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Everything posted by lab276

  1. Yes I did, actually, and I interpreted it as a slight against THG given Fake's history with it. Nevertheless, I apologise for the misunderstanding.
  2. That's pretty shocking. It bombed here, so I have no idea why its breaking out in any capacity, let alone in first place.
  3. You clearly have a case of sour grapes.
  4. THG has already sold way more copies than I expected it to, I hardly think it's failed or done wrong in any way. It also grossed more and sold more on home video than even you thought it would so come on, get off its back.
  5. Wasn't it because it was released with fairly few days to go in the week? So 7m might be a prediction for its first seven days which would in fact go over two weeks.
  6. THG nearly sold 10m, so it's not all bad.
  7. What a Feeling; Burning Heart.I'm sorry I couldn't send my own list in, but these things tend to be time consuming and I couldn't really spare much.
  8. Possibly, but it's legs were better than expected pretty much everywhere because it's supposedly a good film. I wouldn't discount the possibility of a quality film drawing more people in. They tend to be conservative with their final totals.
  9. Despicable Me 2, Monster's University and The Croods?
  10. Very strong start for Madagascar, it has a chance of getting 6m admissions.
  11. You don't have to think, it's true! As far as I know, only Japan has more expensive tickets.
  12. I can never tell if people are serious when they say that he could've lived if he got on too, or if they swapped or something like that.
  13. As far as I know, there are no other sources. At best, I think Rth could provide you with information.
  14. That's still pretty high. It's misleading for Fox to report theatres, not sure what the point of it is.
  15. Any particular reason why Urban cinefile don't acknowledge that, or do they just not know?
  16. Avatar didn't do that much for 2009, 3.4m, and if you take it out, that year is still over 140m tickets. It sold 7.9m tickets in 2010, and that year was well under 2009 at 126.6m.While 2001 and 2002 may be outliers, but these days 2009 is the outlier, getting over 140m was quite regular up until 2005. Since then, it's only been over once.
  17. Any chance to disparage THG I guess.
  18. I hope not. It made her famous, but I don't want her to be restricted to just Potter stories.
  19. Even taking it out, those years are well ahead of recent years, with the exception of 2009.
  20. Avatar and The Dark Knight well above the rest.
  21. LOTR was also released at the height of movie going in Germany (excepting before the 1960's obviously).
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