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Posts posted by kaijukurt

  1. On this note, who is directing the Deadpool movie?


    Tim Miller, mostly known for working on the openings of Thor 2 & Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Has good VFX experience, I'd say.


  2. SPOILERS: Read the script. First 40 pages or so deal with Mia and her dad's relationship + her desire to become a respected writer and her struggle to be taken seriously as a woman (all while Loki courts her and Chastain schemes). It's not really scary (we see ghosts early on and they never feel like a threat). Well written but could have used genuine scares. Chastain's role is juicy, especially near the end. But there are no big surprises in terms of twist/reveals. 


    But overall, would you say its good?

  3. Heneral Luna Box Office




    Est. budget: P80 million or $1.7 million





    1st Week Sept 9-15 P15,333,299
    2nd Week Sept 16-22 P44,066,423
    3rd Week Sept 23-29 P104,010,219

    4th Week Sept 30 P8,937,640
    Oct 01 P8,086,507


    Grand Total (as of Oct.1) P180,434,088/approx. $3.9 million

    • Like 1
  4. ^Yeah, looking back, maybe I shouldnt have.

    But still though, after all the speculation of whether Pacific Rim sequel rumors would go anywhere in the first place, and the subsequent announcements of a release date, comics and (probably now canceled) animated series..it just seemed like such a triumph for the people who wanted to see them go somewhere else with the universe.

    But anyway, what's done is done but I'll just keep hoping for the best.

    If you guys are happy with the recent developments, I'm cool with that as well.

  5. We are talking about two different types of screenings.

    This is test screening, which does as I explain.

    The screenings you are talking about are pretty much the only way I go to movies now. They are free for audiences in the hopes that they can build up hype/still gauge what the audience thinks of it. Sometimes there purpose is to get critics in so their reviews can be published ahead of the theatrical release. These are usually a couple weeks or less leading up to a film.

    A test screening usually involves signing embargoes and are typically in LA and NYC showing movies months and up to a year or so ahead. Ihave a friend who went to a test screening of Crimson Peak like 9 months ago.


    Hmm..any idea how that went? (if there was anything he could say about it :P)


  6. I wanted to like this. The trailer made me excited for it, actually.

    But overall, I was disappointed. I think the 2 reviews above mine echo a lot of my thoughts about the movie already, but I just wanna add a few things.

    Its hard to feel any chemistry between a team when said team doesn't actually spend a lot of time dealing w/ situations together.

    The stakes didn't feel high at all especially since they formally introduce Doom as the villain so very, very late into the film. The climax almost felt like a second act culmination rather than an actual finale.

    But for some positives..well the cast clearly worked with what they had, and the visuals were good in some scenes (not all though..)

    Plus I noticed a lot of stuff from the trailers got cut out. The money shot of Thing raising his fist, him getting dropped from an airplane..its all gone.

    If I'm in a good mood, 2/5. If not...even lower.

    • Like 1
  7. I liked it, but didn't love it.




    Cruise and the rest of cast were awesome. All of them could be humorous or dead serious if the plot called for it.


    Action sequences were great, really really loved the Morocco chase (INTENSE). Opera scene is great too.


    In fact, the first two acts were excellent IMO.


    The whole thing really felt like spy movie through and through with the exotic locations, fancy tech, daredevil situations etc. It held on to that premise without ever going too over the top.




    I didn't really feel the threat/stakes in this one.


    The Syndicate, despite being a "rogue nation" and all, didn't feel..big. They just felt like one schemer and bunch of henchmen (despite being former secret agents).


    I liked in the how in the first act they seemed so mysterious & untouchable, but as the film went on, they just started to seem incompetent. Despite them orchestrating the plane bit, the Chancellor's assassination, and Hunt telling Benji about their operations, they just didn't click with me as this super-powerful terrorist network.


    I can also see what they were trying to do with the third act, make it more low-key and it was very average to me with its convenient and arguably cliche plotting.


    From certain interviews you could tell McQuarrie just worked with what he had but he wasn't necessarily ecstatic with the finished product. Still, props to the crew for the workmanship.


    Overall, I loved the first two acts but the villain and third act didn't work for me.

    Slightly mixed on this but I'll give it a 7 for now.


    Edit: Slowly warming up to the third act/villain after some thought. I should give this another watch.

    • Like 1
  8. Ant-Man opened to $2.7M. Higher than GOTG's $2.4M, so not bad at all.



    In Asia markets, A-M opened No. 1 and was the biggest bow ever for a first-installment Marvel Cinematic Universe title in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. The biggest of those for the tiny superhero were Taiwan with $3.7M, Malaysia with $2.8M, the Philippines with $2.7M and Thailand at $2.6M.

    • Like 1
  9. Budget decrease of ~40M?



    For instance, 2013's Pacific Rim, made for $190 million, was considered a disappointment in the U.S. with $101 million but grossed three times as much overseas and is getting a sequel. Still, reliance on international performance is somewhat problematic because studios see a smaller cut of the box office than they do from U.S. theaters.


    Perhaps for that reason, insiders say that Legendary Entertainment, which is fully financing Pacific Rim 2, will spend less on the sequel, due Aug. 14, 2017, via Universal.




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