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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Delgo is a true classic, I forgive all the wrong placements because it's number 1
  2. Gag, Toy Story 3 is not top 4 of all time good (I think the entire trilogy is a bit overrated when compared to Pixar's other golden age movies but that's me). And Frozen is to close to the top 10.I'm disappointed but I'm not overly surprised.
  3. They're different enough to an extent, but they play out completely different arcs, but I thought Rapunzel's was much more natural than Anna's. Anna's worked really well for the first half, but the second half (when I felt as if the makers didn't fully know what direction they wanted to go, it seemed like they had intentions to go darker but didn't want to scare off the family audience) seemed more staggered. You can see clear conflict within Rapunzel's character as she develops and with each of her decisions, she goes on a full journey to progress from point A to point B making forward leaps and backtracks. Anna on the contrary never seemed to have the inner conflict necessary to grow, she had one dimensional till the Hans twist and then swapped to a new dimension afterwards. Now, neither of the characters are masterworks or anything but I did feel like Rapunzel got better care than Anna, and Flynn was by far the better character when compared to the Kristoff counter-part. You can really see Tangled's influence in Frozen as well, it really seemed as if they modeled Frozen after Tangled in a lot ways. I like both movies, but the more I look at it the better Tangled appears to be to me.
  4. I agree as well, it has a lot more charm in my opinion, and it feels more complete. With Frozen I felt like everything through Let it Go (and then a few sparkling moments afterwards) was clean and sharp, much of the rest just seemed like they needed more time to finalize everything. Anna also seems like a rehash of Rapunzel, while I will get Frozen credit for a lot of its ambition, Tangled worked its way into my emotions and really captured that Disney-esque essence for me. I really liked it the first time, but after seeing it a couple more times I grew to love it, it was the opposite for Frozen for me. The first time I viewed Frozen I loved it, but my opinion of it degraded after my first viewing.
  5. To be honest if Tangled makes the top 10 (or at least ahead of Frozen) and Finding Nemo makes the top 5 I will be happy with this list.
  6. Kung Fu Panda is one of their great ones, pretty much the first two Shrek's, Panda's, and Dragon's are the only overly good Dreamworks fair.
  7. So HTTYD was generic but the Bee Movie wasn't? Out of all the Dreamworks movies you defended the one you go after is easily their best one?
  8. Plus, Citizen Kane has already been thoroughly defended and analyzed as an all-time great. Am person can't simply say, "the acting in it is bad" and leave it at that.If you think you can prove anyone in citizen Kane gave a poor performance go for it, but anyone who has spent any time doing (or studying) even a basic level of theater would laugh at that notion.
  9. It's not pretentious, it just irks me when people go around saying universally acclaimed and immortal classics as bad movies because they can.It is truth that there is a difference between liking something and saying something is good or bad.For example, I like hamburgers yet I am not a fan of sushi. I would much rather eat a poorly made hamburger than the best made sushi, but that is my personal preference. I can tell the difference between a bad hamburger even if I still enjoy eating it and a well-prepared one, and I would never say a McDonald's hamburger was better made than well-made sushi from a 5 star chef, even if I would prefer to eat the McDonald's over the sushi.The fact that you go to the lengths to say you won't even associate yourself with somebody who would "speak like this" says more on the insecurity of your statements than what I actually posted.I have not insulted you, and if for some reason I have offended you than I apologize. But one of my pet peeves is when people claim a classic is a bad movie because they didn't enjoy watching it completely misunderstanding that there's a difference between disliking something and going on about how something is bad.
  10. Saying Citizen Kane is one of the worst films ever made isn't an opinion, it's an incorrect statement.Saying Citizen Kane is one of my least favorite films would be an opinion (albeit a fairly eye rolling one).I believe we even came to the consensus in my "what makes a film good" thread that there is a major difference between what you enjoy and what you'd consider a good movie.For example, you can state Citizen Kane has bad acting, actually anyone can. However, I highly doubt you can give an actual analysis of the acting and how the performances were so bad without revealing the flaws in your argument that it is one of the worst films ever made.However, you saying you dislike the film wouldn't invoke the same failure because then it simply is just your opinion on the movie and not your statement on what the movie is.
  11. Lol, there is no way turtles will win anymore weekends. It's dropping harder than guardians, no reason for it to stop.
  12. I think it's understandable and perfectly fine to like and dislike any movie.However it's another thing to call something like Citizen Kane a horrible movie and expect your opinion to be taken seriously.
  13. 2 and 3 actually entertained me (2 much more than 3), they aren't great by any means, but they are fun movies.
  14. I'll try and do a posting spree Labor Day weekend, I have mostly been using mobile and I only post on this list when I am on PC. The time I had this weekend at home I had to spend getting rid of a virus on my computer. Also, because this isn't a list people voted on and my personal list I do feel I am allowed to go at whatever pace I have time for.
  15. Alright with Hunchback and 101 Dalmatians, they're not my favorites but I understand why they're liked.
  16. I just realized I made my top 100 animated list pre Tangled re-watch, which means I probably didn't place it in my top 20 like I would have now. :
  17. It plays on the, "Native Americans were unenlightened savages and needed the white men to come over and teach them how to civilization properly." Obviously the Aztecs weren't brute idiots, they built some of the biggest technical wonders out there. I wasn't huge on the film in the first place, but the fact the natives are really portrayed poorly irks me.
  18. I'd rank them 1.How to Train Your Dragon 2.Kung Fu Panda 3.Kung Fu Panda 2 4.How to Train Your Dragon 2 5.Shrek 6.Shrek 2 7.Everything Else
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