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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. I think that the solo Batman film might be a little delayed while Warners waits to see how much damage the Affleck scandal has done to Affleck's image.
  2. Jackman does seem a little bit obsessed with making musicals. He had one success with Les Miserables, but a flop with Pan and now this looks like it's headed for the can. Maybe he should be satisfied with doing Broadway shows to get his singing urges in.
  3. I finally watched the Trailer..... Jesus, I think I recognized every exeterior in the trailer....
  4. You are aware that 21st Century Fox owns both the Fox Movie Studios and Foxnews? Different divisions but same company.
  5. This might be some of the bad Karma stored up by 21st Century Fox for employing scumbuckets like Roger Ailes and Bill O Reilly finally catching up to them.
  6. If this was meant as "Counterprogramming" against "The Last Jedi" it is going to be a huge fail.
  7. It was meant by Fox to be an Award bait movie.....but has turned out to be something else. That happens with a couple of Oscar Bait movies every year;They turn out to be crap.
  8. Stilll amazed at how BAD Jackman sounds in that clip. The guy has one hell of a good singing voice, what the hell happened?
  9. And up in show biz heaven the ghost of Barnum says "A Sucker Is Still Born Every Minute" OK,OK,I know that he probably never said that but I couldn't resist....
  10. I have to wonder if Ferguson is accepting roles on the basis of "this sounds like a good project" without actually reading the script. Amazing as that sounds,this actually happens quite a bit:an actor thinks something looks good,and sings up before the film has a finished script. It accounts , I suspect as to why some excellent actors end up in some really lousy movies.
  11. Now I really want to see some stills of Pffiefer as Janet Van Dyne in "Ant Man and the Wasp".
  12. It's official: Pffeifer has discovered the Fountain of Youth. 58 and still drop dead gorgeous.....
  13. I disagree, Jackman usually has a very good singing voice, but God, he was terrible in that clip. And that the song was s--t did not help matters.
  14. I liked the songs Paskel and Paul did for "La La Land",but have not really liked anything else they did. Rodgers and Hammerstein or Lerner and Loewe they ain't..
  15. Then of course Warners did their own wonderfully warped versions of classic fairy tales...with Bugs Bunny usually getting involved.
  16. "The Snow Queen" was kicked around as a possible animated film by Disney in the late 1940's.
  17. And how often has DC made changes to the film schedule? Anyway, Looks as though Margot Robbie is going to greatly increase her standing with an Oscar Nomination for "I,Tonya";DC might just luck out with having someone they have under contract become a hot commodity .
  18. It's sad to see one of the two oldest studiios in Hollywood (tied with Universal with an age of 105) sink to such lows....... I am betting everyday the Paramount execs curse the name of Disney for grabbing Marvel Studios out from under their noses....
  19. He's an idiot, basically. Tyrese was creating problems before the child abuse accusations, and those just made him more expendable. I can think of about half a dozen actors who could take his place easily.
  20. He tried that, and it did not turn out so well.
  21. Flashpoint seems to be constanly pushed back. I am cynical enough to think that we won't see a solo Flash movie until the TV show has finished it's run.
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