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Posts posted by ACSlater

  1. So I just read few pages about the situation with spat..... I don't remember how his name written fully, but you know the other "GOD" in early numbers. So no more numbers from him anymore? 


    Can someone give me short resume of the whole situation? 


    To the best of my understanding, posting raw box office data is not cool however you can post projections based off the raw data...spatula was told this and he backed out of posting any more data, raw, projections, or otherwise...

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  2. Bullock's top 3 live action movies outgross Jolie's top 5 live action movies.


    I always liked Bullock...Thought she would be best thing about some of the movies (Demolition Man, etc) but she would always mix up hits with clunkers...Now she has just gotten really good of selecting/getting movies to the point where most of the time it becomes a monster hit...


    Jolie on the other hand, for me she has just gone down hill and at one point gotten so thin she just reminds me of


    Posted Image

  3. There will be more economic collapses in the US soon. It's inevitable because legalised corruption is rampant and it's simply a matter of how much worse things have to get and how much the public are willing to tolerate before something changes.I'm surprised how passive the US population has been since the Great Recession. The vast majority of the population hasn't recovered.



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  4. There's going to be a revolution in the United States that will change its foundations and policies drastically. When 1% of the population own nearly 43% of the wealth...when they buy politicians off so they pass laws to better help serve them and not the people they should be looking out for...it's gonna come to a messy end eventually.Corporations rule the US. Completely and utterly.The 2008 economic meltdown will seem like a picnic to the inevitable one that's coming up. The rich just kept getting richer, and everyone else got poorer. But, damn...when the next financial collapse hits, things are going to get hideous.


    The news outlets/media have already mentioned that the student loan bubble makes the housing loan bubble look like child's play...

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