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Posts posted by acab

  1. Just watched Knock Knock...... It was more a porn movie than a horror, tbh :ph34r:

    I'm so disappointed, I expect everything from Eli Roth, except a boring movie, where the hell are the violence?? The tortures?? It was such a 'clean' movie, and also super stupid

    I mean, the girls spent the whole movie trying to make "justice" but in the end, they left him like a victim, I mean, the recorded video was showing him making forced sex, and they didn't record him making sex by own choice, so, he could say that he was a just a victim of psychos and call the police to find the girls........

    Such a stupid movie

    The girl with black hair is pretty much hot, though :ph34r:

    Well at least the movie had one of the most hilariously bad lead performances ever. Keanu Reeves had to act as so-over-the-top-funny intentionaly.

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  2. Trust me, the trailer shows you nothing.

    You are right. I saw it a couple of weeks ago. Easily one of the best films of the year. Tense, suspenseful, beautifully shot, with three excellent performances. And with a lot of things to say about drug trafficing. Things that many people don't want to hear and movies usually don't want to show.

    I completely agree with your review.

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