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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. Complete bullshit. The dwarves are distinct to make it easier for the audience to tell them apart.
  2. Maybe it gets better in the 2nd half of the year. Can't get much worse, right?
  3. The most any Harry Potter ever did in Spain was $24m. Harry Potter didn't collapse, at least not in terms of box office.Just looking at all Harry Potters and compared to other markets, i don't see this collapse in Spain's box office. For sure, Spain is doing worse than for example UK and Germany, where the last Potter outgrossed every other Potter by at least like 15%, whereas in Spain DH2 lost about 10% compared to the biggest Potter there, but how much is that market conditions is difficult to say and again it's definitely not a huge collapse.
  4. So box office is less immune to a weak economy in Europe than in the USA?You guys have some box office data to show that?
  5. It's already 3 weeks in release, the numbers are not gonna go up by a whole lot, maybe 30%?Whoa, i didn't know (or forgot) ROTK destroyed DH2 in Spain and beat it in Italy and Germany without 8 years of inflation and 3D. Makes me wonder what Hobbit can do...
  6. Please learn to read.I'm saying its main markets are those that you listed, which is typical for a SH movie. Mainland Europe is providing good numbers for a SH movie but nothing spectacular.
  7. Again, average for a movie that is about to hit $900m OS. On their own and for a SH movie, they are pretty good but nothing spectacular.Dunno why Avatar, it's in a different league. And LOTR was a decade ago and didn't had 3D (yet it's still beating Avengers pretty handily). As for TDK, it's also a SH movie, hence okay numbers. But here you go:Avatar OS breakdownROTK OS breakdownTDK OS breakdown
  8. Urm. Yes. Again, mainland Europe doesn't include UK. In the UK and its former colonies, SH movies are popular.
  9. Is Spiderman more popular in Europe? Maybe a little bit.
  10. Mainland Europe excludes UK. Notice i said pretty average if not bad for a movie of this magnitude. Still quite a bit better than Avengers heroes on their own, sure.
  11. It obviously isn't just another SH movie since it's on its way to $900m OS but at the same time, it is a SH movie. Its DOM/OS ratio will be pretty weak, it's majorly fueled by Latin America and Asia, grosses in mainland Europe are pretty average if not bad for a movie of this magnitude. So it wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't break out in Japan, where SH movies never have been the hot shit.
  12. Anyone still cares? Well, i do. BOM has updated its OS total: $282.6m. It was at $276.2m last week. It's on its last breath but still not quite dead.
  13. Personally, 2 sequels is enough, i'd prefer him doing something else after that.
  14. I have to disagree. It's less threads but the thread itself becomes unwieldy, especially for big movies or holidays when weekdays behave similar to weekends. Threads get pushed down rather quickly anyway, so i don't think the first page would be cluttered with weekday threads.
  15. Am i missing something? It made only about $4m last weekend OS, half of it came from China, it basically died there. Its run is pretty much over. Maybe it crawls to $290m OS? Probably not.
  16. I gotta admit, i'm starting to dislike this "green trip" he's on. I want my old Jim back!
  17. I was thinking, it might still top 70m but that first projections would be this wrong? Nah. I guess, they were.
  18. Of course they have a semblance of an idea, based on matinees to total multiplier for this type of movie in this time of the year. It might still top 70m but i doubt by much.
  19. That's not written in stone, especially with $18m worth of midnights.
  20. Oh, no, Nikki changed it to 18-20m!!!!! It's going down!!!!It'll end up with like 15m, you just wait and see.
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