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Posts posted by Electric

  1. Title: Jim's Adversity

    Director: John Lee Hancock

    Genre: Sports Drama

    Release Date: March 10

    Major Cast: Daniel Craig (Jim Eisenreich), Billy Gardner (Harrison Ford), Tom Hanks (Dick Howser), Samuel L. Jackson (Hal McRae), Chadwick Bozeman (Wes Chamberlain), Kevin James (Pete Incavigala)

    Theater Count: 3,102

    MPAA Rating: PG-13 (Language)

    Runtime: 2 hr 9 minutes (2:09/129 minutes)

    Production Budget: $50 million

    Plot Summary: Jim Eisenreich was a baseball player from 1982 until 1996, but he missed the 1985 and 1986 seasons due to struggles with Tourette's syndrome, which was originally misdiagnosed as agoraphobia. He originally tried medication to deal with hyperventilation and self-hypnosis to deal with what he thought was agoraphobia. 


    After starting with the Twins and disappointed manager Billy Gardner compared to expectation, Eisenreich made a comeback with the 1987 Royals and after manager Dick Howser died of a brain tumor, he wound up playing under Gardner once again. 


    His best year, where the film focuses, was on the 1993 Phillies that made it to the World Series and lost to the Blue Jays. Playing alongside players like Wes Chamberlain and Pete Incavigala, Eisenreich managed a .318 batting average in 362 at-bats. 


    He would win a world series in 1997 with the wild-card Florida Marlins, helping them by going 4 for 8 with 3 walks as they defeated the Indians in seven games.


    The movie has baseball action and both historical and reenacted clips of Eisenreich being interviewed regarding his Tourette's and misdiagnosed agorophobia.


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  2. Title: Chrono Trigger

    Director: Andrew Adamson

    Genre: Fantasy/Action

    Release Date: May 12

    Major Cast: Crono (Ryan Gosling), Marle (Hayden Panettiere), Lucca (Anne Hathaway), Ayla (Blake Lively), Robo (Jim Parsons, voice), Frog/Glenn (Tobey Maguire, Magus (Cillian Murphy), Queen Zeal (Tilda Swinton)

    Theater Count: 3,556

    MPAA Rating: PG-13

    Runtime: 2 hr 11 min

    Production Budget: $120 million

    Plot Summary:


    Crono is awoken by his mother on the day of the Millenial Faire in 1000 AD, and greeted by his cat as he goes downstairs to collect his allowance and head down to the fair. He accidentally collides with Marle and makes sure she is okay. She inquires about her pendant. Spotting the pendant, Crono retrieves it for her and brings it back. It's unharmed, despite being flung across the fairgrounds.


    They travel together. Marle buys candy as Crono waits patiently, and they work together to rescue a little girl's cat who had gotten separated from her at the fair. Melchior the merchant asks if the pendant is for sale, but Crono insists it is not. After battling Gato the robot for a test fight, they are informed that Lucca's experiment is ready. It is a matter transporter and Crono bravely volunteers. He is destroyed at his current location and re-created at the other telepod a few feet away.


    Marle sees this and decides she wants to try it too. But it doesn't work out so well in this case. Her pendant reacts with the telepod and a strange circular "gate" appears in the middle, between the two teleporters. She is sucked in, leaving the pendant behind. Crono decides to go after her, clutching the pendant and having the same reaction occur. He is sent back to some cliffs. Things look similar but not quite the same.


    The town is the same place, Truce, but it's 400 years ago, 600 AD! He wanders to the castle where the guards question him. Marle is there, and they think she is the queen! But as they talk, she begins to feel a great pain and suddenly disappears.


    Lucca comes from the Gate as well and explains that Marle is actually Princess Nadia, a descendant of Queen Leene. They go to a mysterious church, defeat some nagas disguised as nuns, and meet up with Frog. Lucca is disgusted by this humanoid sword-wielding amphibian at first, but as they work together to defeat Yakra (disguised as the Chancellor) she learns to accept him as they rescue the Queen and the real Chancellor from Yakra.


    They bid Frog farewell in 600 AD and return to the Present (1000 AD) where Crono ends up on trial for kidnapping the princess. The Chancellor fails to prove Crono's guilt as he successfully avoids being trapped by loaded questions and the defense attorney Pierre brings forth a little girl that tells the story of Crono rescuing her cat. All the jurors declare Crono innocent.


    But despite being innocent, the Chancellor locks Crono in jail for 3 days and then lies to the warden saying that he is to be executed. The warden questions this, but is quickly shouted down by the belligerent Chancellor. Crono busts out of jail, knocking out guards and rescuing a young man to be executed. He meets up with Lucca once again as they defeat the Dragon Tank.


    However, they are still chased out of the castle along with Marle, and the three of them end up being forced into a Gate that takes them to 2300 AD, a desolate future for a planet ravaged by Lavos in 1999 AD. They meet up with people in various domes and try to find food for them but to no avail. They discover the fate of their planet and declare they will change the fate of the world and stop Lavos.


    They take a trip through some mysterious sewers just because they can and fight off Krawlie and his minions, but all they find on the southern continent is an impassable mountain and a mysterious creature a "Nu" that is awaiting orders. They find Robo in an abandoned dome back in the northern continent and Lucca repairs him.


    Heading into Proto dome, Crono, Marle, and Robo work together to restore power to the abandoned dome and open the locked door. Inside the door they find a gate. But when the four of them take the gate, they are wapred to "The End of Time" and the old man there explains that any time more than three people take a gate they will wind up at this place.


    The group does battle with Spekkio who teaches Crono lightning, Marle ice, and Lucca fire, but only after making them do a ridiculous trial where he makes them run around the room clockwise. 


    Crono, Marle, and Lucca return to 1000 AD through another gate found at the End of Time but it leads them to the Mystics Village where they are not welcome. After fighting shopkeepers, the prices offered on items are outrageous and they find their way to Melchior and then to Heckran's Cave, which leads them to Heckran.


    They defeat Heckran with their new magic skills and go out of a whirpool and land near Truce again, going to the fair to take the first gate, leading them to the End of Time. They go back to the canyon in 600 AD and aid the army in the battle of Zenan Bridge, providing food and then defeating Zombor.


    The three of them visit Frog once again but he insists he in not the hero and cannot help them. They climb the Denadoro Mountains. Lucca's fire magic helps deal with Ogans that carry powerful wooden hammers. The challenge here is Masa and Mune, who, after being defeated, combine to form into a more dangerous foe. Crono is able to deal with them through uses of his Slash ability that stops their most powerful techniques.


    Now that they have proven their worth to Masa and Mune, they are able to retrieve the broken hilt of the Masamune blade.


    They return to Frog, who says he has no right to wield the Masamune, but they find the other half of the broken sword in his house in the woods. 


    They discover Melchior is the one who crafted the blade and return to his house in 1000 AD to have him fix it. But he does not have the Dream Stone required for such a task and thus the group travels to 65,000,000 BC where such an item exists.


    The team is attacked by Reptites. After defeating a few, they are saved by a scantily-clad cave woman, Ayla. They follow her to her village, which is just a few huts.  Ayla, Crono, and Robo go hunting in the forest for special items that they can trade to the chief of the Ioka village for more powerful weapons and armor.


    Crono, Ayla, and Marle go to the Forest Maze which leads them to the Reptite's lair where they maneuver through a complex dungeon that leads them to Nizbel. Crono strikes him with lightning magic and then Ayla hits him with her best attacks, but it takes more than one of these cycles to take down this prehistoric beast.


    The team parts ways with Ayla, and head to 1000 AD to Melchior's Hut where he repairs the Masamune with the Dream Stone they obtained in prehistoric times. Lucca, being an inventor, assists Melchior in repairing the sword.


    Having obtained the Masamune, they return to Frog's forest home in 600 AD. Frog reflects on the past and the movie turns to a flashback. Frog is a human then, named Glenn, adventuring with the knight Cyrus. Magus and his team destroy Cyrus and turn Glenn into the frog he is today.


    Crono, Marle, and Frog head into a blocked off magic cave, and Frog uses the Masamune to open a path into this cave, which leads them directly to Magus's castle. They defeat his minions Slash, Flea, and Ozzie, with Ozzie's demise coming through his own inepitude.


    Then they face off against Magus himself. Magus is a formidable foe, one who changes his magic resistances but gives away a clue by blasting opponents with the one magic he is not immune to. So as he casts lightning, Crono returns the favor. Frog's use of the Masamune against Magus lowers his magic defense. After this goes on, he grows weaker and drops his defenses entirely in order to cast a very powerful dark magic spell. He gets a couple of them off, but with timely healing from Frog, they are able to wear him down and defeat him.


    But after he is defeated, a large Gate appears and the party is sucked in. There is a dream sequence with Crono being woken up by Marle, who is his wife. The dream ends, and it is Ayla who wakes Crono up. The gate sent them back to 65 million BC once again, and they are back in the Ioka village. They hunt for the same materials (Petals, Fangs, Horns, Feathers) as the trading hut now has more powerful weapons and armors in stock.


    The team heads to the Dactyl Nest and they meet Ayla once again at the top. They agree to help her in the Tyranno Lair and she gets another Dactyl for them to fly.  They land on a clearing on the top of a mountain and head inside the lair.


    The Tyranno lair is complex and cavernous, with puzzles and challenges awaiting our heroes.  They fight Nizbel once again, and Crono and Ayla use the skill Volt Bite to defeat him. But that is hardly the final boss of the lair, as they approach Azala and Black Tyrano. The Black Tyrano is practically invincible until he starts counting down for his big attack, and it is only then that the team uses their most powerful techs to take him out.


    After Azala and the Black Tyrano have been defeated, we are shown how Lavos originally landed on Earth in 65 million BC. After returning to the village to rest, the team returns to the ruins of the lair and a new gate forms. They conclude that Lavos creates these gates and take it. It leads to 12,000 BC, a time where many people could use magic and lived on a floating continent. Those that could know speak magic were looked down upon as the "Earthbound Ones" and left to struggle on the surface, with the planet going through a total ice age.


    They take Skyways that transport them from the ground to the floating continent where they meet many of these magic-using people. A lot of them seem to think they are in a dream and spend an exorbitant about of time in bed, sleeping. 


    After exploring the floating continent for a while, they find themselves in Queen Zeal's palace. They see Schala (Queen Zeal's daughter) use a pendant to open a sealed door. A pendant that looks just like the one Marle has had this whole time! But when Crono tries to use the pendant it fails to open the door as Schala's did. The team heads toward the Mammon Machine, a powerful device that draws power from Lavos. This machine powers up Marle's pendant and they are able to go through the sealed door. But the "prophet" (as he calls himself) tells the Queen that you are troublemakers that he warned her about and Dalton summons a Golem that defeats the party despite their best efforts to vanquish it.


    The team is stuck inside the Mammon machine now, but Schala comes to save them. The Prophet forces the group to show him how they arrived in this land, and they show him the Gate and he forces Schala to seal it, locking the team away from that time period.


    The team heads back to the desolate 2300 AD. They go to the Arris Dome where they are able to open a sealed door for some treasure. Then they travel through the sewers once again and head to that mysterious dome with the Nu. This time, with the pendant powered up, they are able to access the door in the back which leads them through a maze of shining dots that tell them about Belthasar, and also the Guru of Time and Lavos. 


    They are then greeted by a Nu, who has the memories of Belthasar. They are given the Epoch, a time machine that can allow them to access any of the time periods. Thus, the team can return to 12,000 BC whereas they could not through the Gates because of the seal Schala was forced to put over that Gate.


    But to get back to the floating continent from where the Epoch is deployed is a daunting task. The team battles their way through the Terra cave and then up Mt. Woe, where Crono, Robo, and Ayla use a devastating Triple Tech to make quick work of the two hands of the powerful Giga Gaia monster, making defeating the body easier than it would have been dealing with additional foes. 


    After the Giga Gail falls to our heroes and they free Melchior from his imprisonment, the Mountain of Woe has its chains break and it falls to the sea. As they return to the earthbound town of Algetty, Melchior is talking to Schala, but Dalton captures her. Melchior gives the team a Ruby Knife that must be used to defeat the dangerous Mammon Machine. 


    The team heads back to the Zeal Palace where they face off against Dalton. They best him but he escapes and they take a gate that leads them to the now-completed Ocean Palace.  They must deal with different "Scouter" enemies, each weak against only a certain kind of magic. But it's not too hard to figure it out. Red ones are weak to fire, blue to water, and yellow to lightning. 


    The team heads down an elevator, squaring off against more foes as they head down. They face off against the fearsome Golem Twins, much like the Golem that bested them earlier, but with more experience, new skills, and better weapons obtained from Mt. Woe and the Ocean Palace, they are able to defeat these two Golems.


    Here the team stands against the Mammon machine. As Melchior instructed him to do earlier, Crono strikes it with the Ruby Knife, which turns into a sword. Schala tells them it won't do any good. Suddenly, Lavos appears, defeating the party easily. After Lavos has bested the team, the "Prophet" reveals himself to be none other than Magus!


    He will try to defeat Lavos on his own but will not be able to do anything. Schala tries as well, but is stopped by her mother. Crono faces off against Lavos alone and is destroyed quickly. 


    Lavos emerges from the ground and destroys the entire Zeal Kingdom, leaving just a little bit of land where the survivors live. It's no longer segregated, the "Enlightened" and the "Earthbound Ones" are living together, and they've lost their magic which came from tapping into Lavos's power!


    But quickly, Dalton comes and proclaims himself to be the new King, and Ayla, Robo, and Frog wake up to find themselves stripped of all equipment and items on Daltons' Ship. They go through a maze of vents and deal with various guards to recover all their equipment and items.


    Now they square off against the fearsome Golem Boss,  who ends up being scared of heights and unable to do anything against them. Dalton flies off on the Epoch, but the party leaps onto it to face off against him once again. He is no match for their skills and they recover the Epoch, which now has wings. (Dalton added them, since it was a stationary time machine before!)


    Magus now stands alone, looking over the ocean. They could face off against him and lift the curse from Frog, but they decide that forgiveness is a better path, and also, he agrees to join them, so his powerful Shadow magic is now part of their arsenal!


    But without Crono, spirits are low. He'd always been there to help everyone and for the first time, he is not with them. They travel to 2300 AD to get the "Time Egg" (Chrno Trigger) and  learn they must get a "Crono doll" from a game in 1000 AD. Then they must travel up Death Peak and place that doll down at the summit. They win a doll through a confusing game where the character (Frog) must imitate various poses from a mirror image of himself.


    They are given three little trees that are planted on Death Peak, allowing the group to get cover from the perilous winds that would otherwise send them back down the mountain. Going through Death Peak, they deal with various "Lavos Spawn", nothing nearly as deadly as Lavos himself, but still a nuisance that must be taken care of. They quickly learn to only attack the head and avoid the shell, lest it decimates them with a needle attack.


    After destroying three of these spawns and using the shell of the final one to climb up to the summit, they place the doll and the Time Egg together and it warps them back to the point where Crono was about to be destroyed by Lavos. They replace the real Crono with the doll, and he is alive once again!


    Everyone is much happier that he is back as they reconnoiter at the End of Time. Here the Guru of Time informs them that they still have more tasks that they can complete, though they have the option of going straight to Lavos if they so choose.


    They choose to help people in need, defeating creatures in a sunken desert to help grow a forest once again initially. Then they deal with ghosts infesting ruins that leads them to powering up the Masamune, go through a rehash of the Tyranno Lair that's been waiting for them, get a "Sun Stone" by placing a "Moon Stone" way back in 65 million BC and then teaching people the value of generosity to get it back for free when it was stolen in 1000 AD. They also take on the Black Omen, very similar to the Ocean Palace, but much more dangerous.


    The battle against Queen Zeal seems easy at first. She makes all three team members very weak, but for Frog and Ayla, that means their most powerful attacks become even more devastating, and they make quick work of her first form. She comes back in a more dangerous form but Crono, Frog, and Ayla are still able to destroy her.


    They head to Lavos himself. He has several forms. The first is almost too easy, where he imitates the old bosses they fought, from the Dragon Tank all the way through the Giga Gaia. He looks nothing like these foes, but he imitates their tactics and attributes exactly. Then they must take down the shell itself. After the shell is taken care off, Frog comments that it just can't be the end of Lavos.


    And he's right. There's a whole another form for Lavos, two arms and a body. After they take care of that form, with timely heals making the difference, they face off against the Lavos Core, who is in fact humanoid.


    He is much more challenging and frustrating than anything they've faced before, as they have to destroy his "left pod" to make the "right pod" drop its defenses as it prepares to revive. It takes patience and strategy, but they are able to destroy this final form of Lavos and save the planet from the future that they had seen in 2300 AD.






  3. Energized Entertainment




    Puzzling Pictures - "Thought pieces" and more confusing films where plot doesn't flow as coherently as it usually does.

    Inspiring Tales - Inspiring/uplifting movies, usually sports-related.

    Enjoyable Diversions - Comedy movies, frat-pack style.

    Child's Play - Animated movies

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  4. 1 hour ago, Xillix said:


    I see your point but I wouldn't want to go that far... IMO part of the appeal of the game is a "what if" scenario where you can try your hand at reviving long-dead franchises or giving the movie treatment to something that's never been adapted. It's different if you're riding the bandwagon of a currently successful movie series.


    As to the Warcraft thing, that's generous of you... but it wouldn't be available for four more years anyway :P


    My "World of Warcraft" movie series were made  back from 2007-10 and were entirely "World of Warcraft" rather than the original stories.


    Back when "Warcraft" was a delayed concept like the "Halo" movie that never materialized.


  5. 12 minutes ago, Spaghetti of 1000 Planets said:

    What are you trying to prove, Electric? No one is trying to steal your ideas.

    I'm just "sperging out" on yet another forum.


    I put WAY too much of myself out there since 2006.


    So I look forward to a chance to actually make movies not based on my own family with Ben Foster as me and Jodie Foster as my mom.


    Time to break free of the shackles of my internet bullshit life.


  6. On 6/25/2017 at 3:59 PM, Spaghetti of 1000 Planets said:

    @Xillix I'm happy you want to keep the game afloat, and I respect your decision if you wish to move it to a different forum. As a moderator, I would be happy to assist you in any means for board formatting, locking threads, and so on. Let me know if you need anything.


    @Electric Please tone it down with the antagonizing behavior. Thank you.


    @Spaghetti of 1000 Planets Sorry, that's not how I roll these days. 




    I'm done letting losers waste my time and steal my ideas.


    I'm old school BOM from 2006.


  7. On 6/12/2017 at 5:41 AM, Xillix said:


    Did CAYOM kill your parents?


    Because I wrote way too many movies using real actors to play me and my family.


    [mod edit]

    [user edit]



    I am shutting this game down for good.


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