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Everything posted by RaidensSword

  1. It depends how they modernise the story. I believe the original story was that Shang Chi was half white American, do you think they are only going to cast half Chinese, half White American actors lol. They may modernise it without any reference to a specific country. Most of the news stories focus on first Asian superhero, not first Chinese. As for martial arts ability, that's movie magic after all. He could be trained and guided on set. The amount of actors used in fights in the MCU that don't have a fighting background shows it hasn't stopped them before.
  2. Unfortunately, the movie came a bit too late for him but we can't really say it's a waste until we know more about the role. (and if he gets it). Wonder who they will go with for the main role. I'm thinking Henry Golding.
  3. I agree with you to an extent. Unfortunately Cameron's name overshadows him but Rodriguez deserves more credit for bring Cameron's project to life. He did an excellent job as a director.
  4. Does The Rock have any involvement in this, even as a cameo? If not, I hope they involve him somehow during the marketing. His social media presence alone would bring a lot of eyes to this movie.
  5. Curious what fans of the Terminator series or Camerone would quantify as a success for this movie? Is getting good reviews and restoring credibility to the name enough? Or does it need to be a box office smash and kick off a new series? For me I'd just like to see a respectable movie more in line with 1 and 2, as well as a suitable send off for Arnold. I don't really need a new trilogy.
  6. I also think it's fantastic, however I think the importance of direct WOM heavily depends on the type of demographic and how influenced they are by what they read online. For some audiences a bad score online and negative reviews may totally kill the movie's chances, whereas another movie may be able to ride that out if it's target demographic aren't really concerned with that or are not even aware of it.
  7. Great news for More Than Blue , also Green Book already surprised me with it's success. Solid performance. Without going into spoilers, it wouldn't be the first or last movie where innocent bystanders are hurt in the name of love. I'm not denying that it had a good marketing strategy, however if the film didn't live up to that hype then it wouldn't have built up momentum over time, requiring more and more screens, since the first release day. It wouldn't increase from Saturday to Sunday and still be going strongly if the majority of people were walking out disappointed. I think possibly your hate for the movie is clouding your judgement lol. This isn't the type of movie where people watch again and again, it's not even a movie people will say is their favourite because of how sad it is . But it serves a purpose and does it's job well for those that want a tearjerker (which is what it was marketed as). I mean the tagline is basically 'Bring a box of tissues for your tears' lol. Actually, yes! I know how CM was talked about in the West but in Asia it was just another Marvel movie for the general movie audience. I didn't see much of a push to attract the female audience in Asia. Whereas More Than Blue is clearly a love story targeted at women and couples. Plus, CM is still action/sci fi focused compared to More Than Blue's slow paced drama which is another way to set it apart.
  8. You agreed the reaction is bipolar, so if lots of people love it as passionately as you hating it, there would be a lot of positive word of mouth too. I've seen it too and found it incredibly touching, as did many of the audience who were using lots of tissues to dry their tears It's not a fair assessment to say the people watching it are because they were mobilised by KOLs. As has been said previously, it did well in other markets before the China release, good WOM travelled from there too. I believe it can stand on it's own feet as a movie which came out at the right time, attracted a neglected audience and was well received by a large enough proportion of them.
  9. Yeah, thankfully the early success was rewarded with a suitable amount of showtimes. It would have been a shame to see it hamstrung by that. Also regarding More Than Blue, while the discussion here is primarily focused on how foreign movies are doing in China, there is still a domestic audience that wants to go and watch good quality Mandarin language movies. It's just a running joke about whether there are any good ones to go and watch! More importantly, you have the female audience (and any other fans of this genre) which isn't being catered to by any other movie in the top 10 right now. Also, let's not forget that Ivy Chen is a credible actress in her own right AND popular with the target demographic, which gets the film some attention off the bat. Throw in excellent word of mouth on social media and it's really a recipe for success. Not even too surprising IMO.
  10. Yeah, it's nice to see, especially considering the late release compared to other Asian markets. Feedback on social media has been good too (apart from making people cry lol). It would help if it got given more prime time showings, a lot of those are still being taken up by CM and GB.
  11. Hi all, I've seen some comments online that Venom was censored in China but I can't find any mention of this in the box office reports or news since it's release in China. Can anyone clarify what scenes, if any , didn't make it into the Chinese cut of the film, compared to the U.S version? Thanks!
  12. Any chance of a release date for 'Creed'? Stallone has made a nice chunk of change there relatively recently from Expendables series amd even Escape Plan.
  13. I would really like them to cast a macho actor as the lead in this instead of someone like brody. I know he brang a different style to someone like arnold but I dig the whole man vs beast vibe from the original and I think that looks best on screen with a tough muscular looking guy at the heart of it.
  14. The figures say boxing can still be relevant with the right fights. So the right boxing movie can still attract audiences too. Look at The Fighter, or the positive response to the Creed trailer.
  15. I still don't get where this confidence that China is going to just embrace terminator and make it a huge hit comes from. Escape Plan and EX3 and Sabotage are the only examples we have to go on of Arnolds drawing power there since his come back and none of them set the box office alight.
  16. In the voice over for the trailer Adonis starts off the famous quote with "A great fighter once said...", it could just be my interpretation but it sounds like he's talking about that fighter in a past tense. Ahhh, I don't think I could handle it if something happened to Rocky.
  17. Some people just can't handle change. I think the Creed story and casting a young star like Jordan is a great way to revitalise the series. Still, like you said about those reported sample size reactions to Genisys, it doesn't always reflect the wider audiences feelings.
  18. Its really been a lucrative franchise when you look at those numbers and spanned such a huge time frame as well. I wonder if the 2nd trailer will show it more from Rocky's perspective to make sure it's drawing in that audience who love the character. I saw pics of them re creating the chicken chasing scene and that would be a nice little throwback scene to show some of in a different trailer.
  19. Great trailer! I don't care whether this movie is a success or failure, although I'm hoping for at least Balboa numbers. I'm just so excited to watch this and see Jordan take center stage alongside Stallone. I love when young stars team up with established older ones. If the vibe is anything like the trailer suggests, it's going to be one of those movies I can watch again and again. One gripe, I do like how they made it clear the focus is on Jordan's character but I wish they'd have edited Rocky's scenes into the trailer a little better, it came across more like he's just a cameo than the co lead. And was that Avon Barksdale I spotted at the beginning too?
  20. The whole soundtrack with the different artists songs looks very good too. Might be the first soundtrack album I've bought in a few years.
  21. That's a fine view, I was just offering my take on it. I dont expect Pratt to take on the role and then try to re work the script, more like work together with the producers to see if they can come to a mutually acceptable point where they are both happy with the direction the movie is headed and then put it into high gear. Pre megastar Tom Cruise wasn't happy with the Top Gun script but liked the overall premise and spent a long time working with the team behind it to improve it to his satisfaction, so I'd expect Pratt could have done the same if he really wanted to get behind the project.
  22. If it was the script he could have worked with them to make it go in the direction he wanted or suit his style/strengths more. Maybe he just wasn't interested in the premise in general or is holding out for the indiana reboot which would probably be pretty similar.
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