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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. I would word it differently. If a movie isn't as well reviewed as Oppenheimer or Spiderverse, it sucks.
  2. It doesn't need to be. Man, i hate it how people pick out one "not-so-great-but-still-okay" review and start concern trolling. The internet has destroyed all the fun.
  3. First time i witnessed the trailer i knew this is gonna be good...
  4. I have a bad feeling about this game. Ubisoft seems very cagey in terms of sharing uninterupted gameplay of someone playing the game. It's all carefuly curated footage. Bad sign. Plus there were rumors about the state of the game.
  5. Some might use the words "inspired by". Why the demeanor, did Gareth Edwards poop on your yard?
  6. It's less desperation and more just the thing you do if you are not part of a big IP to build awareness.
  7. Now there are two girls instead of one. Double the fun! EDIT: Retrospectively that sounded kind of kinky, which was not my intention, i swear!
  8. Nobody is denying that it is probably losing money. "Probably" because nobody has insight into accounting books and budget figures are not publicly available.
  9. These budget figures need to be taken with a big grain of salt. Depending on where you look, different numbers get reported. And people take the ones that fit their narrative best.
  10. This is not one of the biggest bombs of all times. You are being ridiculous. It's not gonna gross much less than Dune and that one got a sequel, with much more of the gross coming from the US. I imagine it will do nicely on VOD and home video and eventually make back much of its expenses. Nevertheless, a rather big disappointment gross wise.
  11. Yeah, don't get the "this looks small" comment at all. If nothing else it will "look" great and have these sprawling practical battle scenes Ridley Scott is known for.
  12. Oh i'm not writing the movie off. Just not a fan of the trailer. I'm a sucker for these movies, i'm gonna be there, for sure.
  13. MI3 is definitely one of the best in the franchise, i think, for reasons already mentioned (high stakes, villain etc). It's difficult for me to keep them apart coz there are that many and it's a while since i've seen them but as far as i remember Ghost Protocol - that seems to be so revered here - was kind of a slog.
  14. How about: if you go for it, make it good? I don't know what you are referring to btw, i still haven't watched the latest Bonds. Speaks for my passion for the franchise, i guess. But i don't want to limit it to just "sad drama", these franchises just don't stir anything in me. I watch them, i acknowledge the cool stunts but that's pretty much the extent of it.
  15. MI films are like Bond films for me, for the most part it's quality filmmaking and i end up watching and enjoying them but there's not one ounce of passion on my part for them. Maybe Casino Royale came closest to me "feeling" something.
  16. I thought it worked very well. I really enjoyed this latest and probably last outing of Indy. Maybe a tad too long in places but otherwise a pretty much worthy sendoff. Ford still got it, he's so effortless and charming. Really don't understand how you can hate this or find it boring but loving the OT. I rewatched all of them very recently and DoD fits right in. But that's just me...
  17. If this does only marginaly better than the first or God forbid, worse, i will lose faith in humanity for good.
  18. Based on trailers, i didn't expect one of the best comic book movies and i didn't get one. The film doesn't take itself too seriously and you shouldn't either. Some parts were genuinly funny, some a bit annoying (Barry from the other timeline can be a bit much sometimes), some good action (mainly at the beginning) and some setpieces that i didn't much care for (mainly at the end). I usually don't comment on special effects but i have to say, some of "the faces" reminded me of the Scorpion King. If you are a comic book or DC fan you should probably go see it, my main reason i went to it was Michael Keaton and i got a genuine kick out of seeing him as this has-been Batman that goes on a last adventure. Not much else to say. Maybe one thing, don't get the Supergirl hype. She was just there to look angry and scream. Granted, that's more on the screenplay than on the actress.
  19. Chris Stuckman: "i feel like we've become so binary, it's either good or it's bad, it's great or it's awful and there's no room for nuance anymore which i just think it's awful" This is so true. Some folks have already decided for themselves that the movie is not worth their money because some score on the internet is not at least 80 so it cannot possibly be good. On the other hand there are movies that get put on a pedestal like they are the 2nd coming of Christ.
  20. I soooooo hope the reboot happens and it gets the treatment it deserves. This one was one awesome show but in some respects it's kinda outaded now. I'd love that writing but with a little more modern sensibilities and of course the latest special effects.
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