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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Given that Olga Kuryenko is Ukranian I knew the movie would not pass this by, given how Stalin treated the Ukraine.
  2. New Line was a separate company under the Time Warner umbrella until 2008 when it pretty much went bankrupt (the success of the LOTR films went to their heads, they forgot they were a small studio without the resouces and deep pockets of a major studio, spent all the profits from LOTR on a few big budget films most of which flopped and were pretty much belly up by 2008) and Time Warner made them a division of Warners brs studios. This was a huge loss in independence. now they had to clear their production decisions with Warners Studiois management which they did not have to do before.
  3. Ratner's company, Ratpac was one of the companies that invested in IT. Ratner has proven to be much,much more successful as a producer then he has as a director;that is why he has pretty much given up directing to concerntrate on his production company.
  4. Film Companies finance their films through a combination of investestments and bank loans;this is no secret, has been that way since the silent era.
  5. Agreed. Bunnies with catsup smeared on their lips moving among Matchbox cars scares absolutely no one, but is funny as hell to watch. It is one of those movies that you wonder how the hell the MST3K gang missed.
  6. God, every costume designer in the film business wanted to do this film..... When he is on his game, PTA might be my favorite currently working filmmaker.
  7. I guess Fincher just had another film shot out of under him ........Good director, but his habit of going widly over budget does not help him.
  8. And I think the massive coverage of the Napa fires in California did not help matters with Only The Brave. Too bad, becauae it seems to be a really good movie...something of a surprise, since usually when Hollywood makes this kind of movie about a real recent event, it messes up. I also think that people remember the real event, and know the film will have a real downer of a ending is not a plus.
  9. Be interesting to see how "Death Of Stalin" does in Russia...if Vlad permits it to be shown.
  10. We can all snicker at the Medea films, but there are a studio exec's dream....they cost little to make, but are incredibly reliable performers at the box office. They are money in the bank. And a franchise like Medea can help to pay off the losses from expensive failures. Don't forget, what matters in the end is not what the individual films do, but the balance sheet for the studio's whole program at the end of the year.
  11. Fassbinder has Marlon Brando disease...a superb actor who is often a poor judge of scripts.
  12. I rooting for "Only The Brave" which is actually a good movie about a disaster.
  13. I am sure that the criminals..led by Tonya's husband..were such total incompetent klutzes is where a lot of the film's comedy is going to come from. Imagine the Three Stooges trying to pull off something as big as de facto fixing a Olympic event and you pretty much have it.
  14. We have a official run time for Justice League: 121 minutes. Much moaning and wailing in the JL thread.
  15. THis movie should bring out the most incredible thing about the whole mess...how freaking incompetent the whole scheme was. Classic case of really stupid criminals.
  16. Not a good sign. It is not unusual for one or two scenes in the early trailers not making it to the final version, but if it most of the first trailers it a sign Thanksgiving Dinner is coming early.
  17. Yeah there is "So Bad that it's an unintentional laugh riot" bad and "It's just painful to sit through " bad. I can really enjoy the first (being a huge MST3K fan) and try to avoid the latter. It can be pretty damn tricky telling the two apart.
  18. Everybody in Watchmen is flawed, but some are flawed are whole lot worse then others. I think that Onymandias is clearly portrayed as pretty evil in the end. in
  19. But Valrien is looking more and more like a King Arthur level bomb. And Home video will not save this film. Home Video just does not do that anymore. And even in the days when Home Video was big,the fact is that the Home Video performance of most movies mirroried that of it's theatrical release.
  20. God, what reality is Besson living in? No one is giving him the money to make a sequel. Period. End of Story. I have no problems with somebody liking the film but when it reaches the level of denying reality, that is going way too far.
  21. Question is not if somebody is going take a huge bath on this bomb,but who that somebody is.
  22. For the rest of the year; 1.Justice League 2.Ragnorok 3.Death of Stalin 4.Darkest Hour 5.The Papers 6.I Tonya 7. SW:THe Last Jedi 8.Coco
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