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Ethan Hunt

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Everything posted by Ethan Hunt

  1. https://tenor.com/view/the-dark-knight-heath-ledger-joker-not-sure-if-serious-unsure-gif-4900446
  2. There's a natural progression to talking about numbers. You can't complain that member don't want to post in this website anymore and also stifle any potential conversation. What we supposed to say 48M is agood number in repeat all day
  3. How dare we have thoughtful contemplation and back and forth on cinema andan individual that's relevant This is why no one wants to post here
  4. I don't think I really think I disagree with anything you've said here. I don't begrudge people for likening these movies. I like many of them. Hell there are superhero movies that i love (granted I admit most of these don't come fom the mcu machine) My frustration isn't that there here andthat people like them. I just wish it felt like there was more room for other kinds of major blockbusters in the marketplace. Superheros have become so omnipresent as the blockbuster entertainment that we're not getting anything else unless it's from Nolan. So it frustrates me when people want an immense talent like Krasinski to exist within the existing zeitgeist, when he feels like one of the few people who might have the clout to a different kind of blockbuster if he wants
  5. Have no doubt that coogler worked his ass off on Black Panther. And obviously the movie was a huge landmark that extends far beyond the franchise. I'm not begrudging him for making it. And I think Black Panther is a solid movie. But clearly I think it's the weakest in Coogler's filmography
  6. Well perhaps I should clarify. Those movies are generally competent. I'm sure THERE ARE people who could fail at that. But there's certainly nothing remarkable about the direction.
  7. I mean. I wish directing a "mega blockbuster" could mean more than hopping on an established franchise or a comic book. Not saying I don't want John to make big movies. I think very much he has the sensibilities for it. But I don't think the mcu machine is exactly going to let him flex those sensibilities tho. Look if Taika and Coogler are happy then cool I just don't think it's exciting as an audience member or a fan of them for them to be on these projects. But of course I'll still watch anand likely enjoy to some degree
  8. Totally possible the estimate is on the conservative side. Given how the movies didn't seem preview loaded on Friday kinda thought maybe we'd see a better weekend multiplyer so I'm still holding out exciting either way tho
  9. If Krasinski does an MCU movie or a superhero thing don't get me wrong I'll be excited because I think he's a great director. But given his ability and how big he already is there is so many other avenues that I think would be more interesting and more exciting. Anyone can direct an mcu movie that crowds will eat up. Not everyone can do what John has done with these two movies so far
  10. Perhaps it brought them more recognition sure. But those movies aren't exactly their most exciting work. And if it comes down to recognition I feel like Krasinski has plenty at this moment he doesn't exactly need to go down that rabbit hole
  11. I'm at 13 2021 movies so far, and I'll watch Together Together tomorrow and Cruella on Monday so it'll be 15 by the end of May. not sure if that is a lot compared to everyone else or not
  12. watched Shiva Baby and The Killing of Two Lovers today. Both strong movies that I would recommend
  13. I mean I think it's a great relief that some movies managed to do fairly well at theaters in the middle of a pandemic while also being available on streaming. If that doesn't show you that people WANT to go the movies then idk what does
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