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    Los Angeles
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    Girls, music, movies and more girls

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  1. Lol as if being marketed as a direct sequel would change anything The first one had all kinds of circumstances working in it's favor. Lightning in a bottle type shit
  2. I better not see any "no marketing" complaints like we usually do when a movie underperforms or flops. WB hasn't marketed a DC movie this hard since BvS and Suicide Squad
  3. I mean the first one wasn't some beloved hit anyway so I guess it shouldn't be surprising that the sequel isn't doing so hot
  4. If this was Nolan post TDK I would understand not interfering with his stuff but it's not. Reeves Batman flick was nothing special quality or box office wise Aquaman made like 400m more than The Batman and yet it's the one getting shelved. Make it make sense
  5. What exactly constituted giving this movie a $200m budget in the first place?
  6. Maybe now Hollywood will learn how to budget properly instead of relying on China to save their asses $200m for Black Adam was ridiculous
  7. But isn't that what Shazam, TSS, Joker, Peacemaker and every other post JL project (except for WW84) did? Or did they not move the needle?
  8. Or maybe it was nostalgia for the Robin Williams movie and the concept of the movie itself that audiences found endearing and not any of the actors
  9. If it manages to stay in the 50's I'd consider that a W
  10. Because someone with more cache would push against Rock's ideas
  11. WW84 was treated with kid gloves because of the pandemic. If it came out today, the top critics percentage would be similar to BA
  12. Zachary Levi is a bigger draw than The Rock and Margot Robbie
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