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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Much rather see that then a LOTR spinoff, which, IMHO ,will end being just another Sword and Sorcery series.
  2. I wonder what happened with Chisstopher Tolkien,since he would killed off any ideas of what amounts to spinoffs from the books in a New York minute.
  3. The "new storylines" comment concerns me. Not thrilled with the idea of spinoffs.
  4. This site is pretty much dominated by the big budget movies..particulary those with huge "geek" appeal. The only time films like Ladybird move to the top of the discussion list for any lentght of time is when they get award nominations. This ,despite it's being a box office site, is heavily dominated by the fanboys. Always expect the CBM's and the sci fi epics to dominate the discussion.
  5. Wow, a film by a director who is very divisive gets mixed reviews. Who would have thunk it.....
  6. If you have not seen the Star Trek COnvention skit that Saturday Night Live did when William Shatner was the guest host, hunt it up on you tube.. It says everything that needs to be said about over the top fanboys.
  7. Lots of jokes about Plummer running for the senate in Alabama all over the internet. The one I posted here was only among the first.
  8. "Going Clear", both the book and the Documentary, will tell you everything you need to know about the COS. And the book offers solid proof that Cruise is not just the face of the COS, but aside from Misciviage, the president of the church, Cruise is probably the most powerful individual in the Chruch. He is not being exploited by the leadership, he is part of the Leadershiip. But don't try telling the Cruise fanboys that. They reject not only any criticism of Cruise, but any criticism of the COS as well. One guy here said the more bad things he hears about the COS, the more he will support Cruise....
  9. Was probably decommissioned from the Navy because of age then used as a target for training purposes...pretty common with retired US Navy ships.
  10. Which is why I will take the Social Media Reaction to JL with a ton of salt. It is going to be heavily tilted toward bloggers who are probably going to like just about any Comic Book Based Movies.
  11. And Now this has now become a punch line: Nick Jack Pappas,a comedian just tweeted" In a shocking turn of events, the role of Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race will now be played by Christopher Plummer FOr those who don't follow the news Roy Moore is an extreme right wing nutjob who is the GOP Candidate for Senator in Alabama,and this morning charges broke he had sex with a 14 year old girl.
  12. Christopher Plummer is still an incredible actor, and giving good performances at the age of 88..... I guess Somewhere in his wicked childhood, he must have Done Something Good.....
  13. I thougth the Spacey role was bigger, given that the marketing and plotline make it seem like J Paul Getty is the main character. OK, I revise my opinion, it will be only a minor addition to the budget.
  14. And now the JL thread has been closed until the social media embargo is lifted... Is there any way you can appeal this mod decision?
  15. I have no idea, but just from common sense...you are reshooting a major role....it is going to add a substantial amount to the budget. It is a lot like the situation with the "Han Solo" film.
  16. And if anything, the contracts in the entertainment industry have "Morals Clauses" which say it you do anything that hurts the companies image, they can fire you.
  17. It makes little sense from a business point of view. This was never going to be a big box office hit,and reshooting what probably amounts to most of the film probably gauarantees the fim will end up in the red. I can see doing something like this is the case of the Star Wats Han Solo movie, but not for a film like this. Frankly, I think Scott and Universar are pretty much screwed ,and am skeptical this move will save it at the box office. And I doubt "Publicity" of this kind is going to add much to the box office. Anybody who works in the PR'Marketing industry will tell you what a crock of shit the whole "Any Publicity is Good Publicity" routine is.
  18. And the film was very well received at the screenings it has had. I am sure Margot took this role to show she can do things other then big budget comic book movies....
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