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Posts posted by excel1

  1. How does anyone blame Iger for post-covid Disney debacle? Iger's intention for D+ in 2019 was for it to be a supplemental, "Disney TV channel on steroids" platform to compliment their robust theatrical channel. Covid forced Chapek and company to - logically, I would add - lean heavily on it while theaters were closed. Also, to state the absolute obvious, Bob Iger was by far the most qualified person to take over for Chapek on such short notice. 


    Iger's biggest mistake was botching the handling of Star Wars pre-Covid. It is hard dot even blame him for Chapek given the historically rough waters that Chapek was forced to navigate. The moves that he has been criticized for as of late were largely requirements due to the problems of 2020-2022. 


    Give them some time. 

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  2. 27 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    The trick is to be fresh but still give people the Supes they  have grown up with. The problem with that bad Abrams script is its' Supes is NOT the Supes we know and love. You need to be very, very, careful when dealing with a charecter as iconic as Superman.


    More than anything, it is important to be true to the tone and values of the characters history while presenting them in a modern way. Beyond this, moviegoers rarely care much if there are some minor changes to make the film more in line with contemporary expectations. Few people cared when Burton's Joker killed Batman's parents because it worked within the film. Virtually nobody cared when Nolan completely altered the Harvey Dent character in TDK because it worked within the context of the film. On the flip side, A LOT of people cared when Clark was a mopey, smile free, Edward Cullen wannabe in MAN OF STEEL and his Superman cared more about hurdling tankers and posing in front of the explosion than saving anyone. The film made bank opening weekend because it had a modern, flashy look, but the outraged fans really hurts legs. Bryan Singer's Superman Returns featured a character portrayal much closer to the sincere goodness of the character, but presented it with a gloomy, weird, retro vibe that didn't fit with the mid 2000s whatsoever, and it suffered financially because of it. 


    I will forever maintain that draft 2 of the Abrams script was an excellent mix of 2000s action cinema while staying largely true to the character and tone of Superman. Draft 1 has its highs and lows as everyone knows. Draft 2 dumped "Luthor is kryptonion" and blew up Krypton while keeping the epic action traditional character riffs. The cast of Anthony Hopkins as Jor-el, Robert Downey Jr as Lex Luthor, and Joel Egerton as Zod-like original character Ty-Zor would be excellent too. Either of McG's favorites Josh Hartnett and Matt Bomer would have been great in the leading role. It is a shame we missed out on it. 


    Superman: Legacy needs to look and feel fresh and modern, but no doubt it needs to present the characters in ways which are true to their classic selves. 

  3. On 11/23/2023 at 8:11 PM, 21C said:

    Nowhere was it ever mentioned by absolutely anyone that Elordi was the "first choice" for Superman. Even Elordi said he was invited to audition, the role outright was never offered to him (and if he had auditioned, my feeling is he would've still lost to Corenswet)


    One of the articles specified that he was one of the only ones invited to audition. Nowhere in here do I say he was offered it, but he clearly was on the initial shortlist and to outright say no is....dumb.

  4. 7 hours ago, TMP said:

    Cavill is never going to be a big star with the skill-set he has, sorry. He’s not very charismatic, and he’s never been very good at dramatic acting either. He’s gonna be chris evans 2.0 - some white guy who gets cast in netflix junk no one watches lol


    Evans is a giant name, though. If Nolan decided to cast Evans in his next film, Evans is a legitimate headliner. If they announce Cavill as Bond, it is going to be much more hyped than it would be if they went another B level actor previously rumored. If they announce Hartnett in a similar role, say Harvey Dent, Dr Doom, or even an older Batman for Gunn, it would not generate the same type of enthusiasm at this point. Hartnett's primary fanbase, at his peak, was 15 year old girls who are now approaching 40. On occasion, he has impressed some critics. But his name doesn't carry the instant appeal fo Cavill in a certain role. 


    Of course, no way do I see Cavill capable of the potent screen presence Hartnett showed in Oppenheimer or Black Mirror this year, but that its a different issue. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Arlborn said:

    Eroldi sounds like a bit of an arrogant jerk every time I read about him to be honest. It’s ok not to want a big commitment on a movie like this, but he’s also said some pretty stupid things recently about The Kissing Booth being ridiculous and how he didn’t wanna make it, and that’s the movie that literally put him on the map. 



    Elordi is supposedly extremely pleasant and polite to work with and no doubt he is learning a lesson about what he shouldn't say out loud. The Superman role thing is silly, he is acting like a post 2001 Hatnett or post Twilight Rob Pattison except he has nothing resembling the success or status those 2 had to justify their "selectivity", which still momentarily killed both of their careers. 

  6. 2 hours ago, TMP said:

    Hartnett has a better career rn than Cavill and Routh combined so idk what you’re spewing


    I mean, this is obviously not true. Cavill is about to headline a major series and no doubt could return to the show he just left if he wanted to. He has 2 signature roles that HUGE fanbases would love to see him return to. Josh does not have that. Yeah, Hartnett is obviously a better actor than Cavill at this point, and had 3 very well received, medium to high profile roles in 2023, but he unless he lands a true A level role within the next 12 months, I don't think he is is full blown comeback territory. 


    Hartnett also went 15 years without a major role in a major film from 2007 to 2023. If he had been Nolan's Batman, he is at a minimum Jake Gyllenhaal level clout, Christian Bale or Ben Affleck, maybe even Brad Pitt level, in 2023. It is an insane difference. Instead he is trying to do something similar to Collin Farrell. 


    Elordi is not at the level of Josh circa 2002/2003 or Pattinson 2012ish, Chalamet and Butler (to a lesser extent) are there, but he isn't that far off. He needs to choose something high quality that is still mainstream and high profile soon or he will be just another name. Gunn's Superman could have cemented his status in Hollywood for the next 2 decades, it isn't something to simply say "no thanks".

    • Haha 1
  7. Its now come out that Jacob Elordi was indeed their first choice and the only one they sought after but he indeed did not want the role and refused the audition. 




    He should read Josh Hartnett's current opinion of his own decisions re: Batman and Superman. Elordi will be surprised how quickly he becomes a nobody if he isn't careful. 

    • Haha 1
  8. Honestly Amber Heard put in a horrific performance in the first one and didn't have an ounce of chemistry with ultra charismatic Jason Momoa. Nobody would miss her presence in the film even if she had no personal life baggage. Nicole Kidman completely overpowered her. She was like Katie Holmes in Batman Begins, feeling totally out of place. 

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