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Posts posted by kaijukurt

  1. I liked it quite a lot.Fast-paced thrills with barely a dull moment, with nice brain-powered eye candy and enough pseudoscience to make this one a good time at the movies.Scarlett is great, the villains and side characters have enough on-screen presence, and Besson's unconventional moments actually sat very well with me.4/5

    • Like 2
  2. That's huge for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and it fits very well into the story of the summer.




    Thus completes the rise to terror of the Three Headed Monster, the bane of all BOF members.Posted Image


    It has taken down several innocent and honorable victims...Posted Image

    Several valiant efforts tried and failed to contain it...


    Posted Image


    But only five heroes will be able to harness the power and defeat them all, restoring balance to the world of film...



    Posted Image




    Fighting awful movies,

    Living up to his duties,

    Always teaming with his groupies,

    He is the one named Sailor Pratt!


    He will never turn his back on a fresh!

    Defend every good soul from a mess!

    Because when all the heroes mesh,

    He is the one named Sailor...


    Sailor Evans!

    Sailor ScarJo!

    Sailor Boyhood!

    Sailor Rocket!


    Cause everything, is now awesome!

    He is the one named Sailor Pratt!


    Fighting awful movies,

    Living up to his duties,

    It's never gonna be a doozy!

    He is the one named Sailor Pratt!

    He is the one named Sailor Pratt!

    He is the one....Sailor Pratt!

    Poor ASM 2
    • Like 2
  3. Del Toro Interview:http://herocomplex.latimes.com/movies/comic-con-guillermo-del-toro-talks-crimson-peak-pacific-rim-2/#/1

    I want it to be different enough to the first one that you don’t feel you’re seeing the same movie. I’m doing a little more location-oriented stuff, there are night battles, but there are also daylight battles. The things we do in the action scenes is very different from the first one. We are expanding the mythology of the Anteverse. We are taking the characters into a completely different journey this time because Raleigh for me solved his problem the minute he was able to go full circle and save Mako by sacrificing himself, which is what he couldn’t do with his brother. He’s not on that journey anymore, he’s on a new journey.

    • Like 2
  4. My man Maurice learning to read and teaching the baby apes. Maurice speaking. :wub: Maurice being a pacifist and loyal to Caesar but helping to knock that bus down when shit got real. :wub: Maurice chilling with Caesar talking about life back in 'nam.

    Maurice getting shot. :angry: They did do a great job of helping us see where Koba was coming from but once he shot Maurice he had to go.


    I think a Maurice death would be the saddest scene to ever grace this franchise :(

    Posted Image

    • Like 4
  5. Maurice was awesome. There was just something great that I can't put my finger on about that moment when Caesar has been shot, the town is on fire and he just tells the humans to run. Such unwavering belief that they were not responsible in any way regardless of the apparent evidence.


    Which just goes to prove that the apes are such interesting characters in the film. They have such a great on-screen presence, and Maurice is a prime example of that. His vocals, his gait, yup, he was great in this. 

    • Like 7
  6. Wow.


    Excellent visuals, top-notch acting (especially the motion capture, damn! :o), and one of the most tense movie atmospheres I've seen in a long time.


    The apes in this are AMAZING. That aspect of the movie cannot be understated. 


    The film's powerful themes were very well-crafted and represented, IMO.


    The story itself is not actually complex, but it is done with so much passion, sincerity, and earnestness that it just drags you in and never lets you go. 



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