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Posts posted by acab

  1. The movie industry is in trouble. It's obvious that people don't go to the movies much nowdays.We can blame the product availiable as much as we want but i don't think that this is the real problem. I can see that all films (exept MI4) are underperforming. That just isn't natural. Most of them are good movies. It doesn't matter if we like all of them and in what degree. Those are well made and solid films more or less. From Sherlock to Dragon Tattooo to Tintin and The Muppets and Arthur Christmas and Hugo before them. So it can't be the quality. Even Alvin which is a really lovable francise to its audience is doing mediocre numbers.As far as Saturday drops, they are perfectly normal considering it was Christmas eve. Nothing to prove actually for any movie. From today on i hope and feel that business will pick up. Especially for MI4, Holmes and Dragon Tattoo.

  2. #MI4 #1 again on THU w/ $6.4M upping dom total to $32.4M while overseas gross smashed $100M.

    From BoxOfficeGuru.

    So it's official. It's having a great run so far.

    Saw it last night. It was a great action film and a true rollercoaster at times but the story was really weak and cliche. Still realy enoyable.

  3. My opinion could change after a full trailer but so far things look good and pretty normal for a Pixar movie. It will probably be really good and will have some strong legs. Cars 2 reception (i personaly found it solid and better than the first but i'm in the minority) could hurt it a bit in its opening but legs will carry it from there. I believe that there is a fatigue of animated films so huge numbers are kinda hard to reach.

    210m DOM

    390m OS

    600m Total

  4. From boxoffice.com Facebook page

    Official Friday estimate: $4.9 million for 'Tower Heist'

    Good hold. It can reach around 80-85m.

    Great for Immortals. A big surprise for me although trailers and marketing were pretty good in the last couple of weeks.

    Another great hold for Puss in Boots.

    Jack and Jill did some decent business. Things could have been really bad but seems that Sandler can make the stupidest movie ever and people will still show up (even in smaller numbers than usual).

    J. Edgar has a good opening but the lukewarm reviews will hurt it. An Oscar nom for Di Caprio could help it in the long run.

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