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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Film with a similar plotline was done in 1989: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_of_the_Spirit
  2. And what the Hell is the thing in the manger? A baby's head, I guess but it looks like a egg with something brown in it..... God, this whole film looks bad.
  3. Wonder Woman gave JL a badly needed boost, but I still think there a "I'll wait for the reviews and the WOM" situation for a lot of people with JL.,having been burned by BvS. It's also something of a test balloon for big budget CBM's since it is obviously meant to dominate the Thanksgiving holiday week in the US. Marvel has opened a couple of film in early November (Dr Strange last year) but none of them a de facto Holiday Season release.Though Warners remembers that the first Superman movie way back in 1978 was a Christmas release.
  4. This film has been in development hell forever, so I will believe it is happening when they start filming....
  5. The guy who gave us "Ed Wood" and other really good movies has been gone for a long time. His insistence on forcing charecters with issues with their parents into almost every film he made ("Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" being the worst example of that..the father of Willy Wonka does not exist in the Novel) ruined a lot of his films for me.
  6. It is just a coincidence that a few weeks after BVS opened, Warners did a major shake up at the DC film division,and brought in Geoff Jones from the DC TV division to make major changes in the film division. ... And it is also pretty clear that Warners was keeping a tight leash on Snyder directing JL. That a few days into production they removed Snyder's Director of Photogrpahy..the guy Snyder has worked with like forever...and replaced him. And the brought in Whedon as a "consultant" on the film ever before Snyder had to leave post production. And the Marketing and ads for JL are trying to make it look as much like "The Avengers" as possible and and are really stressing the 'Hey guys, this will be a FUN movie" Fact is the BvS underperformed by what Warners was expecting. They were expecting that the first live action film with The Trinity would do Avengers level numbers, and it did not come close. BvS was a success, but not the level of success that Warners was expecting, and did not give the DCEU the huge left that it needed. Thus the changes at the DC film division, the apparent closer supervision of Snyder on JL,etc,
  7. Harvey Weinstein has turned out to be 1000% more frightening then this movie.....
  8. Wall Street Journal Reports the the Weinstein company board is seriously considering just pulling the plug on the company and sell off it's assets. If true,probably the best thing to do. Company certainly seems doomed at this point. It was in poor shape before the scandals hit, and it appears to be a dead company walking....
  9. And now we find out the Weinstein company will probably be investigated for involvement with a money laundering scheme involving the Mafia. Its' dead jim....
  10. With a 35 Million dollar budget, it's really possible that in terms of Net profit, Warners might make as much if not more actual profit from IT then some of it's DC films
  11. From the reviews, it simply does not have a good script, and that alone is enough to doom a movie.
  12. I have to wonder if Fassbender is not trying too hard to be in a big box office hit, and has Marlon Brando disease..a great actor who is often a lousy judge of scripts.
  13. This film was pretty much intended for limited release on the Art House circuit. Annapurna pretty much make small scale films, and probably has never handled a big release.
  14. Still hoping that somebody will film the Pulitzer Prize Winning novel by Michael Chabon, "Adventures of Klavalier and Klay" which is about the birth of comic blooks in the late 30's and early 40's.
  15. My feeling exactly. I felt that way when I first heard about Jackson making "Lord of the Rings" into a movie.
  16. "Call of the Wild" and "White Fang" are two totally different Jack London novels. "Call Of The Wild" has been filmed several times, but none of the films have come close to doing the book justice.
  17. From the Trailer I thought it would be just another mediocre,by the numbers,you can guess the plot twists in advance,serial killer thriller. Looks as though I was wrong;it might be considerably worse then that.
  18. You are not going to improve on Jack London's novel. I really hope they don't insert a happier ending,which would totally ruin the point of the novel.
  19. You win the thread. I just wonder at how they got anybody to invest in this sure fire bomb.
  20. Agreed. Problem is, it is going to be hard to discuss the DC films without mentioning the Affleck situation. It should probably be limited to the direct impact that they will have on the DC universe, with the other aspects move to the Real World section.
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