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Posts posted by kaijukurt

  1. 5 hours ago, grim22 said:


    You can be the only credited screenwriter and still not be responsible for most of the movie. WGA guidelines are weird like that. If the studio brings in 5, 10 or even 20 other writers to write one scene each, they haven't contributed enough to get credit. Credit is given based on how much of whose work is in the final script used, so even if one writer's idea is found to be the impetus, he gets the story credit.


    Not saying Landis isn't responsible for the issues the movie may have, just that WGA guidelines work in weird ways.


    There are some really good episodes of "Scriptnotes" dealing with this which unfortunately are for subscribers only now.


    Really interesting to know. Thanks!

    • Like 1
  2. Overall, not bad, but its still far from being anything memorable.




    -Unsurprisingly, Del Toro's visual style. Costumes & set are fucking great.

    -Acting is great. loved Chastain & Wasikowska were standouts for me.




    -I know how Del Toro's said "its not a ghost story, but a story with ghosts" but still, the ghosts here aren't scary at all. They're clearly cgi, and not very convincing cgi at that. Their scenes were too brief to have any real impact on me.

    -Emotionally, it didn't really connect to me either. I can't put it exactly into words.

    -For me it was slow..3rd act was kinda worth it though.


    Audience response:


    Some people left in the middle. Clearly some were expecting all-out horror, and that may affect its box-office dearly.


    Anyway, at least it looks good and the actors work with what they have. But its a step down from Del toro's past works, IMO.



  3. My personal reservation about this movie is the fact that it's revisiting Skull Island. I'm just not sure how they're going to top the bug pit or the T-Rex battle from Jackson's Kong. That movie as a whole may have been imperfect, but the hour-long sequence on the island was just about perfect. 


    Easily the best thing about the 2005 film.


    I'm pretty sure the Legendary team is aware of this as well, though.

  4. The funny thing is, King Kong battled a "Humongous T-rex" called Gorosaurus in King Kong Escapes, a TOHO film from the 60's. I don't know if they would use that Toho monster or not. I do think they should put some sort of giant monster in this for Kong to fight to establish he can battle Godzilla.





    Gorosaurus would be cool, maybe to show us how Kong could overpower and outmaneuver larger opponents like Godzilla ;)

  5. Blomkamp thinks he's the new Verhoeven with his attempts at "satiristical social commentary" coming from a frat dudebro but he's just the Afrikaner's Zach Snyder at the core gleefully blowing shit up in slomo because it looks cool and awesome. He's a one trick pony (His schtick of making a sleek VFX showcase against real shanty backgrounds as a shallow canvas to his simplistic and trite "poor chaps vs nasty rich corporates" narrative that sounds hollow because he got nothing relevant to say. It's just a cartoony pretext for his hardcore gamer sensibility). I smelled the bullshit that he was all style/no substance ever since D9.


    Woah. I don't agree with you but this is some well-written shit right here.

    • Like 1
  6. I watched it. Overall, not bad.




    -Unsurprisingly, Del Toro's visual style. Costumes & set are fucking great.

    -Acting is great. loved Chastain & Wasikowska were standouts for me.




    -I know how Del Toro's said "its not a ghost story, but a story with ghosts" but still, the ghosts here aren't scary at all. They're clearly cgi, and not very convincing cgi at that. Their scenes were too brief to have any real impact on me.

    -Emotionally, it didn't really connect to me either. I can't put it exactly into words.

    -For me it was slow..3rd act was kinda worth it though.


    Audience response:


    Some people left in the middle. Clearly some were expecting all-out horror, and that may affect its box-office dearly.


    Anyway, at least it looks good and the actors work with what they have. But its a step down from Del toro's past works, IMO.


    I guess I'll see the general perception from you guys in  a couple of days.




    (I should probably give this a rewatch)

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