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Posts posted by excel1

  1. 42 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    @excel1 if I may make an observation, you are WAY too obsessed with copying the "Marvel formula" exactly.  And I do mean exactly.


    The truth of the matter is, IW/EG would have dominated anywhere on the calendar placement.  Stick either of them in January for criminy's sakes and I doubt it would have mattered that much in the end.


    There is nothing magical about the last weekend of April/first weekend of May.  Nothing.  Zip.  Nada.  Zilch.


    That Marvel is dominating there with its movies is something of an accident of history but mostly just good planning on the crafting end of storytelling.


    Black Widow isn't moving.  Or if it is, it'll just move up a week in to April and not care about WW1984.  After all, when Deadpool 2 moved up a week (which in retrospect still baffles me), Disney just yawned and moved IW up one week into the last week of April.  If WB is so stupid as to move WW1984 into the second week of May, BW will probably just jump up to mid-April and not care in the slightest.


    Going "first" isn't really all that important in the end.  Being better is.  And WW1984 is getting more than enough positive buzz that it won't matter where it's at.  


    As I pointed out before, it already has a empty week before it (presuming Artemis Fowl crashes and burns) and after it.  The second week before it had FF9 which is... whatever.  Two weeks after WW1984 is Pixar.  Big deal, as JW and IO showed.


    If and only if Artemis Fowl starts to gain some momentum and buzz is there any cause for concern, IMO.  And even then I tend to think it's going to be in WW1984's shadow, not the other way around.


    tl;dr: Stop obsessing over the Marvel Method and just let WW1984 dominate where it is at.  Quality and buzz win out more times than not. And as JW and countless other movies have shown, you don't have to be 'first' to rake in a LOT of money.


    Nope. Cannot and should not be leaving a single dollar on the table. Cement WW as an Batman/Iron-man/Spider-man sized draw. Make her the center of the attention. This needs to open first. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

    WW had really strong marketing, you can’t blame the marketing. In my opinion, the damage from the past DCEU movies is what caused it to go low (note: IIRC it had the highest solo CBM debut at the time). 


    I mean AOU did less than JW with the first of May corridor.


    MayPac hurt Dulltron a lot. JW also opened after several weekends full of small openers. San Andreas w/ only $54m was biggest opening over previous 3 weeks, nobody else broke $33m. 

  3. 1 hour ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

    No. I don’t think it is increasing 100% from OW in the May slot, no CBM in recent years (ie. 2008-19 has done that with out serious team ups like or strong home video sales like TDK).

    WW's weekend was artificially low. It's release date sucked as did its marketing for the most part.



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