comment on fan behavior. In the JL thread, we are having a textbook case of denial on the part of the more over the top DC fans.
  8. You did see the Russo's great response to fan whining about a Infinity War Trailer?
  9. I repeat my remark about how, in the US, The Merc With The Mouth made more then BvS in the US.
  10. I think "Trash Talk" is the word you are looking for. It's something atheletes do, but directors should not. And it ignores the fact it is all about the execution. Does Snyder know that "Deadpool" ,domestically,made more then "BvS"?
  11. Any relation between the actual battle of Thermopylae and what we saw in 300 is pure coincidence..........
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