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Water Bottle

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Posts posted by Water Bottle

  1. 1 minute ago, Porthos said:

    Too bad?  Go to another showing?  Just seems to me that a wheelchair assistant seat should only go to folks who also buy the open wheelchair slot next to it.


    That's what they're there for, after all.


    Is there a real problem of wheelchair assistants not getting their seats to help people in wheelchairs?

  2. 3 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    I'd like to ask a general question about theater etiquette. As folks probably know, I do a lot of seat level tracking and I've noticed something that is bugging me more and more on showings that have heavily sold seats.


    Is there ANY legitimate reason for someone to buy a Wheelchair Assistant seat and NOT buy the corresponding Wheelchair Space next to it?  


    Like even one legitimate reason?


    Any further thoughts I have on this will wait 'till I hear some possible answers.


    it's the only seat left?

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:



    I see these two things as excellent moves. Here's what I think: the Ghostbusters franchise can be saved, and eventually bringing the 2016 team for a crossover isn't impossible. I think Reitman got this, the problem with the reboot was NEVER the cast, it was Paul Feig all along.



    lol what? Paul Feig is a great director and he did a good job with Ghostbusters.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Matthew said:

    I don't understand fanboy wars. If you are a MCU fan you should root for DCEU so that Marvel Studios makes more good movies. 


    If you are DCEU fans you will root for MCU so that superheros stay relevant. 


    'Cause lots of users for some reason go to the internet with an agenda that they must fight for the franchise they like even though it's all really dumb and childish. 


    This thread though is for them so they don't derail and kill as many threads. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 hours ago, filmlover said:

    The whole premise of the movie asks you to believe that the government created clones of everyone to try and control them. If you aren't willing to suspend disbelief at that concept, you might as well not even bother entering the theater.


    My problem wasn't the concept but the execution of it lol. I still don't understand how the clones who would mimic them would suddenly stop mimicking them. Just because they saw a dance? All of them? Across the whole country? 


    Then there's questions of what happens if the clone gets cancer but the original body doesn't? After the dance that liberated them, why did the shadow (or rather original thanks to the twist) main character decide to go through with the self C-section, marriage, and stuff? 

    • Like 4
  6. 7 hours ago, lilmac said:


    lol @baumer - how are you buddy? Almost 17 years since The Amazing Race to 1000. :) 



    @Water Bottle - My issue is the artificiality. Part of my issue comes from misplaced assumptions and I realize that (i.e. the producers were not deliberately trying to inject politics or an agenda in their casting/script/etc but I assumed as such). Some of it is not (i.e. inclusion riders and other stipulations). Even if having a black Legolas (that would be awesome actually) benefits me indirectly, it's like a fly in my soup when I see politics blatantly and 'unnecessarily' added in. 


    I mean in my opinion, the best way to cast most projects is as much blind casting as possible (meaning you cast regardless of race and the best person for the role gets it). But with Us, I didn't really see Jordan Peele being "political" when he wrote those lines/directed those scenes. I saw the protagonist find her inner strength and start taking over the situation-which for the record is what most protagonists in a story are supposed to do. That's what makes them heroes. 


    It's not "men are dumb, women are good!" The dad might have been a bit of a dork (on purpose-some guys are just dweebs!) but he is able to fend off multiple of the doppelgangers by himself despite being injured and lured them into traps and stuff (showing he's not dumb). The son is able to somehow get his doppelganger to mime him and take him down (but of course gets captured cause he's a child) but is also shown throughout the movie to be clever in setting up illusions. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Porthos said:

    Stepping away from the quality argument, this IS at 6.83m views and #2 Trending on YT.  I'm going to ignore the up/down vote in this case because Tele is quite right that this is the exact type of  movie to attract people mocking it and down voting it. 


    So it does seem to have a pretty decent view count for this type of film.  Might want to keep that in mind.


    If this movie does well and has good reviews, we'll get posts about which Marvel movie James Bobin should make. It's quite sad actually. 

    • Sad 2
    16 hours ago, lilmac said:

    Not threatened. Annoyed by blatant Hollywood liberal ‘soapboxing’. Same reaction if LOTR was remade in 2019 with the leads being racially diverse for PC reasons. 


    Right because skin color matters so much to you. Like if they cast a black person to play Legolas I wouldn't care. I think it'd be great he got an acting opportunity. But all you see is PC politics. Must be a sad way to look at films and life-to only see people by the color of their skin and their gender.

    • Like 2
    14 hours ago, lilmac said:


    - MeToo Infiltration Factor - 6/10 - annoying but not overly so. Examples, "You don't make the decisions anymore!" , Winston Duke and other male character being dumb doofuses and caricatures


    It's amazing how you are threatened by female characters that much.

    • Like 12
  10. That final twist was unnecessary. If I could have given Jordan Peele one note, it was to cut that twist. It was predictable and made the movie make even less sense. A good twist (predictable or not) should make sense with what you have seen: it should compliment previous scenes, not contradict them. 


    The other note I would have given was to have the plot follow the world rules rather than the world rules shaping to fit whatever plot he had.


    Almost any other director does this script, it's easily a C to C+ movie but Jordan Peele finds a way to keep me engaged and entertained and he executes most of the scenes really well. The score is absolutely killer as well.





    • Like 1
  11. 24 minutes ago, DAJK said:


    I mean Forbes clearly knows we exist so maybe but I also don't think we're big enough to put Peele and Universal on the defensive. 😂


    Reddit/Twitter are though.

    • Like 3
    1 hour ago, terrestrial said:

    That's young for that kind of problem, not?


    star Emila Clarke revealed in a first-person essay just published on The New Yorker website that she weathered two life-threatening brain hemorrhages since the start of 2011



    I know someone who suffered a stroke his first year of college. He was definitely young for that kind of medical problem but alas....he still suffered one. 

    • Sad 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Telemachos said:

    I mean, even putting this aside, who wants autoplaying-videos? I can’t think of a single context why it’d be beneficial to a user. On the other hand, it’s quite easy to see why sites would want it, since they can claim thousands or millions or views and charge advertisers accordingly. 


    Just another area where tech is completely fucked. 

    I fucking hate autoplaying-videos. If I go to a site and a video starts playing, I add it to a list of websites I only visit when I absolutely have to. It's literally discouraging me from visiting your site so just stop autoplaying.


    5 hours ago, TwoMisfits said:

    This is the smartest thing I've read on the internet today...


    I HATE all auto-play videos and keep my computer on mute for that reason (until I want volume and manually turn it on), so at least I can ignore any auto-play things til I can x them out...


    What's worse is it has ZERO consideration for people (like me) who don't have unlimited data on our phones. Videos take up a lot of data if I let it load completely.


    4 hours ago, Nova said:

    Smartest decision you’ve made. I’ve actually considered deactivating my social media accounts because of this. I turned off auto play on Twitter and STILL encountered that video because news channels were broadcasting it which just makes me believe it’s going to be unavoidable unless I actively avoid it. 


    I only have social media sites to keep up with movie news/news in general when I’m on the go but I’ve come to realize I can just visit this site or sites in general to get my news, which is what we all used to do anyways before social media burst the way it did. 

    Luckily so far I've been able to avoid any video of the shooting. 

    • Like 5
  14. 1 hour ago, Telemachos said:

    Consider that it’s a one-batter minimum right now and they’re just extending that a bit. 


    Oh really? So I can still bring a crappy closing pitcher in MLB The Show to give him a save to complete a program to get a good closing pitcher? Cool. 


    I'm fine with this rule change then.

  15. 3 hours ago, Porthos said:

    I miss Bud Selig. :kitschjob:


    I never thought I'd utter those words, but there you are.


    (It's come to the point where I think to myself "At least they're not banning the shift")

    ((But then I think about the cockamamie shit they're trying in the Atlantic League and I get depressed all over again)) 


    What's wrong with those rules? 

  16. 1 hour ago, terrestrial said:

    Can someone give me an explanation for the ABC grades as used here at BOT?

    I've seen different ones in the net


    A = ?/10 - 10/10

    B =

    C =

    D =

    F =

    Means a + or a - something like 0.5 or 0.25 or ?





    It's up to each individual user what their grade means. There is no uniform standard.

    • Like 1
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