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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. Tele I am telling you. I have the perfect movie idea. Imagine Power Rangers but with sexual intrigue.
  2. I wonder if he was given assurances that he is the next HC in New England once BB retires.
  3. Got bored at work so decided to go to movies. Only upcoming showtime is for The Commuter. Time to see what unpredictable situation Liam Neeson is in now.
  4. I want BdT to go total bad ass in the second film.
  5. Synopsis: Boy falls for girl. Boy/Girl go out. She cheats and leaves. Boy still pines.
  6. My favorite is a multigrain bagel with cream cheese and guacamole. Topped with lemon pepper.
  7. @Just Tele and rest of BoT community, need your help. Have bet my fiance I will more followers than her in a month. She has ~20,000. So i just started it. Follow me my BOTers. @captainspocksbr
  8. At LAX to catch a redeye and man I am beginning to hate all the flying. Time to get some booze.
  9. All seriousness though, they seem pretty cool. My wife has already made a shopping date with them.
  10. You know it throws me off when I run into a gay couple and atleast one of them is not the steriotypical one. Shooting the shit with these 2 guys at the bar and I guess my gaydar is getting crappy. My wife, when she finally got ready, within seconds was like, oh how long have been together, etc.
  11. I love pineapple and jalapeños on pizza. Sweet and spicy.
  12. Going to the movies with the Mrs. I wanted to see the Den of Thieves but she wants to see something artsy fartsy. So which one should we do: 1. Shape of Water 2. Phantom Thread 3. The Post
  13. No one gives a shit. I used to go to the movies by myself all the time.
  14. So we sent an letter to his holiness and he said he would be would willing to talk but that's it.
  15. It's our first date night since all the shit and I will say here in downtown LA and just being a couple, this is perfect. And yea, we are the hottest couple. Totally doing the Richard Gere (older greying corporate guy) and Julia Roberts (younger hot yet good personality) thing.
  16. As many of you know my wife is big in her charity work and she's gotten more involved so due to recent events. I finally showed up to her drive at BH library with the best line: 25% of the people (including my better half) cracked up and the others were like what?! F*cking old people.
  17. So I still don't have my voice back from the pats game yesterday
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