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Everything posted by filmlover

  1. Ew then that would mean the random crap that usually fills the wasteland that is January (see: I Frankenstein, for example) has a shot at a nomination. That'll never happen.
  2. Showgirls and Black Swan *evil grin*
  3. Too many movies. It was one thing when they were churning out two a year (and in most of those years, particularly the Aardman years, the two movies were different enough to prevent oversaturation), but now they are just releasing three a year and the movies are all sort of starting to blend together which makes their efforts seem less special.
  4. I saw this in theaters the weekend it came out and enjoyed it well enough. Preposterous as hell obviously, but Scarlett was really badass.
  5. You do know that Top Five is opening in less than a thousand theaters, right? That would be a $22K PTA. Not happening.
  6. Consider me surprised, I liked this quite a bit better than I thought I would heading in. It's sentimental, to be sure, but I found myself highly won over by the characters and how the story unfolded. The best thing about the film is definitely Eddie Redmayne, who gives a phenomenal performance as Stephen Hawking. It's a very physical performance that echoes Daniel Day-Lewis in My Left Foot; Redmayne could've easily let his spot-on resemblance to the man do the work, but he fills the part with spirit and emotion. His excellent work is complimented by a lovely performance from Felicity Jones, who imbues Jane (who gets as much screentime, perhaps not a surprise considering the film was based on her memoir) with determination and care. Like most biopics, it runs into the trap in which it has to cram so many key moments (while skipping over a couple) within a two hour time constraint. But with such a stellar lead performance, the movie will be difficult to forget. B+
  7. Bumped back again, this time to September 4. This movie really isn't going to be any good at all, is it? It's been so long since there was a film production this troubled.
  8. The only things I can remember from this movie are the awesome fight scene between Brad Pitt and Eric Bana (who easily gave the best performance in the cast), the excellent visuals, and the annoying amount of publicity over Pitt's (who was gloriously miscast in this) ass shots when it came out.
  9. You came to all of those conclusions based on a Monday # the weekend after Thanksgiving? LOL I can't with you. LMFAO what is this? This is a budget theater, right? An overwhelming number of those movies are looonnnnggg gone.
  10. Oh, this awards season is gonna be fun just to see how desperate he'll become for glory. Like he'll find a way to get Keira Knightley pregnant or something.
  11. Take the Cinemascore for The Imitation Game with a grain of salt people. The theaters polled were...the only four in the country its playing at (and in the cities where it would do the best).
  12. I still laugh my ass off four years later over the revelation during that particular awards season that one of the sets in The King's Speech was previously used for a gay porno.
  13. Pointing more towards the 71 on Metacritic. The King's Speech (88) level of acclaim this isn't.
  14. Thoughts: Mockingjay is what it is at this point. Yes, it's gonna finish with substantially less than the first two. No, there's nothing we can about it. Tepid start for Penguins of Madagascar, while a terrible opening for Horrible Bosses 2, which will likely miss $50M at this point. Strong hold for Big Hero 6, unsurprisingly. Good to see Interstellar increased a tiny bit. Gone Girl is still holding superbly. Dumb and Dumber To is fading fast. Excellent expansion for The Theory of Everything. Focus has done a great job of turning it into a film with crossover appeal. Foxcatcher is still doing solid numbers. And incredible start for The Imitation Game. It'll be interesting to see how it expands from here and if Harvey can turn it into an awards success despite a muted critical reception.
  15. This upcoming weekend is so exciting! Post-Thanksgiving blues for everyone! They should've opened Top Five here instead of the following week. Or moved The Interview up to this week instead of the crowded Christmas frame.
  16. The Imitation Game is the winner of Thanksgiving. Only The Grand Budapest Hotel has had a higher opening PTA this year.
  17. This. While everything indicates it wasn't going to be a big hit (the first was well-received, but it was a one-and-done) Releasing an R-rated dark comedy with a mean-spirited premise on Thanksgiving weekend was a really dumb idea. There's a reason R-rated comedies stay away from this weekend. You have to go back 16 years to find one released on Thanksgiving weekend that didn't have a seasonal theme (the Christian Slater/Cameron Diaz-starring, Peter Berg-directed bomb Very Bad things).
  18. I watched about 15 minutes of the pilot. Awful. Better luck trying to win back everyone you have turned off next time, Katherine Heigl.
  19. Horrible Bosses 2 is going to finish with about half of what the first did. Awful.
  20. It's only when we get close to release when the picture becomes clear as to which direction a movie is headed in. Every other prediction before then is the equivalent of throwing darts.
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