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Everything posted by Dav

  1. A) Moonrise Kingdom: 10 mill--ABSTAIN Chernobyl Diaries: 20 mill--NO C) Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: 25 mill--YES D) Hunger Games: 401 mill--YES E) Dictator: 53 mill--YES F) Intouchables: 600K--YES
  2. 1) Will Snow White open to more than 40 million? NO2) Will Piranha 3DD open to more 2.5 mill? NO3) Will Greater Glory have a per theater average of more than $4500? NO4) Will Battlefield America make more than 500K? YES5) Will Piranha have a Saturday drop of more than 20%? YES6) Will Snow White have a Saturday increase of more than 10%? NO7) Will The Avengers drop more than 49%? NO8) Will MIB3 drop more than 55%? NO9) Will any film in the top 10 have a Sunday drop of less than 40% from it's previous Sunday? YES10) Will Snow White make at least 15 mill more than MIB3? NO11) Will any film have a Friday increase of less than 30%? NO12) Will Chernobyl Diaries make at least 1 million more than Piranha 3DD YES13) Will Best Exotic Marigold finish in the top 10? YES10/13 300011/13 400012/13 500013/13 8000Bonus 1) What will the Avengers WW total be after estimates on Sunday? 4000 1.365BBonus 2) What will The Hunger Games domestic total be after Monday actuals? 4000 377,585,125Bonus 3) What films finish in slots:4 Battleship6 Dark Shadows7 Marigold Hotel11 The Hunger Games2000 each....get all four correct get a 5000 bonus.Good luck!
  3. All questions are for the 4 day unless otherwise specified All questions are for the top 12 UOS All questions worth 1000 points UOS Due Thursday May 24th at 11:59pm 1) Will Men Black make more than 5 mill from midnights?--NO 2) Will MIB have an opening day of more than 25 mill?--NO 3) Will MIB make at least 35 mill more than The Avengers does?--YES 4) Will MIB double the gross of Avengers?--NO 5) Will any film increase on Sunday?--NO 6) Will any film increase by more than 55% on Saturday?--YES 7) Will MIB have an opening 3 day weekend of more than 150 mill WW? Only Sunday estimates will count. 3000--YES 8) Will MIB's worst grossing day of the 4 day weekend be higher than Chernobyl Diaries 4 day total? 3000--NO 9) Will Chernobyl Diaries gross more than Battleship and Dictator combined?--YES 10) Will Dark Shadows drop less than 20% (so this means, will DS's 4 day drop be less than 20% compared to it's previous weekends 3 day number)?--NO 11) Will Best Exotic Marigold Hotel have an increase (same scenario as number 10...4 day to 3 day)?--YES 12) Will What to Expect When You're Expecting have a Saturday increase of more than 45%?--NO 13) Will The Avengers best day be within 10 mill of MIB's worst day? 3000--YES 10/13 2000 11/13 3000 12/13 5000 13/13 8000 Bonus 1: What will MIB3 gross for the 4 day? 4000 85.225M Bonus 2: What will the combined 4 day gross of Dark Shadows, Battleship and THG be? 4000 25.555M Bonus 3: What will be the best combined increase for Fri and Saturday, % wise. So if you think Battleship will have a 220% increase Friday and a 75% increase Saturday, you would put 295% as your answer. If this is the highest total increase % wise, added up, then you get the points. 208.225% Three best answers gets points: 4000 3000 2000 What films finish in slots: 4 Battleship 5 Dictator 6 Dark Shadows 10 Think Like A Man 3000 each. Good luck all!
  4. 1) Will Battleship open to more than 47 mill?--NO 2) Will What to Expect open to more than 20 mill?--YES 3) Will The Dictator open to more than 30 mill for the 5 day?--NO 4) Will The Dictator's two day (wed-Thurs) gross be more than 10 mill?--NO 5) Will the combined gross of The Dictator (5 day) and What To Expect (3 day) be more than the Avengers (3 day)?--NO 6) Will any film have a Saturday increase of more than 60%?--YES 7) Will any film have a Sunday drop of less than 24%?--YES 8) Will The Avengers drop more than 45%?--NO 9) Will The Avengers weekend gross be more than the combined gross of films in places 3-10?--NO 10) Will The Avengers total gross be more than 450 mill?--YES 11) Will What to Expect and Battleship both have increases on Saturday?--YES 12) Will THG make at least 500k more than The Lucky One?--YES 13) Will Safe House have an increase this weekend?--NO 14) Will The Raven make more than Safe?--YES 15) Will Think Like a Man fall less than 30%?--NO 12/15 3000 13/15 5000 14/15 6000 15/15 10,000 Bonus 1: To three decimal points, what will The Avengers % drop be this weekend? 3000 43.225 Bonus 2: What will the top five cume be for the weekend (only 3 day counts) 150.6M Bonus 3: What finishes in spots: 3 The Dictator 4 What to Expect When Your Expecting 9 The Lucky One 11 Five Year Engagement 13 Chimpanzee 15 The Raven
  5. First WWZ now Gravity??? This winter season went from awesome to mediocre quick.
  6. 1. The Dark Knight Rises2. Prometheus3. Django Unchained4. Skyfall5. Ted6. Gangster Squad7. Gravity8. This is Forty9. Lawless10. Chernobyl Diaries
  7. All questions work 1000 All questions pertain to the top 12 1) Will Dark Shadows open to more than 30 mill?--NO 2) Will Dark Shadows come within 70 mill of The Avengers?--NO 3) Will Dark Shadows drop more than 25% on Sunday?--YES 4) Will Dark Shadows weekend gross be more than any single day of The Avengers?--YES 5) Will The Avengers fall less than 55%?--YES 6) Will The Avengers fall less than 52%?--NO 7) Will The Avengers have a Saturday increase of more than 44%?--NO 8) Will The Avengers have a Friday increase of more than 180%?--NO 9) Will Girl In Progress make more than 2 mill?--NO 10) Will The Hunger Games gross more than 3 mill?--YES 11) Will Think Like a Man fall less than 38%?--YES 12) Will The Avengers fall more than 50% on Saturday from it's previous Saturday?--NO 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 6000 Bonus 1: What will Avengers weekend gross be? 3000 97.5M Bonus 2: What will The Avengers drop be? Three decimal places please. 3000 53.0% Bonus 3: How much more will The Avengers make than Dark Shadows? 3000 71.3M Bonus 4: What finishes in spots: 5 Pirates 7 Five Year Engagement 11 The 3 Stooges 15 Mirror Mirror 2000 points each....5000 bonus if you get all four correct
  8. If TA hits 200M, do y'all realize how unprecedented that would be?? I remember years of threads started by people asking if they would ever see the magical "200M OW" Most said not for another few years or even if current theaters could hold the capacity of that many people in 3 days. I know 3D is boosting these numbers, but still. My jaw will drop if I wake up in the morning and see that kind of a number.
  9. My 500 seat theater was sold out at 330. It was ridiculous. Saturday is gonna be huge.
  10. The Avengers (2D) 5/5/12 3:30 showing 475 seats--SOLD OUT (which for a 500 seat theater was insane) Trailers: The Dictator--laughs throughout Battleship--no reaction Prometheus--silence and some freaked out faces at the end The Dark Knight Rises--complete silence, it was an awesome feeling Brave--some laughs Frankenweenie--no reaction Movie: This was awesome. Well worth the wait as the film pays off in full. There was just something about seeing Iron Man, Thor, Capt America, and the Hulk all on screen at once. The one-liners hit and the action was awesome. Clearly my quick review won't matter much since millions of people will or already have seen this. Still for fans and non-fans alike it's worth checking out. If The Avengers is any indication, we are in for a hell of a summer. A
  11. Every show in my area is sold out for the night. Haven't seen this kind of business on a friday since HP7 Part 2 and TDK. 70M OD won't surprise me.
  12. Well since this number means nothing less than 160M OW, I would consider it very impressive.
  13. Amazing number. Avengers was never going to pull a huge midnight number due to its release date and its target demo skews older than HP/Twilight. Haha it's funny some are saying a "20 million" midnight is disappointing. Before the time of book franchises, aka 4 years ago, TDK held the midnight record with a fantastic 18 million. And that was in the middle of summer. 4 years later...20 million is damn damn impressive.Not to mention fri/sat business is going to be ridiculous.
  14. Looking forward to the crowd reports tonight, specifically trailer reactions from TDKR and Prometheus
  15. I was surprised to see so many people with Snow White being a high grosser. Some people even had it top 5. I just don't see the appeal that screams "200M+ movie"
  16. ALL QUESTIONS WORTH 1000 POINTS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. ALL QUESTIONS PERTAIN TO THE THREE DAY WEEKEND. ALL QUESTIONS PERTAIN TO THE TOP 12 UNLESS SPECIFIED 1) Will The Avengers make more than 22.5 mill for midnights? YES 2) Will The Avengers make more than 27 mill for midnights? NO 3) Will The Avengers make more than 30 mill for midnights? NO 4) Will The Avengers set the midnights record? NO 5) Will The Avengers set any daily or opening record this weekend (midnight, OD, Saturday, Sunday or opening weekend)? YES 6) Will The Avengers have a Friday of more than 68.5 mill? YES 7) Will The Avengers drop more than 15% on Saturday? YES 8) Will The Avengers have a Sunday drop of more than 30%? NO 9) Will The Avengers have a Sunday gross of more than 45 mill? YES 10) Will The Avengers make more than 160 mill this weekend? YES 11) Will The Avengers have a WW weekend (as reported by THR on Sunday, only estimates will count) of more than 225 mill?4000 YES 12) Will The Avengers WW total be more than 400 mill as reported by THR, only estimates will count? YES 13) Will The Avengers open to more than 15 mill in RUSSIA (as reported by THR and only estimates will count)? YES 14) Will The Avengers Friday total gross be at least 2.7 times bigger than it's midnight gross? YES 15) Will The Hunger Games have a drop of less than 40%? NO 16) Will Five Year Engagement finish number 2 for the weekend? NO 17) Will The Raven have a Friday increase of more than 125%? NO 18) Will any film increase by more than 60% on Saturday? YES 19) Will Nikki's FIRST Friday number (not her midnight report, but actual Friday report ) have The Avengers making more than 5 mill more than the real estimate reported by Boxofficemojo.com FOR THE FRIDAY NUMBER? 3000 NO 20) Will American Reunion have a Saturday increase of more than 40%? NO 15/20 2000 16/20 3000 17/20 4000 18/20 5000 19/20 8000 20/20 12000 Bonus #1: Tell me what the top 5 cume will be: 198.8M Closest: 5000 2nd closest: 3000 3rd closest: 2000 Bonus #2: What will the combined weekend gross be of The Raven, Safe and THG? 12.8M 5000..only one winner Bonus 3: What will TitaniC 3DS WW gross be according to THR when it comes out on Sunday? 332.2M 5000...only one winner. What will finish in spots: 3) Pirates 7) Safe 8) Raven 12) Cabin in the Woods 15) Mirror Mirror 2000 each correct spots, 5000 bonus if you get all five correct.
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