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Everything posted by DAJK

  1. Late September will be really interesting. October is becoming an interesting month. Last year we had the wild-card Gravity. This year we have potential break-outs with Gone Girl, and Fury (although probably not to the extent of Gravity). Still, October can be the wild-card month.
  2. I thought this was going to be the next Matrix after watching the first trailer...
  3. Yes, it was a risky budget. But watching the film, the 100M budget was justified by the big effects and set pieces.
  4. 470M The biggest increase will come with part 2, which I think could pull 560-580. Still, this franchise has a lot of room to grow OS. A slight increase is in play, but not a giant one like from #1 to #2 Are there overseas release dates set? A China date?
  5. I get really angry when the only 2D showing for a movie I want to see is at like 3:15. No! I want to see a movie, at 7:30, in 2D! Gotta say though that yea, there are some times where I really did like the 3D (Avatar, Gravity, Guardians, even Amazing Spider-Man 2)
  6. so that means it's going to make 10 TIMES it's budget!!! That doesn't happen often, unless you're a low-budget horror movie or Despicable Me 2!
  7. So um... this didn't flop, did it? I mean, it hasn't passed 200WW yet, but it's still got a ways to go...
  8. Who would have thought back in July we'd be saying that?!
  9. Mrs. Doubtfire, Elf, and 21 Jump Street. There are a lot of other comedy hybrids like Ghostbusters and Back to the Future that I'll mention. Home Alone just misses out on top 3, its number 4
  10. Tarzan is by far my favourite film of 1999! It's my favourite animated movie ever, and it's in my top 10 films of all time! I don't know why, it's just a really special movie to me. I hadn't seen it in a while, but since a watched it again a few months ago (and again and again) 4 times in 3 days, I decided it is the best from that year, and in animation ahead of the Lion King!
  11. Top 5: 1. E.T 2. Raiders 3. Jurassic Park 4. Jaws 5. Saving Private Ryan runner up: Minority Report
  12. Social Network is his best film IMO! Haven't seen Seven or Fight Club, so maybe my opinion isn't as valid but still... such an amazing movie!
  13. Titanic and Men in Black Air Force One is on my list on Netflix and I haven't yet seen Good Will Hunting...
  14. Well now that that giant bore of a weekend is over, we can look forward to a slightly less boring weekend!!
  15. DOFP was my favourite out of the two, but Winter Soldier was the bigger surprise!
  16. So much in store. The trailers are teasing it so well, I think a lot of people will be surprised. I also do think that the Sept 19 weekend will be the end to these dog days
  17. That's something I didn't even think about until yesterday, then I was looking at the top movies of 2014 and I was like "woah. Ninja Turtles will gross more than HTTYD2!" Imagine if someone posted that in April!
  18. I wish I could sleep through the Dog Days of early September...
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