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Everything posted by DAJK

  1. I just hope Maze Runner gets its sequel :(I heard Tombstones has franchise potential as well, but I haven't seen it yet. I hope we don't lose two potential franchises in one weekend
  2. I know about 25 people going to the Maze Runner tonight, so we can add $250 to the box office...
  3. I was kinda hoping for closer to 2M for Maze Runner but ill still wait for Fridays numbers before becoming sceptical/worried.
  4. So what do people here expect the Maze Runner's Thursday night numbers to be? I think it will beat all the reported daily's for Thursday, I think it could best 2M so I'd say 2.2-2.5M (I will be contributing to that number ).
  5. So is this going to be one of those 150M+ epics, or are they trying something smaller scale here???
  6. ayyyy love that Pacific Rim trailer quote...Imma bit lower, 215M. The competition right now is big (no matter how you look at Sinister Six, its still a big player) also HP spin off.I'm actually watching Jackson's Kong at the moment, but I've been going at it in chunks, cause that runtime...
  7. What will be the biggest month of 2015? I'd put my money on July or December... even November!
  8. Could do better business in late February... but then again, is it really going to do much business at all?Ahhh, I don't mind sitting in an empty theatre...
  9. So PA5 isn't happening in 2016 anymore...?Well this is good news for me. I wanted to see Scouts vs Zombies, Cinderella and Heart of the Sea all in the same weekend, and now that Scouts is pushed ahead, I only have to find time to see 2 movies that weekend cause I have zero interest in PA5
  10. I'm still confused about whether or not Kong is part of the Godzilla universe of the Universal Monsters...
  11. I think Interstellars final is being over-predicted, and BH6 is being under predicted.79/30559/212
  12. July 2016 does have a lot of movies coming out, the question is how many will movie and how many of them will actually be big.Still, the demand for this will be there. But remember demand for Dragon 2 "was" there? The 9 year gap could hurt this as well as help. So I'm going lower with 75/215 just as an early prediction based solely on the fact that its happening and release date.Overseas, it will jump, but not huge. We will have to wait for a next one after this (if it happens) for that big jump. Still, 325-350OS is doable.
  13. So is this taking the 2016 spot and the Renner one pushed back to like 2017?
  14. Spider-Man 10000/10 still my all time favourite comic book movie Spider-Man 2 9.5/10 The Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2 8/10 Spider-Man 3 7/10
  15. Think so. Already looking up info online etc. unless I end up backing out last minute I will, cause im already planning on it. You?
  16. Could Dolphin Tale 2 end up out-grossing No Good Deed by the end of their runs?
  17. look forward to Edge of Tomorrow cause its worth it! and Maleficent visually IS stunning at times
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