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Posts posted by Ariadne

  1. They have tried, but remember, it's a variable. Getting a gauge on anticipation and buzz is hard enough. Trying to gauge what % of the audience will see it in 3D vs 2D is even more difficult, especially when you considers that factors are sometimes outside even the audience's direct control here (ie 2D sellouts, # of 3D screens, etc.)

    Very good point - 3D share can vary widely between films. Have we heard yet what the 3D share is for The Avengers?
  2. Yes, but WOM will not have such a drastic effect on performance on the OW alone, it takes time for it to kick in. Nor is the volume of business is large enough for a massive spillover effect. Remember, the nominal figure is high, but in terms of tickets sold, the Friday without midnights is still below IM2 with that 70M figure.

    I find that shocking - surely that means the number is going to go up - all theatre reports point to much bigger attendance than IM2!
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