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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Number 7 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 When Sony was hacked and faced hundreds of millions in legal damage I almost felt bad for them, but then I remembered they made this piece of shit. After Spider-Man 3 I thought Spidey simply had a misfire, after The Amazing Spider-Man I thought, "Well maybe they just need to get the origin out of the way before it gets good," and then I saw this one and there was no excuse I could tell myself to justify Spidey's fall from glory. The film is bad through and through with only the chemistry between Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield to give the film any credibility. While some of these movies I have said so far may have been technically worse than this movie, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 deserves its spot on here for officially killing a superhero.
  2. Same as me, I was desperate enough to even see if a screener has leaked yet and nope.
  3. Number 8 Jersey Boys What happened to Clint Eastwood? He had been a fairly strong filmmaker before this and he has really fallen off a cliff when it comes to quality. Jersey Boys was perhaps the most boring film I have seen the entire year, it's one of the only movie's this year where I found myself fighting to stay awake because it somehow manages to be so dull (even when the Broadway play is actually fairly great). The entire film just feels half-assed and uninteresting. While this movie may not technically be worse than some of the other movies on this list it somehow managed to turn a great Broadway show into one of the most boring rides of the year.
  4. I think you're the only person on the forum who had to see those movies. Number 9 When I first saw this movie I didn't find it too awful, just a bad experience, maybe like a bad tooth ache. But then I started to realize that the tooth ache was not going away and it just got more and more annoying when I thought about it. And then I had to see pieces of it again only to begin to realize I really did not like the movie. The thing is the actual premise of this movie had a lot of potential, it's just Seth MacFarlane took anything that could have been funny and waved it in front of your face a million times until you were absolutely sick of the joke, then afterwards he'd throw in a couple literal poop gags because apparently that's funny? No, it's just visually disgusting, and there is no forgiveness here for MacFarlane's comedic misfire.
  5. I have a belief that in order to truly enjoy the good movies you need to see some bad ones too. (However I do at times try to avoid the bad ones but somehow end up getting dragged to them anyways)
  6. Now for the 'real' list Number 10 I, Frankenstein I know this movie was dumped in January because Lionsgate had no faith in it, but what gave them enough faith to even give this the go ahead? I, Frankenstein was absolutely atrocious in about every way it possibly could, and it doesn't even give you the satisfaction of even being a true guilty pleasure. Aaron Eckhart tries to channel his inner over the top Dark Knight and it turns into one of the worst lead performances given this year. The movie is an abomination in about every sense of the word, but I have to say it's not like this ever had any prospects to be remotely good, however it could have at least made itself guiltily enjoyable.
  7. (Dis)Honorable Mention #1 Pompeii I'll be honest, the only reason this movie didn't make it into my top/bottom 10 is simply because I really should have known better with it being a Paul W.S. Anderson film. The movie's level of production values is about on par with your average porn film, however it lacks any of the sex, especially when you consider than this is a grade D mash up of Titanic and Gladiator. Also, I can't put this in my bottom 10 simply because I could probably get a lot of guilty pleasure out of it if were watched with a group of friends in a so bad that it's good sort of way.
  8. (Dis)Honorable Mention #2 The Nut Job Now, I understand I am not the target audience for this film, but that doesn't change the fact that it was one of the most painful movies to sit through of the entire year. This is one of the only movie's this year where when I finished the film I had a migraine from watching it. It's all obnoxious noise and the fact that we have to endure a sequel to this in a year is even more painstaking.
  9. (Dis)Honorable Mention #3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles This was one of my most recent viewings on the list, so it's still fresh in my head (which may be why it's on here over some other films). My main problem with this movie is that it is way to boring to be a movie about ten foot ninja super hero turtles. It is absolutely dull and nobody in the movie seems to care about anything going on. Thankfully it was fairly short so I only had to stomach it for so long before the credits rolled, but everything in the movie just feels recycled and boring. I don't know how many times I have seen the plot point of the big bad villain revealing his plans to the hero to spray *insert your disease, toxin, gaseous substance here* over all of the city, but I will say it wasn't an interesting plot point the first time I saw it, and it's definitely not an interesting one for the fiftieth time in this movie. I spent three dollars to rent this movie, and even that felt like way to much.
  10. (Dis)Honorable Mention #4 The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies This is probably the most controversial choice on my list (or just barely missing my list), but it's no secret on these forums how much I dislike these Hobbit movies. Everything is just completely worn out in this film, and it is literally just an excuse for Peter Jackson to have a giant CGI orgy. Even the few things the first two Hobbit movies did right (the special effects) doesn't work in this film because there is so much of it it simply leaves you null. The only reason this movie didn't make my top 10 for the worst is because had I personally not been such a big fan of Tolkien's work I probably would have only found these movies mediocre (and not worthy of this list) because the majority of my beef comes from Jackson's directorial approach with these movies, and despite that there are still really good moments scattered throughout them, it just so happens that all of those moments are surrounded by Jackson's steaming pile of overstretched shit.
  11. Quick note: My presentation is going to be a bit more rushed and lazy for this list. I'll actually take time to do a nice and more thorough presentation for my top 10 of the year. Before I get to my top 10 though, I will give 5 (dis)honorable mentions to movies that didn't make the list but I needed to mention how much I despise them as well. (Dis)Honorable Mention #5 Ride Along Kevin Heart has started to become a very large Hollywood star, and despite all of his charm, there was nothing he could do to make this movie funny at all (a tragic sin of a comedy). I will be honest though, I had mostly forgotten about this movie a couple weeks after I had seen it, but after looking back at my running list of the movies I had seen from 2014 I simply felt like this needed a mention for the pure fact this movie really had no reason to not be funny, yet it pretty much failed in every alley. Now, obviously this wasn't bad enough to make my top (or bottom) 10, but I did think this deserved a little shout out for sucking.
  12. I am doing this list today and my top 10 best tomorrow (technically 15 for both since I am doing 5 honorable mentions). However, I figured after I do mine there might be others who want to do a worst list so just post and tell me if you would like. Running List of Who Wants to Go DAJK Now to the point Many people like to honor and praise their best movies of the year, however I have an inner voice within me that has to speak. Before I can praise Hollywood and other filmmakers about how many great films they gave us this year I have to first remind them that they also put me through a lot of misery with these dreadful movies. The list I am about to make however isn't going to necessarily be a rundown of what I thought the worst made movies of the year (weird huh?), just because I gave a movie an F and another a D doesn't mean the F will be ranked and the D won't. When I composed my list I took into consideration some more things such as, 1.Was I mostly able to forget the horrible experience? If the movie was so bad that it stuck to my memory then it caused me much more misery than the one that didn't, then it deserves to be on in place of the other (even if it has more good to it than the other). 2.Did the movie have a right to suck? It's one thing when Scary Movie 6 is a stinkpile, it's another thing when it is agony to sit through the new Spider-Man movie (Even if the new Spider-Man movie is technically better than Scary Movie 6) 3.Did the movie shit all over something I love? If so, you can bet it made this list even if there were some movies technically worse than it. Now enough of my pre-commentary, it's time to start this.
  13. I would like to do mine tomorrow (all in one sitting), I am doing my top 10 worst today. (Well I am doing my top 15 for each, 5 are honorable mentions) I wanted to see if I could catch one more movie that was raved by a lot of people today before I did it. That was a good top 10 Baumer, I actually was surprised, I thought Birdman would be your number 1.
  14. I would, but when I do my top 10 I don't take the grade I gave the movie into account, I just put what I want. So usually a couple A movies get left out while I put a B movie on there. Strange, but it's how I work. So I don't see why not to keep updating it since this list has no barren on what my top 10 list will look like. A's Birdman: Or The Unexpected Nature of Ignorance Boyhood Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Fury Gone Girl The Grand Budapest Hotel The Guardians of the Galaxy The Immigrant Interstellar Into the Woods The LEGO Movie Snowpiercer The Theory of Everything X-Men: Days of Future Past B's 22 Jump Street Bad Words Bears Begin Again Big Hero 6 Blue Ruin Captain America: The Winter Soldier Chef Edge of Tomorrow The Fault in Our Stars The Giver Godzilla How to Train Your Dragon 2 ​The Imitation Game Neighbors Next Goal Wins Noah Only Lovers Left Alive St Vincent Wild C's About Last Night That Awkward Moment Blended Divergent Dracula Untold God's Not Dead The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Life Itself Locke The Monument's Men A Most Wanted Man Muppets: Most Wanted Oculus Veronica Mars D's 300: Rise of An Empire Alexander and the No Good, Terrible, Very Bad Day The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Annabelle Dumb and Dumber To The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Jersey Boys Maleficent A Million Ways to Die in the West Need For Speed Non-Stop Ride Along RoboCop Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles F's Deliver Us From Evil Endless Love I, Frankenstein The Nut Job Ouija Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Pompeii Transcendence Trans4mers: Age of Extinction Winter's Tale Z's America: Imagine a World Without Her
  15. I really, really enjoyed this and unlike others the second act of the show was my favorite part (Although it is in the play too). All of the acting was great, red riding hood especially surprised me because the trailers made me scared she'd be fairly wooden and she really pulled off the character and had a fantastic voice (although the kid who played Jack did outshine her in my opinion). Blunt, Streep, Pine, Corden, and Kendrick were all very strong, the weakest in the cast was Johnny Depp, who's song was painful to listen to I might add, but given he dies off fairly quickly I was fine with that. I was a little sad they mostly cut the narrator character, but it was understandable how he wouldn't work in the film adaption (plus no reprise for Agony was irritating). The weakest part of the film is actually Marshall's direction and rather bland production values, had there been a stronger director at the helm this could have been a very solid A from me, but instead it's probably more of a borderline B+ to A-. However, this was much better than I was expecting it to be (I was expecting a much hammier and watered down Disney version with the PG rating, but the dark tone and the message really stayed in tact). I am going to go with an A- instead of the B+ (which I feel is probably the more correct grade) simply because this is one of the best Broadway adaptions to happen in a while. On a very important side note, the music in this show was very yummy. Thank you for actually casting actors who know how to actually sing (With the exception of Johnny Depp who sounds like a weird mixture of Christian Bale's Batman voice and a dying mule).
  16. Fair point, I didn't see the movie but I had heard bits about it so I'm not sure how the intention looked. I was just being a devils advocate and stating a child avatar for God isn't contradictory
  17. I bet 50 points American Sniper OW over Lone Survivor's OW 2 people I bet 50 points American Sniper over Lone Survivor DOM 2 people I bet 50 points Selma is over 75m DOM 2 people
  18. Yeah, I noticed no post June film made the list.
  19. To be fair to Exodus, I don't think God having a child avatar is too out of character. Jesus really up talks the Children and it also fits the Biblical theme of the small and meek being the most. It's an interesting directorial choice, I don't see how it's insulting.
  20. Avatar is no Terminator (plus the first Terminator was very small). If Avatar 2 can't make 2016 or 2017 it'll be in trouble for the pure fact the last was so far away.
  21. Phil Lord and Chris Miller on the Book of Mormon is the best thing I've heard in a long time.
  22. I'm surprised guardians of the galaxy wasn't pirated that much compared to x-men and cap.
  23. Btw I am doing my top 10/15 worst on the 29th and my to top 10/15 best on the 30th. I'm doing it earlier because I looked at my 31st schedule and it's very busy and I'd like to be able to do both the lists in one sitting. (My top 10/15 best will be much more showy, my worst I'll just do title, picture, short write up) I'm kind of disappointed because I've always done my best of on the 31st. I'll create a separate thread for it the day of in a few of my favorite things and then when I'm done it can be moved here. (Unless Baumer finishes by tomorrow night, then I can use this thread) I'm excited to see Baumer's top 20, this has been a well done and interesting read.
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