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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. I believe this will have great legs.Not only it's a family film and Easter is right around the corner without much competition but also i think it will pull a Fantastic Beasts and bring out the fans of the otiginal in later weekends.
  2. BaTB DOM Previews>Every Other Movie that Ever Existed...Combined...Worldwide In all seriousness imagine what happend if The Circle also does decent bussiness.Watson's career will reach new highs,which is insane considering she was the female lead of one of the biggest phenomenoms of our time.
  3. I'm not sure how to take this tweet considering that i want this film to do something to the 180-200M range ( or higher but i'm trying to be realistic). And the only thing that makes me nervous (not really but...you get it) is that the film will not match the very high predictions and people will regard it as a dissapointment.YES i said i predict 195M OW but i would be totally happy with 140M + .After all it's a non-summer family movie and it's mostly its legs that matter.
  4. Hey guys, Can someone plese answer me,based on presales,if BaTB can make over 100M?I heard somewhere that it's doing better than TJB in presales and that movie made 150M.
  5. With all the LLL snubs i'm starting to think that Huppert is leaving the ceremonalwith more than just her purse.
  6. A long standing curse has finally been broken.Fantastic Beasts just won the Oscar for Best Costume design.The Harry Potter franchise is officially an Oscar-winning franchise. Congrats to everyone involved.Well deserved. With this and that Suicide Squad oscar win this year's oscars are off to a great and suprising start.
  7. 100M is good for me too.Something tells me that US+Canada and European numbers will more than make up for whatever run the film will have in China.
  8. I won't bring TJB as an example because that was a phenomenom in its own right buuuut Cinderella did 71M in China and that didn't had an actress front and centre that Chineese audiences are familiar with.I think a 100+M run is very possible especiall if the film gets good reviews.
  9. Those are some amazing numbers but i still thimk that 600M WW is the ceiling for TWS! Let's note that TASM2 starts its overseas roll-out in mid-April and until then Noah and Rio 2 will be taking some of TWS' audience!
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