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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Unless Muschatti cast somebody who is not a big name in the role...a real possibility.
  2. Every year a film makes it into the top ten domestic that no one at the start of the year thought would be there. IT is probably this year's entry.
  3. I suspect people staying home to watch Irma hit Florida and it being the first Sunday of the NFL had a lot to do with that. But that 100 Million plus figure is even more remarkable when you figure that the theaters were closed in Florida.one of the biggest in population US States.
  4. On the other hand, Warners has "GeoStorm" (due out in October)to deal with...a film that has become a PR nightmare with the events of the past two weeks. They have already withdrawn the one sheet posters from theaters, showing a man with a child running away from a huge flood of water with the slogan "Brave the Storm"....Not Warners fault, of course, but the timing is terrible....now is just not a good time for a cheesy "disaster porn" movie about killer storms. And that Warners has sat on this film (completed in 2015) for two over two years does not give one much optimism as to quality. When a company allows a film to fester in it's vaults for that long is not a good sign. Warners is like every studio: It will have it's hits and it's bombs. Just in 2015 they had a long series of big bombs.
  5. Not about the movie itself, but Warners releasing a film about disasterous storms so soon after the US has been hit by two in a row will create a uproar ,believe me. It is the king of thing that journalist and commentators just love to blast a big corporation for. You have to look at the bigger picture, not just an individual film.
  6. Interestingly enough, in the TV series "Sharp Objects" starring Amy Adams, Sophia Lillis (Bev) plays the Adams character as a young girl in flashback sequences.......... More interested in what changes will be made for the sequel because.....
  7. King teases sequels that never happen all the time. He has been talking about a "Salem's Lot" sequel for years. And I ,for one, am glad that King has never allowed "Authroized" sequels to his novels,since things of that type (not written by the original author) are pure grade B or lower hackwork.
  8. And now Warners has the damage to it's coporate image to deal with by releasing this film in the wake of two monster storms,complely aside from it's very questionable box office prospects.
  9. Not after the last two weeks.........A cheesy disaster film about a Killer storm seems a really bad idea right about now. Not to mention that it has been rotting away in the vaults for three years does not give one hope.
  10. I think Warners is just as worried about the damage to their corporate image as about the film box office prospects. Irony is that Time Warner also owns CNN...which is probably getting a huge ratings boost with the storm coverage. So it will be a good news bad news situation on the Warners Monday Meeting: Very happy over the huge box office for IT but then brough down to earth plotting a damage control strategy for Geostorm. "Brave the Storm" had got to be the worst timed Movie slogan in film history.
  11. And huge collatterial damage on Warner's public image expected from large scale media attacks on a movie studio exploliting Harvey and Irma...and possibly Jose for box office.
  12. The film took in over 170 world wide.It not only took in twice it's cost to breakeven, but has already made a major profit for Warners. Even the most optimistic predictions for this film did not have it making this kind of money. It is also the first film of a Stephen King novel to be a big blockbuster in a long time. Warners execs will be very happy tomorrow...until the have to figure out what to do about "Geostorm".
  13. The Red Balloon has already become a huge pop culture meme. I hate to think about what Halloween is going to be like with dozens of crappy Pennywise costumes around....
  14. You can expect low quality videos of any movie to be up on some website a couple of days after a movie opens. And I echo if you choose to view them rather then pay to see a movie legally you are a dickwad. You don't even have some of the BS lame excuses that people who pirate music have.... One question though:Is that Stephen King as the owner of the Drugstore? He has been known to do cameos. Movie was excellent though;imho it makes the 1990 Miniseries look pale in comparasion. Some people are complaining that Pennywise does not do enough evil stuff. Those people just did not get the movie. The point is that you care about Pennywise's victims in this film. They are not the throwaway victims you see in your typical lame Slasher horror film.
  15. Agreed 100%, but if you move it into next spring, you can at least avoid the Public Relations Black Eye warners is going to get by releasing it so close to two..maybe three...devastating Hurricanes.
  16. Looking at October, I think there is a huge chance that Warners will put "Geostorm" back yet again rather then deal with the double whammy of the subject matter turning off the tickets sales plus the huge black eye to their coporate image they would get from being accused of exploiting the tragedies of Harvey and Irma.
  17. You also got to look at the corporate image beating Warners would take for releasing this so soon after Harvey and Irma. Smart move put it back to the spring and minimize the damage.
  18. But Warners would take a huge PR hit for releasing it in the wake of Harvey and Irma. Just delay it again. It would still probably bomb, but you would not take a huge PR hit.
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