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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. I guess, you mean the teaser, because the final trailer was good. The teaser wasn't bad either, just the effects were still a little rough at that point.
  2. When he did Avatar i was hoping he'd finally be back with regular releases, at least one every three years. Alas, nope.
  3. Agreed, on both accounts.Saw it last week, finally.
  4. Better than Star Trek internationally. Imagine that!
  5. DH2 of course. TA will do only moderately in Japan.
  6. I did say Batman had a weaker DOM:OS ration, did i not? It was much bigger for the same reasons it was much bigger in the US.
  7. You can't just take the OS numbers without context. The original Spiderman did about the same OS than DOM, Superman did more OS than DOM. If Superman has never blown up OS it also has never blown up DOM. Batman indeed had historically a somewhat weaker DOM:OS ratio.
  8. Well, the last Potter made close to $950m OS while SM3 $550m.
  9. No, it's not. TASM is dropping despite 3D while TDKR is increasing over its predecessor.I would label TASM's performance as decent, TDKR's as good.
  10. Reboot does matter OS just as much as DOM, the difference is that the growing OS market is concealing the fact that attendance goes down in developed markets.Pirates 4 is not a reboot in any shape or form, it's featuring the same actors, most of all Depp.
  11. To be fair, TDK didn't have China, SM3 did (i know, it didn't gross a lot but still). And TASM is a reboot while TDKR is not. Just because some people ignored the reboot factor, doesn't mean its performance is bad in any shape or form.
  12. Some few predicted $800m for TASM, some few are predicting $700m for TDKR.
  13. Um, that's because TDKR made over twice as much on its 3rd weekend than TASM.
  14. If he lost all his credibility with that he didn't have much to begin with. There's no new trailer.
  15. I know, i meant compared to two years ago. I want Hobbit to crush stupid DH2!
  16. Wait a minute, that can't be right. I took the top 9 holdovers and the average drop was about the same on both weekends.
  17. I'm pissed about the exchange rates. Hobbit will lose like $100m in Europe.
  18. No. It's always something else, never the movie itself.
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