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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. OK, lets wait until we get a translation by a professional translator before passing judgement. because the way you quoted it it comes off as a put down down for American audiences. And then there is the "Fake News" a bout how Besson never had a hit in the US..
  2. Don't forget the "Only Sci Fi Movies centered in the US sell in the US". Star Wars says Hi, Luc.... Sad to see Besson go Trump in that tirade. Lots of anger, like of name calling, lots of pure BS statements. Besson did himself no favors with that tirade.
  3. I just lost a lot of respect for Besson with that "Stupid American Audeinces" remark. I was going to check out Valarien this weekend,just to see what the shouting is about, but that little remark just saved me ten bucks.
  4. My respect for Besson just went down a lot with that crap. And his never one of my films worked in the US is just plain wrong. "Lucy" did fine. And his whole only Sci fi moveis that work in the US are centered in the US is, frankly, just plain wrong. "Star Wars" said Hi. Besson did himself no favors with this rant.
  5. I wonder which studio will be releasing it,with a bidding war under way. BTW we can count out Disney EON productions is offering a single picture deal, Disney is simply not interested in a single picture deal. SONY,Warners,Fox,and Annapurna(the dark horse entry) are the ones making a big push.
  6. The joke is that Lionsgate is known for selling off distribution rights to to protect themselves when a film turns out to have really iffy box office prospects. They have just gotten a taste of their own medicine.....Distriubutors who have been stuck with the bill by Lionsgate are getting a kick out of this.
  7. But they will be less willing take a risk on a expensive Besson Sci fi epic next time around.
  8. The problem for EuropaCorp is it will be much harder for them to get backing and make presales for their next huge budget project. I suspect it will be back to modestly budgeted thrilers for Besson for a while.
  9. What puzzles me is how Besson made such bad casting decisions. He usually is very good at casting.but from all accounts he messed up with the leads here. Many critics who overall liked the film thought Valarian (the character) was badly miscast and the chemistry between the two leads was horrible.
  10. Real Problem for Besson is,if the overseas market does not save it,he is going to have much tougher time getting bank loans and investors for his next 200 Million Sci Fi extravaganza. They are not patrons of the arts;they expect to see a return on their investment.
  11. Maybe, but before Tull left the announced budget was much smaller then the first PR. For the record, the reaction of much of the industry was WTF when they heard a sequel had been greenlit. The first film managed to squeak into profit, but mant thought legendary was really pushing its luck with a sequel.
  12. That this would have a much more modest budget then the first film was no secret. My own hopes for this film pretty much died when I heard that Del Toro was pretty much out except for a courtesy "Executive Producer" title.
  13. Besson's career is not dead,but he will not get another 180 Million budget for a while. It's back to modestly budgeted thrillers for Besson,which is fine with me because I like those a lot better then his over the top space operas.
  14. Ouch, if true. Besson and Eurocorps always expected this to make it's big bucks overseas,but they hoped it would do at least decently in the US. It's not going to be the kind of modest success the Fifth Element was.
  15. One thing is for sure : Even the critics who really liked the film say that DeHaan was badly cast as Valarien and damages the film. Besson is usually good at casting;wondered what went wrong here.
  16. I prefer the more grounded,gritty Besson ("The Professional","La Femme Nikata" "Lucy") to his space opera extravaganzas.
  17. Most of the major studios churn out small budget films aimed at the "Faith" audience. They are like, ironically enough, Horror movies,if you keep the budget low enough,there is enough of a core audience to guarantee a decent profit.
  18. Hey, it's another low budgeted film that is aimed at the "faith" audience. They don't expect it to be big hit with mainstream audiences. As long as they can make a decent profit from the "Faith" crowd, Sony and Walden will be happy.It's a niche film,guy.
  19. They toned it down in 2 and 3, but in the first one..."Lion,Witch and Wardrobe" the Christian Allegory is forced down the audience's throat. BTW despite being close friends with CS Lewis and a very devout Catholic, JRR Tolkien disliked the Narnia books because they hit the readers over the head with their message.
  20. This is why I can't take fanboys seriously...... Good intentions mean shit in the final anlaysis....what matters is what is up on the screen.
  21. With it's rich History, French Cinema will be just fine. The main critical knock is that it is visually stunning, but weak in the character and story line department. All style,no substance. And no one can be blamed for that but Besson.
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