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Posts posted by Yandereprime101189

  1. 19 minutes ago, FrozenUnicorn said:

    I have one complaint about that.


    I love DVD special features. You don't get that on streaming services.

    Actually you do.


    Disney Plus does offer special features, and should one buy it on like Fandango Now, Amazon or Vudu, you do get most if not all of the special features lately.


    I'm pretty sure with, say for instance, they let Mulan (less likely) or Onward (potentially more likely) out early, they probably already have the Blu special features already created made for those. But you're not wrong either, they may not release the features for those.

  2. 7 hours ago, PDC1987 said:

    If the pandemic gets big enough that it is still affecting day to day life 4 months from now civilization will have turned in to a global "martial law" state at best and completely collapsed at worst.


    The virus is bad, but I don't think it will be the cause of civilization to collapse. Not unless the virus mutates into stronger strain that kills almost all people that get infected by it. 

  3. 8 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

    I have no idea what the financial repercussions of it would be, but I do know if studios were to release their upcoming slate straight to streaming, the views would be through the roof. Who knows how much of the world will be on lockdown before long and people are going to be desperate for any kind of escapism amidst all this. The Disney+ views for something like Mulan for example would be stratospheric. But again, I don't know if that's the financially more viable route. 


    Hell, moving a 100 million+ movie from theaters to streaming has been done before with Warner with Mowgli. Was supposed to hit theaters, then came out on Netflix. Granted it was really, really, bad.



    I don't see them doing it with Mulan (I see them dumping New Mutants or Artemis Fowl) on streaming, but yeah, having Mulan debut on their (without even adding a Pay Per View price) would be phenomenal. You'd get more signups.

  4. Just now, The Horror of Lucas Films said:


    LOL, this is a joke, right? Paramount sell to Netflix movies that are locked to be failures, not a movie that has potential to fo $200m DOM alone.


    They should put it in September, a month that already proved good for Horror movies. Warner can move TC3 to August. 


    Half joke.


    What if the virus isn't gone by September though. . . .

  5. On 3/6/2020 at 8:49 PM, OncomingStorm93 said:

    It’s not a “get out of jail free” card when the lasting impact the Coronavirus leaves on the economy, in addition to the acceleration of the decline of general moviegoing/shift to home streaming that will come from the virus, all results in a natural contraction of the cinema industry.


    I kinda almost want some of these studios to release their smaller to mid scale films on digital during this virus and then delay the bigger moneymakers. Lemmie wake up one morning in April and stream New Mutants on Google Play or something.


    Won't happen though.

    • Like 2
  6. Was going to see Bloodshot, but with the lack of promotion, I'm sending Sony wants to bury this and that it might be really, really baaddddd.


    As for the Corona causing some movies to be delayed and closing theaters down, I can't really say much. But I will say that the media, news and politicians have been so all over the place about it all over the globe, that I don't think anyone really honestly has an idea of just how bad this virus can potentially be or get.  We probably never will get a good idea.


    • Like 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, UserHN said:

    I've read somewhere that NT3 is already in devt at Disney. SH3 is also in devt at WB. HP8 is not happening at all, they need to save Fantastic Beasts first.


    Skip Fantastic Beasts, wait 10 years, bring everyone back and do Harry Potter and the Lost Child. 


    Edit: Dammit, I mean Cursed

  8. 13 hours ago, ChipMunky said:

    LOL you're not going to see the Harley Quinn film in theaters. You think they're going to give you more of these films now? LOL



    I'm fine with that. Warner didn't even give us half the DC films they announced. I only really care about Aquaman and Wonder Woman anyway.


    And hell, we were supposed to get Gotham City Sirens FIRST before they decided to skip over it with this.

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