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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. It's not. It's hard numbers.Not that i'm expecting such an increase. He also had very low midnights. Maybe his chain is acting different.
  2. Australia won't.So you see it making over $550m off of a $140m OW from holdovers?
  3. It's funny, few months ago the hype was huge. You people don't have a clue.
  4. Either way, it's a shit result for Hobbit. Some Hollywood movies still manage $40m or more even today. Potter made over $100m last year. The market doesn't change that much in a year. They just don't give a shit about Hobbit.
  5. Lightstorm is a production company, like Scott Free, i think. It's definitely not a SFX house. Cameron was one of the founders of Digital Domain, though. I dunno if he still has a stake in it. It's not doing so hot (filed for bankruptcy in 2012).
  6. Yes. Plus i don't know what some are talking about regarding bloat. While i had my issues, bloat was not it. In fact, it felt rushed in parts. More character moments please!
  7. Dunno why it should help it. The holiday boost comes a week later but in turn the dailies by that time will be smaller.
  8. But barely beating the December record is nothing to write home about when the movie in question is the prequel to LOTR. It'll probably top $300m, yes. Again, nothing terribly exciting.
  9. Sunday could be as low as $17m. Next week it could drop 50% or more. I'm not doing any calculations but that seems awfully low.
  10. It's not. It's in line with OS numbers.This is mimicking FOTR in totals ($850m). Although, i wouldn't be surprised if it misses $300m DOM. Its first Sunday might very well be bellow $20m. By the time holidays start it won't do that much per day.
  11. I told you it's not gonna do that great. It's in line with OS numbers.
  12. That you even bring up Avatar and Titanic... as if it was ever not safe...Avengers as well if we are talking strictly domestic.
  13. Kids will care the least about the shooting. If it's anyone, it's the parents.
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